July 21 – 27, 2024 :: Forecast :: Resources

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

July 21 – 27, 2024 :: Forecast :: Resources

Kelly’s Weekly Forecast

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7/21  ::  CAPRICORN Full Moon (#2 of 2 = Lunar Flip)
Generally, a Capricorn Full Moon is an Annual opportunity to release that which you no longer want to be part of your reality or your responsibility. But this is the second Capricorn Full Moon in a month, facilitating what I call “The Lunar Flip”. For the next 18-months, the New Moon will precede the Full Moon, asking us to cultivate our visions, plant our seeds and walk by faith. This means, that often, we will get to the Full Moon, which will light up something we missed and that needs to be addressed in order for the New Moon intentions to initiate properly.

In this case, it is also likely that 0-1* Capricorn is clearing things in one particular House (Area of Life) and 29* will fall in the next House. This tells us that we must double-down on clearing things in those two Houses so that the Initiation in the Cancer House can unfold properly. This is especially potent & transformative for anyone with strong Aries/Libra or Cancer/Capricorn.

It is a good idea to look to what you Initiated at Winter Solstice, 6-months ago. We are at the MidPoint in the year, which is the best *Course-Correcting* Time of the year. If things are going the way you want them to, then deepen your dedication. If things are not going the way you want them to, then it is time to shift or change something so that you can get back on track. What foundation-work needs to be done to support you better going forward? This is often the time of year when you determine what is truly feeding, nourishing, supporting & protecting you ~ on ALL levels ~ mental, physical, emotional & spiritual. Here, we are reminded that often, internal shifts precede external shifts. I would also like to remind you to take some time during July/Aug this year to assess & integrate your own personal growth, development & direction for the year. Use this time to release ideas, people or situations which drain your lifeforce energy and/or dim your light. During Cancer Time, you are reminded to check-in with your own natural rhythm and assess where you may have gotten off that rhythm and must re-set yourself this Summer so that you can actually handle the upcoming Fall Harvest. How can you renew your dedication to a routine that nourishes, inspires & energizes you? How can you put your ideas & skills to good use in the world? Where are your gifts & talents needed, valued & honored? What nourishes your body, awakens your mind and feeds your soul? Check-in with your SoulSelf this Summer – many of these very fundamental, basic things in our lives have changed and so have we!

38-min AUDIO Podcast HERE

7/21 :: Venus (relationships & finances) ~sextile~ Jupiter (expansion & optimism):
This energy amplifies your connections, whether personal or professional, enabling you to elevate the vibration & potential of those relationships to their own natural next level. In personal interactions, the atmosphere is sociable, light & fun. In professional or public settings, interactions flow more smoothly as people are relaxed, open-minded & enthusiastic about exchanging ideas. This energy sparks our inherent optimism and a positive mindset, making it an opportune time to broaden your knowledge base and sharpen your skillset in a way that enhances your value to the team. You will carry the frequency of success & abundance. It is a good time to cultivate a strong connection to your instincts and be more confident in your interactions with others. Cultivate community & connection and watch the expansion of your joy and a major increase of your magnetism under this influence. These are the two “benefactors” getting together to create an “opportunity” of some kind – don’t miss out!

7/21 :: Mercury (lower mind & ideas) ~square~ Uranus (Higher Mind & awakening):
(1 of 3: 7/21 :: 8/18 :: 9/6)
This energy presents a challenge by urging you to broaden your consciousness, prompting a shift in your thinking or thought patterns and encouraging new & different responses to information, as it is presented. Uranus triggers sudden realizations, personal revelations, and revolutionary concepts, ideal for adventurous souls who tend to thrive on change & innovation. However, if you are deeply attached to routines and the predictability of plans, this energy might cause frustration, taxing your nervous system as things appear sudden (even though they have more likely been simmering beneath the surface for some time now). Flexibility & openness become crucial, requiring an adjustment to accommodate the heightened mental activity and information influx—although controlling it entirely might prove challenging. Consider recalibrating your personal filters by spending time in Nature, allowing yourself to process thoughts at your own pace and clear your mind. This period fosters immense inspiration, innovation and creativity, encouraging you to tap into these energies. Yet, be mindful that anything initiated now may need a review later, prompting a meticulous examination of the details of any revelations or creations that you access at this time. You are merely scratching the surface—this phase emphasizes revelation and awakening, eventually leading to the practical logistics and effective actions required to materialize your ideas, dreams & visions.

79-min AUDIO Podcast HERE

7/21  ::  Sun (authentic Self) ~trine~ Neptune (intuition):
This energy triggers your idealistic, altruistic inclinations, but remember that help has to be invited. But if you have the energy to share & to spare, then dedicate your Self to something greater than you. Choose a cause to support or help those less fortunate for the sheer pleasure of giving. If your energy is low at this time, it is better directed inward. If you can, take some extra time in Intentional Solitude, praying, meditating and connecting to Spirit this week, you will be rewarded with deep revelations & mystical discoveries within you. It’s a great time to do divinations, ritual or ceremony if you’re into that. Your intuition is heightened also, so pay attention to any ‘messages’ that come through or to you. Try to use this energy to reflect on where you are and dream a little about where you want to be, mentally, spiritually and physically in 6-months-to-a-year from now.

7/21  ::  Mars (energy) ~trine~ Pluto (transformation):
This is an active, transformative energy that will help you to change your life in a healthy, positive way. You may have the energy & inclination to make major personal (and permanent) changes to who you are and what you want on a deep Soul level. Because it’s a Trine, it promises more ease than is usually associated with Pluto, and in this case, makes transformation smoother. You may be especially focused on what needs to be done or changed in your life at this time. You will want to take action and the Universe supports that decision, as long as it is righteous and not totally self-serving. This is a good time to get moving, take action regarding your long-term goals – and you will be able to create some momentum. You may realize some of your recent actions or choices do not necessarily support your deepest drives or desires. As you get in alignment within & without, the results can be miraculous, so be creative ~ be brave!

7/23  ::  Sun (source & essential Self) ~oppose~ Pluto (purification & transformation):
This energy can/will create very intense encounters with others, possibly revealing things about you which you may not have been aware of, misunderstood or have chosen to ignore thus far. This energy provokes power struggles and/or challenges with authority figures where you may have to stand up for yourself. It can also may make you more aggressive, intense or over-bearing than usual, creating or attracting these kinds of situations. If there are any problems within a relationship (personal or professional), this energy will force things out into the open. It will be much easier on you, if you can open a dialogue with the express purpose of clearing the air and proceeding to a new level in your own relationships, by choice. Any aspect of your life that you have been “just getting by” will now DEMAND attention; you won’t be able to do anything less than a complete overhaul or replacement (this can be ANY Area of Life but your Aquarius House in particular during years 2024-2044 due to Pluto’s extended stay). Let’s put it this way, any time Pluto is involved, there is usually complete destruction of the current (x-y-z) to make room for the new and improved. This will be by the Universe’s definition, but you do get a vote, you can consciously choose too. Ultimately, this is a good, growth & development type of energy/activation, pushing you to the next level … ready or not, here you come so use the energies available to strengthen, fortify & prepare for your own personal transformation. Also consider your drives & direction about 6-months ago, and where you want to end up 6-months from now. This is an integration and the best course-correcting time, that means a time when the depths of your Soul Self can commune & bond with your surface, personality, conscious Self. Like the conjunction (1.20.2024) about 6-months ago, this is about how you direct your personal power on your own behalf, and often, breakdowns precede the breakthroughs.

7/25  ::  Sun (confidence) ~sextile~ Mars (action):
This is an excellent time for action! You may have some good, positive energy brewing that, if it does not find an outlet, could turn negative or destructive. So DO something – get moving – take action! Work on accomplishing some long sought-after goals, physical, spiritual, emotional, mental or material. The Universe supports action at this time. Call in help from other like-minded souls – reach out – share this energy and see where it leads. During this kind of energy, you could secure a stronger position and if you have to fight for something, you will do so more effectively with this energetic support behind you.

7/25  ::  Mercury Enters VIRGO (until Aug 14th):
Mercury is entering Virgo, where it will linger, in order to help us to truly process & integrate whatever came into our conscious awareness over the last 3-6-9 weeks. It’s time for discernment & discrimination – you will have to choose or decide which ideas are worth investing more energy, time & resources going forward. It is time to get organized and create space to anchor these new ideas and integrate them into the new rhythm that is emerging.

This is also an opportunity to do some personal healing of the Mental Body. We have been cracked open to all new consciousness in recent years (and there is more to come) so it is a good idea to use this time to pause, reflect & recalibrate your Mental Input & Output. Consider how much you taking in, processing and putting to good use and how much are you cultivating your own unique ideas and sharing them with others. It is time upgrade your personal systems and do your processing & integration of all that you’ve learned in the last year so that it becomes embodied wisdom. This is also preparation for the upcoming Retrograde (8/4) and most relevant for those with strong Virgo/Pisces or Gemini/Sag activated in your chart.
DATES to Remember:
Mercury Enters LEO  ::  7.2.2024
Mercury Enters VIRGO  ::  7.25.2024
Mercury Retro 4* VIRGO  ::  8.4.2024
Mercury Rx RE-Enters LEO  ::  8.14.2024
Mercury Direct 21* LEO  ::  8.28.2024
Mercury Direct RE-Enters VIRGO  ::  9.9.2024
Mercury Enters LIBRA  ::  9.26.2024

7/26  ::  Chiron Retro in ARIES (until Dec 29th):
Chiron takes 50-years to make it through all 12-Signs. So on one hand, the social/collective is supported for this individual re-set in Aries where we all learn how to heal & educate ourselves because the structures are crumbling. Also, Chiron in Aries brings a Return to all those born 1968-1977 which means you are being Initiated during the years 2018-2027 and we’re well past the half-way mark of this intense process of healing, education & transformation that is available in everyone’s Aries House. That also means that it is stimulating your Libra/Cancer & Capricorn Depts as well, so be mindful, compassionate & patient with your Self and everyone else. During Chiron Retrograde every year, we get an opportunity to check-in with ourselves and see what hurts or is tender and slowing us down. This Cancer/Capricorn Lunation supports us to break old, ancient patterns once and for all. So take solace in any healing or soul work that you are able to do, with full confidence that it is rippling out to affect the collective in a positive, healing & uplifting way.

We can all consciously honor the healing, education & personal transformation that Chiron facilitates. While Chiron is in Aries (2018-2027), we are opening up to the new directive of self-healing, self-assembling & self-mastery going forward. Chiron is best known as the Wounded Healer, the aspect of Self that came in with a wound to address this lifetime and in your chart, it represents your *Healing & Educational Path* – it is all that you learn on the journey to wholeness & integration and the healing & education that results from that journey. This 5-month period is going to reveal where you’re at in your own process. This time is deeply supported for a personal inventory or inner review. You have to be willing to face the fears & hurts, accept the losses & defeats, and then get up, dust yourself off & try again. Chiron can help guide this process. It’s time to be brave & pioneering (clearly, the old ways no longer work), it’s time to follow our instincts (although first we may have to connect to them properly), it’s time to face challenges head-on, and remember that though we have to do for Self (be self-sufficient and self-contained), we do not have to do it alone. So this time is really going to support the evolution of the individual within the context of the community or their relationships. It is all connected, if one evolves (Self), the other (Relationship) has to evolve too (or dissolve & go away).

43-min Audio Podcast HERE

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