Jan 13 – 19, 2019 ~ Forecast

or Podcast Version (17-min/mp3 Audio)
of Kelly’s Weekly Forecast
Note from Kelly:
This is another potent week. Despite chaotic, collective madness, you must take some time this week to clear your own mind, do a data dump and try to hear your Self think. It is your Soul Self that wants to reach you this week and your Soul Self cares little about politics or the rest, your Soul Self just cares about you – you and your individual evolution. Mercury is the star this week, linking up with Saturn & Pluto, suggesting that if you can transform your thinking, you will naturally transcend your current reality. The other activations this week are equally important. The rare Jupiter/Neptune alignment is going to happen three times over, so pace yourself by noticing what is coming up for you around your faith & belief system at this time. Is it serving you or holding you back from evolving to the next level? When an activation happens 3-times like this, there is usually a catalyst, like our New Vision for 2019, then there is a crisis of faith or a burst-your-bubble moment (when you find out something you believed is actually not true) and then there is the revelations by the third time that, hopefully, leave your faith in your Self and a Higher Power both stronger & wiser for the experience. And ultimately, that Sun/Uranus contact suggests that we are ready, as individuals, to do things a completely new & different way. Honor that impulse. Improvise often. Ask (your Self) lots of questions, don’t take anything at face value but go deeper and ask your Self what you are feeling and then, go with your gut.
1/13 ~ Mercury (thought process) ~conjunct~ Saturn (definition of reality):
This energy is excellent for any important project that requires your undivided attention. If you’ve got a vision and have already outlined how to manifest it, now is the time to really fill in the blanks – flesh it out – bring it to life! Do the work! If you do not channel this energy toward patiently and methodically taking the necessary steps to get to the next level, then it can manifest as frustration and feel as if you are not doing what you know in your heart you are supposed to be doing at this time. It leads to negative thinking and self-sabotage. A better expression would be to not think of the things that can go wrong, but entertain the possibility that every door opens and all paths lead to your goal, no matter how they appear at the moment.
1/13 ~ Jupiter (Truth/Belief) ~square~ Neptune (Faith/Spirituality): (1 of 3: 1/13 ~ 6/16 ~ 9/21)
This combination gives us access to miracles, if you believe in them! But for those who are not grounded in their bodies or clear in their minds, this combo can be crazy-making, it seems to agitate some who can never pinpoint the source of the agitation. It’s time to pay close attention to what you think, say & believe in any given situation and constantly clarify it for your Self so that you don’t get too far off-track following your Monkey Mind. It’s a time when your faith & spirituality may be tested to grow as well, but all the more reason to believe in good things being possible too.
In general, these two are somewhat related because they both have to do with what we believe to be true or possible but they seem to also create a possibility for “too much of a good thing” ~ over-idealizing (Neptune) ~ over-extending (Jupiter) along with faith & charity in the wrong direction. Squares always create the necessary friction within to make you want to grow & develop skill so you can change something in a fairly tangible way. These two are like a lightning storm whose flashes enable you to catch “glimpses” of your new reality as the illusion of this old reality “cracks” revealing its inability to withstand the upcoming changes. Hopefully, it will spur you on to integrating a little more magic in your mundane, as well as manifesting your ideals in more practical/3D ways. By recognizing what you no longer believe, a new vision begins to emerge, though it still needs to be nurtured & cultivated. The test that squares bring, push us to grow and develop in a way that moves things along in a good way. When a Social Planet (Jupiter) hits a Collective Planet (Neptune) then large numbers of humans evolve around the same time. Additionally, if you have the Signs activated in your Individual chart, then it becomes “personal” for you (in this case, Sag/Pisces). In general, these energies coming together should help you develop a Truth/Belief System of your own, while still creating the Daily Practice that will animate and support it going forward. This energy will activate your generosity of spirit, so make sure to give to those worthy of your investment and try not to be foolish, deluded or tricked. Use this combo to expand your consciousness and practice what you preach.
1/14 ~ Mercury (expression) ~sextile~ Neptune (dreams):
This is a great energy for imagination, consciousness and intuition, however, keeping a good filter to distinguish between your own perceptions and what you are picking up from those around you will be crucial to your success. Your mind may be tuned-in to a different channel than usual this week and you may have to rely on other senses, like your feelings or intuitive hunches. You may be very perceptive, picking up on the thoughts & feelings of others, which if/when you are clear (and your filters are working) can yield some surprising revelations about where their consciousness is, at this time (for better or worse) and reflect an aspect of your own consciousness that you may not have been aware of. Try to avoid work that requires any attention to detail. Allow your creativity to flow freely without censoring what comes through you at this time. You can organize it later. This is the energy to explore, create and free-flow!
1/18 ~ Venus (feminine & receiving) ~trine~ Mars (masculine & giving):
Venus rules your values & priorities where your relationship with love & money are concerned. It is the Sacred Feminine within that innately knows how to co-create with nature, and what to cultivate & nurture to full development. Mars rules your desire nature and your Inner Sacred Masculine, which is responsible for getting your ideas into the world, maintaining your personal boundaries and negotiating on your own behalf. When both are channeling through you in a balanced way, like now, what you create and how you move through the world becomes a beautiful dance or, at least, a much more interesting story. The trine is a blessing of ease & grace, an easy-going energy that paves the way for balance & reciprocity and encourages independence within the context of relationships. Communication is usually smooth at this time and exchanges can be mutually beneficial. Any relationships started under this influence have a good chance at success whether personal or professional.
1/18 ~ Mercury (mind, thoughts & ideas) ~conjunct~ Pluto (purification & transformation):
This activation takes you into the depths of your own mind & consciousness, deepening all communications. You may find yourself obsessing over something, either by yourself or in an attempt to convey something to another. Superficial, quick once-overs, trying to keep things ‘light’ will not likely be possible with this energy. You may feel determined to dig deeper until you get to the core or base issue. It’s good for soul-searching when it’s motivated by a genuine desire to know the truth, rather than to evade it. It’s not-so-good when you’re obsessing over someone or something which no longer serves you (or your Highest good). The challenge with this energy is the tendency to be really intense and locked-in on your own point of view, which is no less valid, but often this type of mental intensity blinds you to something obvious that you overlooked because you were not being objective, but being driven by much deeper (possibly unconscious) emotions. Your intensity is capable of influencing others but be aware of the difference between sharing information and trying to “convince, convert or cajole” others, as that can naturally attract challenges & opposition. Remember, the opposite can also be true, where you are on the receiving end of this intense energy from someone else (trying to convince you of something). The best way to use this energy, as it doesn’t really last that long, is to turn that intensity toward Self, peel the layers to your own Truth & Purpose. The channels are open for a time and you can communicate and receive information from the deepest part of your SoulSelf. This is an Initiation.
As with any Uranus activation, this one disrupts the normal flow in order to facilitate a ‘break to realign’ moment. While sometimes disruptive & challenging, the ultimate result is refreshing in some way. Consider the energy that thickens, gathering for a severe thunderstorm, then releasing buckets of rain, for hours, you sleep deeply and awaken to a bright sunny morning with birds chirping unusually loud outside your window. Got the visual? ; -)) This activation is the necessary challenge that gets your attention that something better is available, if you’re willing to improvise and think on your feet. If you’ve been unusually restricted in some way, you may feel restless. Rather than being reactive to the unexpected shift (within or without), it’s best to take a pause for the cause, step back and try to gain some perspective. Remember to be present, too far in the past can be depressing and too far into the future, and you cause your Self unnecessary anxiety. Breathe, be under the sky, invite clarity about the next step and trust your gut. This energy, while sometimes uncomfortable and often sudden, is very necessary to disrupt any illusions/delusions you may be holding on to. It’s time to express your Self in new ways so the old ways naturally stop working to get your attention.
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