May 5 – 11, 2019 ~ Forecast + Special Event

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

May 5 – 11, 2019 ~ Forecast + Special Event

YouTube Version (16-min/Sunset Video)
or Podcast Version (16-min/mp3 Audio)
of Kelly’s Weekly Forecast

5/5 ~ Beltane/Taurus Gate of Power:
Winter, Spring, Summer & Fall are all active periods, often with a lot of movement, change & choices to be made. The Gates of Power mark the MidPoint between these Initiations and MidPoints are always potent, creative times that allow you to prune the non-essential, while anchoring what is real or alive. This Cross Quarter is an infinitely fertile time ‘in between’ ~ a place also referred to as the “Sweet Spot” – that very thin membrane between Seed and New Life … between Spring Equinox (seed) and Summer Solstice (new life). This is a warm-up, the initiation of Summer, life is bursting forth, initial work is done and this is a time to celebrate fertility, abundance and our relationship to Mother. It is also a time to celebrate all that you have created and contributed to, while mindfully preserving *Life* along the way. Ritual, dance, drumming, toning and/or chanting are always used in celebrations of Earth and Her bounty, as is wearing or surrounding your Self with Green, the color of Life, Love and the Heart Chakra.

5/5 ~ Mars (desires & actions) ~oppose~ Jupiter (expansion & learning):
This energy is perfect for working on your “grand vision” and that is exactly what you’ll “feel” like doing under this influence. Anything or anyone that blocks you from that should be consciously (and kindly) dealt with and then get to it! Mars is action and Jupiter is expansion and they are dancing together. It can be a selfish, undirected dance where no one wins or it can be the beginning of something huge! You are using this energy to access the single-mindedness of Mars to accomplish the huge goals of Jupiter. The downfall of this energy is to allow the Mars ego (Edging-God-Out) to lead when it serves a better purpose being the strength, not necessarily the strategy. And allow Jupiter’s connection to the Higher Truth for you, guide you on your Path. The Jupiter in you sees the bigger picture, your infinite potential that it longs to fulfill. Get out of your own way. Watch the inclination to “overdo” EVERYTHING – spending, physical activity, over-promising/under-delivering etc. Stay within your physical limits but expand limits of your consciousness. Robert Hand says, “The sense of timing of your actions may leave you and others amazed and sure that you’re lucky. But really you have succeeded because you have a complete understanding of the situation.”

5/7 ~ Venus (values) ~square~ Saturn (foundation):
This energy can make you feel cool & detached with loved ones. It is time to ‘take stock’ of your relationships and really evaluate the level of balance between giving & receiving. Business or personal – relationships must have a balance of give & take. You may feel more aware of your true independence in life and start reevaluating the need for certain relationships, at this time. This energy pushes you to dig for your individual fortitude & determination to live according to your own personal values & priorities, so corrections or adjustments may be necessary and fairly obvious at this time. You may feel lonely, depressed or disconnected but it’s just the Universe forcing you to question or assess your current relationships, how you interact with others and how you allow them to interact with you. It’s good to periodically evaluate even the strongest relationship and check the foundation. Don’t give in to (ego-based) fears, focusing on the lack & limitation or what is not working, but instead build on your strengths and honor the goodness that you have created together, as well as in your Self. This is the best time for intentional solitude because the insights you acquire through this process will help you down the road to stabilize your future.

5/8 ~ Mercury (your thinking) ~conjunct~ Uranus (the Awakener):
It is said that this energy depends on your “normal mental speed” which is not the same as intelligence. If you are naturally quick mentally, then you will be downloading more than usual during this initiation. Uranus acts as a Lightning Rod that strikes and briefly illuminates an area of your life, in this case, Taurus is the Garden of Life we are cultivating with our choices. Ah-ha moments will lead to more freedom and independence, but only to the degree that you can maintain them yourself. If you are in like-hearted circles, the conversations could be really stimulating, unlocking perceptions across the board. If you are not naturally quick mentally, then this will be helpful for you as you are more likely to experience awakenings and connections to your own intuition that help strengthen it within. The Shadow side to this energy is being over-sensitive and jumping to conclusions. Test & Ground your insights before hardwiring them into your Being in any way. Over-taxed nervous system is widely available for all, so try to connect with Mother Earth often. Whatever gets zapped (loosened) can thus be moved to the compost pile. Whatever gets illuminated (becomes conscious) is to be further investigated for merit, but valuable nonetheless. Keep records of your ah-ha moments as you won’t be able to immediately act on all of them at the same time and, those you cannot (at this time) often turn into nuggets of gold in your future.

5/8 ~ Sun (core essential Self) ~sextile~ Neptune (vision & imagination):
This energy activates your ability to dissolve the ego (momentarily) and allow your SoulSelf to shine through! Your Spiritual center, base or practice comes up – how is it supporting you? If you’ve gotten away from your practice, this energy will make it easier to get back on track and connect to your Spirit, your intuition and the vision for your life’s purpose, at this time. You may find where your contribution is most valued, when you step outside your Self and see how others’ needs are important. Under this influence, you may feel more giving & compassionate so find a need and fill it! In your own deliciously unique way. Your physical energy may be low as a result of Neptune channeling the Sun’s Source Energy inwardly to re-charge your Spirit. Otherwise, it could be projections of all kinds, yours and other people’s as well. Best to spend some intentional solitude, preferably in nature if/when/where possible.

5/9 ~ Special FREE Event with Kelly:
This circle is dedicated to our individual healing, ongoing education and transformational soul work. We are going to learn about the Archetypes and cultivate deeper relationships with our Ancestors & Animal Guides so that we can navigate our lives with more ease & grace. I hope you will consider checking out the 3-part introduction I’ve created. My website, including the membership part of it, should all be ready to support us by my birthday July 1st, just in time for Boundaries with BEAR!

You’re Invited to my SPECIAL 3-PART INTRODUCTION to

APRIL ~ Intro to Archetypes ~ Independence with EAGLE TeleCircle ~ THUR/April 11, 2019 @8pm (eastern)

MAY ~ Intro to Animal Guides ~ Self-Worth/Value with BUFFALO TeleCircle ~ THUR/May 9, 2019 @8pm (eastern)

JUNE ~ Intro to Ancestors ~ Communication with WOLF TeleCircle ~ THUR/June 13, 2019 @8pm (eastern)
*Register HERE* for 3-Part Introduction
and Receive Audio + Monthly Tools

*NOTE* ~ I will be in Chicago in June and DC in July. Let me know if you would like to connect one-on-one or if you have a group or circle you think would be interested in Shamanic Astrology, Earth Medicine or evolutionary cycles & personal patterns in general. I can tailor it for any group. Reach out to me HERE!

5/9 ~ Venus (socialize) ~trine~ Jupiter (optimism & travel):
This is usually a pleasant energy, although short lived. This is a good time to enjoy some kind of social activity. No pressure – just easy, laid-back fun. It can make you prone to laziness or excess, but only if you’re already prone to it. Otherwise, if you are typically busy and constantly on the go, this energy gives you permission to kick back a little and release the usual pressures to produce. Take some time out to “smell the roses” or at least reflect on all that you have accomplished and give your Self due credit for coming this far. This is a good time to travel, go on a vacation or take a short trip. This energy tends to bring forth earned blessings. Take a moment to give thanks to the powers that be which brought you to this point!

5/9 ~ Venus (your values) ~square~ Pluto (transformation):
This activation brings intensity and it challenges you to grow (out of comfort zone, into new territory) where your relationships or finances are concerned. It creates very intense emotional responses and experiences with others that tends to trigger insecurities or hidden fears in one or both of you. Stability is not part of the equation at the moment, so prepare for inevitable change. You’ve probably already felt it coming (the shift in your relationship or financial situation), well, it’s here now, so you can be proactive on your own behalf or you can suffer the consequences of postponing the inevitable. (You may have heard me say: Pay now or pay double later. That applies to this transit too.) The natural reaction may be to try to hold on to the job or relationship, but try not to give in to that temptation. Pluto intensifies everything and the more you resist the necessary purification & change that Pluto brings, the more painful it usually is. It is better to clarify your values & priorities and choose change, rather than have it forced (more Pluto) upon you. Either way, once the dust settles, you should be better off because things either change for the better or go away altogether making room for something new and more in-alignment with your values & priorities of ‘now’.

5/11 ~ Sun (your core drives) ~trine~ Saturn (discipline & order):
This energy gives you the direction & discipline at the same time. Use it consciously to fuel your goals at this time, as you will be blessed by your past efforts. You are completely supported to structure your life in a whole new way. It’s time to take a personal inventory, organize your life, especially your home, office or immediate environment. Naturally, this kind of shift will also affect those you relate with in these close environments, so be mindful of others who are not necessarily as *clear* as you may be at this time. A new order is trying to take root, which scares some and excites others, and this activation supports you and your personal definition of stability & good boundaries. You have access to focus & dedication that can set the tone for the next season, as you clarify the connection between who you are and what you are truly responsible for in this life. Evaluate your daily routine and see what’s working and what’s not and move forward with some new choices.

5/11 ~ First day of 7-day RE-Set Your Self-Worth with BUFFALO
Click HERE for Details & Registration

* * Copyright © 2000-2019 * Kelly M Beard *
All Rights Reserved * Permission granted to copy/redistribute
Kelly’s Forecasts & Updates on the condition that
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and includes contact/link back to post.