Oct 20 – 26, 2019 ~ Forecast

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

Oct 20 – 26, 2019 ~ Forecast

YouTube Version (7-min/Sunset Video)
or Podcast Version (7-min/mp3 Audio)
of Kelly’s Weekly Forecast

Note from Kelly:
Before I dive into our brief forecast for the week, I want to thank those of you who so generously responded to my Survey request (p/w=free3card). I have to say that since I’ve spent minimal time in corporate America, I had no idea that the word “survey” turned people off. My husband had a visceral reaction when I told him I’d created one and another person said I should never use the term because it does bother some folks. Well, thank god the corporate-types are not into my work because many of you responded joyfully and it is a FUN Survey (p/w=free3card) – I’m not asking tedious “data” questions, I’m asking about your favorite animals, if/how you commune with the angels & ancestors and which are your favorite seasons and why so I encourage anyone that was hesitant but willing to check it out! It is helping me put the final touches on my new website so I can serve you better going forward and there isn’t really an expiration on that – I will leave it up for as long as folks continue to fill it out. But you do get a FREE 3-card Reading as a *Thank You* from me so that could be an incentive too if you’d like a simple, quick little message from your own Angels, Ancestors & Animal Guides.

10/20 ~ Venus (relationships) ~sextile~ Saturn (responsibility):
This energy has to do with your obligations, within the context of relationships. They are not difficult obligations (in this case) but more emphasis is placed on really loving to serve those you care about. It is also what I would call the “keep it real” energy, regarding relationships or finances. This activation prompts you to clarify what you are building, stabilizing & fortifying, in your relationships & finances especially. I am a total advocate of renegotiating terms as you go along because you evolve, the situation & support around you evolves, and your needs change, so often we have to remind those closest to us. It’s really hard to grow to the next level when each person is not clear on their ever-evolving roles & responsibilities. Of course, this starts with you knowing what you do or don’t want and what you are or are not willing to compromise about and what you want to create and make real.

10/21 ~ Venus (values & priorities) ~trine~ Neptune (faith & spirituality):
This is a very supportive energy for dreaming your world into being! Allow your imagination some latitude to wander and see where it leads. Play with “what if” scenarios. For example, “what if” all your material needs & desires were taken care of, what would you dedicate your time, energy & resources to? You may be very empathic and connected to others and what they are going through at this time, so maintain adequate boundaries. Neptune can activate a very spiritual encounter with another human being (friend, family or lover) but only time will tell if it is Neptune playing tricks on you or if it is truly a spiritual connection.

10/25 ~ Venus (relationships) ~sextile~ Pluto (transformation):
This energy deepens all emotions and strengthens bonds & attachments. Friendships & love relationships become much deeper and, sometimes more intense, not to mention any physical, sexual experiences. Being fake or superficial is never possible when Pluto is involved, and because Venus is involved, we’re talking relationships or how you relate in general, so if you are needing to dig a little deeper with someone, you are supported. This energy can facilitate positive transformation in your relationships, partnerships or collaborations. It will give you added power to help you change what needs changing or at least get it on the table for a deeper discussion or a clearing conversation. Your emotional intensity may be at an unusually high level, so be sure to surround yourself with people who love you unconditionally or try to be alone and just reflect on what you’re feeling.

Small Book. Big Impact. ~ Nov 18-22, 2019
Click HERE for Details

I want to share one of my SouLodge Sistas, Heather Dakota, with you. She is holding a 5-day online workshop Nov 18-22 for anyone incubating a creative & sacred idea. It’s called:  *Small Book. Big Impact.* Heather is a fierce Mama Bear, Book Witch, and what she calls a Word MidWife – and I think she is even  more than that! It’s not just your words, but your heart & soul that she weaves with, blood, sweat & tears that she holds you through, and your sacred gifts that she helps midwife into existence in the most magickal way! Heather Dakota helps artists, writers, healers, and magick makers birth amazing books that will support your magical business and income goals. She specializes in book project management for self-publishers AND is witchy AF!

* KarmicTools.com * Copyright © 2000-2019 * Kelly M Beard *
All Rights Reserved * Permission granted to copy/redistribute
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