Circle UP

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

Show Up.
Return to the Wild.

Transform the World.

Kelly hosts monthly circles dedicated to individual soul work and seasonal circles dedicated to community & ceremony.

Gather ’round our virtual (& sometimes live) bonfire if you dare, brave one.

Monthly & Seasonal Circles

Through Monthly & Seasonal Live Circles, our soulful community gathers together to learn new life strategies, heal ancestral and personal wounds, celebrate our wild natures and connect with our Ancestors, Orishas, Angels and Animal Spirit Guides. Every month, season & cycle of the Wheel of the Year, there will be tools, classes + workshops to explore.
Scroll down for more details!


The Power Circle began in 1999 and has been dedicated to Circling-UP on a Monthly basis with the Community for Special Alignments, Rare Cycles & Current Seasons. It is your opportunity to *Receive* Guidance & Support for navigating the Current Energies & Cycles.
NEXT Power Circle:
FEB  2025  ::  New Venus Cycle 2025-26
THUR/Feb  20th @8pm (eastern)

Register HERE


The Venus Circle began in 2007 and has been dedicated to checking-in with our own values & priorities, on a regular basis. We explore the value of the Sign & Chakra of the month, along with potent Guidance & Divinations.
NEXT Venus Circle:
FEB 2025 :: PISCES :: ROOT/ Reclaim
THUR/Jan 23rd @8pm (eastern)
FEB 20th :: OPEN House for ARIES NEW Cycle

Drop-In HERESubscribe HERE


Venus Reading, Custom Guide & Monthly Circle is good for anyone who …

Wants to better understand their own personal patterns around Love, Money + Magnetics.
Likes doing the Self-Work and also likes the support of a Community with common goals.
Is looking for a NEW Power, Creativity or Feminine Mojo & feels ‘in between’ on these matters.
Is truly ready to consciously get their Outer Priorities realigned to match their Inner Values.
Wants to consciously co-create with the current upgrade of their Relationships and Resources.
Has strong or several CARDINAL Signs: Aries/Libra and Cancer/Capricorn
♦ Details HERE
♦ Order HERE
♦ NEW ARIES Article – HERE

Order HERE ($200)

Our Circles are for you if . . . 

☆ – You want to track cycles & break patterns for the lineage, your Ancestors: DNA, Affinity & the Long Line

☆ – You need a better container for your Soul Work, so there is less pile-up at the end of the year 

☆ – You want to have reminders about current cycles & available energetic support

☆ – You need a vibrant kinship & sanctuary with other people weaving the mystical with the mundane 

☆ – You want to practice, skill-share & co-create magic-making recipes with others

What women are saying . . .

Dear Kelly: Wow Wow Wow!!!! I have been going back and forth on each recording. Thank you so much for the incredibly accurate and inspiring reading! I eagerly look forward to our chat to delve deeper into your insights. I truly loved the cycles explanation…so much offered!

Aida Lee

Thank you sooo much, Mrs. Kelly! I am just sitting in awe because I totally feel some of those activations and/or shifts happening and seeing that it’s all a part of the bigger design just makes me feel more sure of where I have been and am headed. I am so thankful to you for breaking this down for me, and I will work on meditating specifically on each topic to see where I can improve personally. You have been such a strong force in my ascension, and I am honored to also be under your magnificent wings of guidance. I know that our futures hold some big work together and I can’t waittt!

Kyesha T

I listen to Kelly’s Weekly Forecasts. I am so drawn in by her voice, personality, humor and knowledge. I’ve always been fascinated by Astrology but it seemed so overwhelming to learn. When I heard about the upcoming Astrology 101 class and the fact that I would learn off my own chart and workbook I was all in! Kelly’s vast knowledge, the ease in which she teaches, along with her humor and Kellyisms made it easier to understand. Kelly takes the extra time needed to make sure you get what you need. I love it when she “gets real”. This class not only got me started on my astrology path, I also learned about myself. It also opened up other avenues to me as well. It was definitely life changing and I am so grateful.

Rena Valenty

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