Month: June 2019

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

June 30 – July 6, 2019 ~ Special Eclipse Update

This week is special! There are no official activations, however, there is a Total Solar Eclipse adding energy to our annual New Moon in Cancer that falls on July 2nd so I thought I would devote this week to that.

June 23 – 29, 2019 ~ Forecast

6/23 ~ Venus (love, art & beauty) ~oppose~ Jupiter (expansion):
This is a great energy for enjoying nature, really good food & drink, fun company & lots of laughter! It is a celebratory energy, to be enjoyed but not to excess or to the neglect of your health or well-being. It’s very creative and activates the true Inner Artist within all of us. It’s also good to consider that you are at a MidPoint in a relationship or creative project that you started about 6-months ago; is it still viable? is the Story you’re telling still true? where’s the value? is it still worth it?

June 16 – 22, 2019 ~ Forecast + SUMMER Solstice

6/16 ~ Mercury (ideas) ~trine~ Neptune (dreams):
This energy activates your creative process & intuition. You may catch yourSelf unconsciously drifting aimlessly but a better use of this combination is to open to the other realms for ideas & information and play with it, free flow, see where it leads.

Eclipses ~ Tis the Season of Light

Eclipses are all about light distribution, the patterns and flow of Light. Being the Light ~ Embodying the Light ~ Expressing the Light ~ Directing the Light ~ Activating the Light ~ Translating the Light ~ Catching the Light ~ Honoring the Light ~ Connecting to the Light ~ Being a Vehicle for the Light ~ Tis the Season of Light, especially anytime Eclipses are involved!

SUMMER 2019: Portals and Choices and Crossroads ~ Oh MY!

This Summer, we have some potent alignments, intense energies & radical shifts to initiate, anchor and integrate. As we are able to do that, we prepare for more major changes coming over the next year.

June 9 – 15, 2019 ~ Forecast + Special Event

6/9 ~ Sun (core essential Self) ~square~ Neptune (illusions & delusions):
This activation can cause self-doubt, self-delusion and an overall confusion that seems to be sourced within or self-directed. It’s only temporary, this is just the Universe’s way of slowing you down so you can see where your goals may have been unrealistic.

June 2 – 8, 2019 ~ Forecast

6/1 ~ Venus (values, relationships & resources) ~conjunct~ Moon (SoulSelf, messages & rhythm):
This activates your innate connection to the natural rhythms of life and illuminates how well your SoulSelf matches the rhythm you’re living. It is time to focus on what feels right and good for your personal SoulSelf. It’s a good time to nest & beautify your personal space, and that includes your mind if it’s been cluttered and your heart if it’s been heavy with old, past burdens. Lighten up! Clear your magnetic field (aura) and empty your mind, then connect to your heart and *FEEL* whatever comes.