June 30 – July 6, 2019 ~ Special Eclipse Update

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

June 30 – July 6, 2019 ~ Special Eclipse Update

YouTube Version (21-min/Sunset Video)
or Podcast Version (21-min/mp3 Audio)
of Kelly’s Weekly Forecast

This week is special! There are no official activations, however, there is a Total Solar Eclipse adding energy to our annual New Moon in Cancer that falls on July 2nd so I thought I would devote this week to that.

Cancer time this year, like last year, again brings us face-to-face with some major choices & decisions which will likely require some form of *Assimilation & Elimination*. Cancer’s gift is processing all that passes through your system, taking in the nutrient (that makes the system work) and any excesses or toxins that cannot be “assimilated” must be “eliminated”. If/when you do not eliminate excesses or toxins regularly, then blockages (some form of dis-ease or discomfort) will occur. Quality nourishment (what you take into your system) is vital to the proper functioning of the whole. If you have held on to anything overlong, that has not been put to proper use, then you may be particularly toxic (within or without), and you will have to cleanse & heal first, then you can start to rebuild & fortify, naturally.

Digestion, Assimilation & Elimination are truly Cancer’s domain and one or all may require periodic “time outs” to process all that has come through your *system* over the last 6-12-18-months (Sun/Moon) and 9/18-years (Eclipses). The last time we experienced Cancer/Capricorn Eclipses was 2009-2011, and before that 2000-2002. So this Summer brings much more clearing than the usual to the Annual Process. Keep in mind that, on one or many levels, you have released the past, you’ve cleared space and created new *flow* that must also be properly directed ~ this is a 2-way process of flow – your input & your output.

Your Higher Self does this naturally, but ego/personality has preferences and can cause problems along the way. Your Soul has been very busy working on your behalf, positioning you for greatness, stripping the weakness and letting you know the areas of your life which have been in a famine (for however long, for whatever reason). Cancer time beckons, “come out of the storm (of life), dry off by a warm fire (your heart), replenish your Self with light-filled food and quality rest!” You are no good to your team, in fact you are a danger and liability to your team, if you are not centered, balanced, properly fortified and fully rested. When you ARE, then you can be alert and focused, strong and productive. You are initiating a whole new level of personal self-care and responsibilities with this new eclipse series.

* There is SUPPORT in the Eclipse Portal *
Want to know what Area of Your Life is being
affected by this Summer’s Eclipse series?
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Click Here to Order Eclipse Reading ($75/pdf + mp3)
Click Here to Order Eclipse Reading ($125/w. Kelly)

In more practical terms, Cancer is the time to restore your energy, replenish your physical & spiritual nutrients, stabilize your foundation, clear your physical body and personal space of the past, any debris or clutter and assess your inner & outer productivity with special attention to strengthening & fortifying yourself so you can CREATE come next month (Leo).

Eclipses have a 2-3 year cycle of anchoring the energies for bigger 8-10 and 18-20 year cycles. In this case, 2018-2020 is activating some of the same energies & shifts that were activated 2009-2011, before that 2000-2002 and before that, 1990-1992. Please note it does not necessarily activate the same events, just similar issues, energy & decisions may be on the table at this time. No matter how you cut it, Eclipses signify CHANGE, so being as conscious as possible and having a frame of reference should help you make better choices NOW with all the education and tools you’ve acquired over the last two cycles. APPLY IT! As it relates to your Sacred Space/Home ~AND~ your Contribution/Heart-Centered Work … consider the following questions:

•What were you going thru then?
•What lessons of emotional balance & responsibility
were you completing? and initiating?
•How were your definitions of Home & Work changing & evolving?
•What were you learning about your ancestors?
•What “primary mountain” were you trying to climb at that time?
•How was your family structure changing?
•How was your career evolving?
•What was your definition of Emotional & Material Security?
•Who were the people in your private/intimate circle?
•Who were the people in your public/professional circle?
•How were you opening up to a new level of existence?
•How was the millennium kicking off for you?
 … NOW – How are things shifting and changing in your life today? Consider the above questions for here & now. How will you choose DIFFERENTLY this time?

All Eclipses are considered “course correctors” ~ whether you’re a little (or a lot) off ‘course’ ~ and they are “intensified” solar & lunar energies pouring around and through you (no matter your level of consciousness). Things will be particularly intense during the month before, the month of and the month after each Eclipse.

Where are you in your evolution at this time? Do you feel like a “new you” is bubbling and about to burst open with life? Or perhaps you’ve just begun your journey of self-discovery and are just getting present to your evolution, maybe a little groggy, but waking up nonetheless? Wherever you are in your development, the Winter & Summer Seasons of 2018-2020 will be extremely revealing and (hopefully) creative & fun too!

There will likely be some aspects of the process that are uncomfortable but that’s the way growth & expansion goes. There are certain things you would not undertake (even the most necessary of changes) voluntarily, so these radical shifts, activated by the eclipse energy, are how the Universe contributes to your process. The ultimate blessing is to actually be conscious through it!! To recognize where you are, the changes that are happening (whether you like it or not) and decide how you can contribute to this evolution … how you can co-create with this energy.

Also, reflect on the last few cycles of Cancer/Capricorn Eclipses, what did they activate for you? Are you just beginning to get the “aha” moment about now? Most times the energy is too intense AT the time and it is hard to know exactly what or where the energies are pushing you. Eclipse cycles tend to take about 6-months to clarify the activation, while the entire process of initiation takes 2-3 years to anchor the next 8-10 years, with an extended realm of effects for 18-20 years. What do you want anchored by then where your Home/Sacred Space, as well as your Work/Contribution are both concerned?

Remember, a Solar Eclipse often activates your physical body, while the Lunar Eclipse activates your emotional body, but together, your spiritual body should go to a completely new level. The lessons this month will center around emotional & material security; home & work; sacred space and sacred work; private & public life; Sacred Feminine & Masculine; Archetypal Mother & Father. How can you be more responsible for your feelings (Inner), as well as what you create in the world (Outer)? How can you connect to a deep sense of belonging (Cancer) and an authentic sense of responsibility for your life and life’s work (Capricorn)?

Remember, ‘how you start is often how you finish’ and Cancer Initiates this quarter of the year ~ Summer Solstice -to- Fall Equinox ~ for there is deep value (and potency) in this (extended) moment in time. Cancer/Leo/Virgo prepares us for upcoming Libra/Scorpio/Sagittarius which will complete the annual cycle. Despite 3-D obligations, clocks, calendars, families, bosses etc all competing for your time and attention, I urge you to put on your ‘invisibility cloak’ and MAKE TIME for several periodic TIME OUTS (or one long one). Take some time to soak in the Light (before it recedes), bask, and while you’re doing that, reflect on all that you’ve created with your energy and efforts over the course of the last 6-mos -to- 1-year.

•How well did your efforts PRODUCE?
•How well did your investments (time, energy & money) PROVIDE?
•What is the QUALITY of your return thus far?
•Are there areas of your life BLOSSOMING with overflow, bounty
and beauty (and multiplying like crazy)?
•Are there still other areas of your life WILTING, dying on the vine,
not being nourished properly or receiving enough Light?
•What do you WANT to do?
•What does your HEART say to do?
•What ‘FEELS’ right at the moment?
•What should you NOT attempt to continue to grow (in your life)?
•What should you pay some special attention to because you KNOW
it will bear fruit if you would just give it some quality, direct and
focused energy and attention?

I’d also like to remind you that 2018-2020 also brings in Cancer/Capricorn Eclipses around the Solstice times, making it even more imperative that you make any decisions regarding ‘course correction’ at this time. With the Mercury Retrograde in Cancer/Leo, you will have a unique opportunity (in this potent year of change) to regroup this Cancer season. Summer Solstice and the Sun moving in to Cancer Initiates the second half of the year every year and activates a deeply transformative *Integration* process with Pluto in Capricorn. Use this time, at least initially, to gather courage, cultivate integrity, tweak your plan and prepare for the delicious (and fun) creativity you will have access to next month.

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