
Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

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YeYe Luisah Teish

Teacher, Dancer, StoryTeller, High Priestess & Author

Didan/Andrea Jones

Founder of Total Body Enhancement Herbs

Iya Sobande Greer

Speaker, Herbalist, Teacher, Consultant, Author & Spiritual Life Coach

Tonya Melendez

The Black Psychic Librarian and Intuitive Executive Coach

Cinnamon Rose

Priestess, Healer & Mentor

Marion Kelly

Wellness + Energy Coach

Nasa Bawa

Ancestor Medium and Energy Practitioner

Pixie Lighthorse

Teacher, Writer, Earth Medicine Practitioner

Carmen Harris

Embodied Liberation Practitioner, Reiki Instructor, Bodyworker, Writer + Educator

Cathy Pagano

Jungian Therapist, Author, & Evolutionary Activist

Teresa Reese

Intuitive Sacred Storyteller and Theta Healing Practitioner

Lana Moon

Founder of Energy & Arts Center in Atlanta

Leilah Nancy Ward

Intuitive Empath, Founder of Integral Soul

Adi Shakti

Serial Entrepreneur, Philosopher & Founder of SoulWork™

SunJay (Sarah-Jane McLaren Owen)

Artist, Celebrated Teacher & Shamanic Healer

Catherine Beerda-Basso

Earth Medicine Practitioner, Spiritual Activist, Writer/Author & Photographer

Pamela Eakins

Author, Sociologist & Visionary Cosmologist

Shanta Gabriel

Energy Healer, Author, Angelic Channeler

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