Month: October 2019

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

Guest Post: 11:11 Gateway to Unity Consciousness

The most important significance of the 11:11 is its availability as a Gateway to higher consciousness, a moment in time where the Angels of Light can take your offered prayers and good intentions to assist their manifestation on the Earth. Whenever the 11:11 presents itself, it acts as a daily reminder to take that one minute to hold your dreams in your heart, acknowledge the support available from the Angelic Realms, and have the courage to affirm your willingness to move into new dimensions of Love.

Oct 27 – Nov 2, 2019 ~ Forecast

10/27 ~ SCORPIO New Moon:
This Scorpio New Moon is really powerful for *seeding* your deepest, soul-level desires. This is an annual opportunity to return to the Infinite Void (conception point) and set some completely new intentions. There is also additional energy available at this time from your Invisible Team of Support from your own Angels, Ancestors & Animal Spirit Guides who walk with you now & always.

SCORPIO Deep Diving ~ It’s About to Get Personal

Please note that the Scorpio/Pluto realms are truly not for everyone or perhaps it’s just not the right time for some and so you may feel the need to circle-back when you are ready, willing & able. For those of you who prefer to ‘keep it simple/superficial’, Scorpio’s depth and complexity can be uncomfortable or even overwhelming. So here’s my personal *disclaimer* ~ I LOVE Scorpio time!

SCORPIO: Energy of the Month

Scorpio is the energy of power, conception, creation & karma; Pluto is the energy of death, rebirth and transformation; and the 8th House is the energy of past life relationships, Ancestors and personal renewal. This is the most powerful time of the year for planting the seeds of what you want to manifest in your life, as well as what you want to release (permanently) from your life. I highly recommend that you take some serious quiet time, meditate for a while and then write them, sing them – dedicate in some way.

Oct 20 – 26, 2019 ~ Forecast

10/20 ~ Venus (relationships) ~sextile~ Saturn (responsibility):
This energy has to do with your obligations, within the context of relationships. They are not difficult obligations (in this case) but more emphasis is placed on really loving to serve those you care about. It is also what I would call the “keep it real” energy, regarding relationships or finances. This activation prompts you to clarify what you are building, stabilizing & fortifying, in your relationships & finances especially.

Oct 13 – 19, 2019 ~ Forecast + Events

10/13 ~ ARIES Full Moon:
Aries Full Moon affords an incredible opportunity for a clean slate/deep release of that which is no longer part of your identity or purpose. It’s also a good time to release anything that creates imbalance within you or blocks your true independence in the world.

Oct 6 – 12, 2019 ~ Forecast

10/7 ~ Mercury (thoughts) ~oppose~ Uranus (radical shift):
This energy tends to make your mind work in over-drive. Not that you think too much, but rather you may tend to think, speak and process information faster than usual. However, when you are moving that fast, sometimes you can overlook something vital. The negative expression of this energy tends to make you feel scattered and disorganized, but the positive side of it is making those brilliant connections that are normally just out of reach.