Month: September 2020

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

Sept 27 – Oct 3, 2020 ~ Forecast

9/28 ~ Venus (feminine & receiving) ~trine~ Mars (masculine & giving):
Venus rules your values & priorities where relationships with love & money are concerned. It is the Sacred Feminine within that innately knows how to co-create with nature, as well as what to cultivate & nurture to full development. Mars rules your desire nature and your Inner Sacred Masculine, which is responsible for getting your ideas into the world, maintaining your personal boundaries and negotiating on your own behalf.

Sept 20 – 26, 2020 ~ Forecast + Equinox

9/21 ~ Mercury (ideas, thoughts & concepts) ~square~ Pluto (rebirth & transformation):
This energy is a tough, yet powerful one. Its Highest expression would be to focus on your own inner deep-dig, discovery of consciousness & development of soul. It enables you to look beneath the surface to some core drives and gain some valuable insights and thus, choose a plan of action based on your findings.

Sept 13 – 19, 2020 ~ Forecast

9/14 ~ Sun (core essential Self) ~trine~ Pluto (purification & transformation):
This energy makes you want to get things done, by any means necessary and you may tend to come on a little strong – but it’s all good. The work you want to do, is work that needs to be done and in doing it and facing things head-on, you will gain insights about your Self that fortify your foundation so that your life can evolve to the next level organically. This intense and powerful energy is transformative in nature and will provoke you to think more deeply about your own life; what you need, desire and deserve. You may find that some aspects of your life need to be reformed or released – go for it – this energy makes reform and release easier than usual.

Sept 6 – 12, 2020 ~ Forecast + Bonus

9/9 ~ Mars Retro in ARIES:
When Mars Retrogrades, it is the time to do the Inner Self-Work – to redefine what you really want and how you express the power & passion of Mars – which is how you go about getting what you want in life. It spends June 2020 – Jan 2021 in ARIES so you may feel the Retrograde in that whatever direction you were heading in (over the last 2 years) may now be slowed or even reversed (temporarily at least). Things that were easy may seem challenging and things that used to be challenging may now become easier or simplified. Remember, all delays & detours are not necessarily “bad”.

Mars Retrograde ARIES 2020

Mars Retrograde is a special occasion and can be full of surprises. The last time it happened was in 2018, when it crossed between Capricorn & Aquarius (Earth & Air) during March–Nov 2018. The last time it retrograded in Aries was July 1988-Jan 1989. Mars Retro is rewiring your desire nature and inner sacred masculine ~ in the Area of Life (House). Whether male or female, we all have to hold good boundaries, negotiate on our own behalf and get our ideas out into the world. You can consciously co-create with this personal planet every two years when it gets a potent upgrade.

VIRGO ~ Energy of the Month

Virgo gives everyone a chance to “process, sort & sift” all that has come up in the last nine months. There is a line in the book, Little Soul & the Sun by Neale Donald Walsh, that says, “Now that I know WHO I AM, I want to BE it!” And I must suggest that in order for you to “BE” all that you discovered about your essential nature (in Leo) and what nourishes and supports you on the deepest levels (in Cancer), Virgo is the energy that extracts the BEST of YOU and helps you heal and/or release all that is no longer relevant or useful – within and around you.