Nov 3 – 9, 2019 Forecast + 3 Live Events

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

Nov 3 – 9, 2019 Forecast + 3 Live Events

YouTube Version (31-min/Sunset Video)
or Podcast Version (31-min/mp3 Audio)
of Kelly’s Weekly Forecast

Note from Kelly:
Ooh-wee! How’s everyone doing? This is going to be quite a week, so you may want to grab some tea and plan to make some space to process all that we discuss in this week’s forecast. As always, the idea is not to overwhelm you with information, but to let you know the energies supported at this time so you can make better choices accordingly. We’re officially in the Underworld with Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio so everything *feels* deep and any time & space to yourself, technology-free, preferably in Nature, under the sky is going to be time well-spent! So let’s dive in because we have some planetary shifts, activations and three upcoming live events I want to invite you to on Nov 8th, 11th, and 14th.

11/3 ~ Juno Enters LIBRA (until 9.20.2020):
This initiates 10-months in Libra (Nov 2019-Sept 2020) when 2-months is normal. Juno represents how you relate and get your intimacy needs met (or not). It represents your style of relating, compatibility, sharing & trust that happens in all relationships and intimate ones in particular. So the work in this realm deepens and continues. This is an opportunity to claim all new ways of relating that are more balanced & reciprocal. This is a time when people who have been “going along to get along or getting along to go along” usually break down because that tactic no longer works, but it precedes the inevitable breakthrough as well. It is a time to clarify your true needs and desires for partnership and living, working or playing with others in any capacity. For those of us with Cancer/Capricorn/Aries/Libra activated, we will likely be able to identify this renewal process personally, but probably not until she’s done excavating our Libra House and re-setting the balance so that future relationships, partnerships & collaborations are based on mutual respect, clear communication, sovereignty, love and a common goal.
*NOTE* Juno will Retro Feb 8th and go Direct May 26th of 2020 so pay attention to what comes up for you Nov-Feb, because you may have to review some territory during Feb-May and then you have June-Sept to set new patterns in place by Fall Equinox 2020 Harvest. Wow!

11/4 ~ AQUARIUS First Qtr Moon:
I don’t usually get into the Quarters of the Moon in the Weekly Forecast, but this is the first step toward our Scorpio New Moon Intentions and it is preceding the Pisces Moon of Samhain (11/7), when we will honor the last of the 8-Sacred Seasons before initiating anew on Winter Solstice (12/21). The Aquarius First Qtr Moon often illuminates where you are *Liberating* an “old you” and stepping more fully into an “Authentic you”, which includes but is not limited to, your unique offering to the world. The Square/90* angle (between Sun & Moon) creates the Internal/External friction necessary for movement ~ out of comfort zone, into new territory. We grow, evolve and are tested on the First and Last Quarter Moons each and every month. They are useful to tune into when co-creating with the Lunar Energy & Cycle. This Aquarius First Qtr is supporting your first step toward anchoring your Scorpio New Moon Intentions. Now that you understand your power a little better, what has that awakened within you? What unique brilliance is yours to share with the world? We are at a potent time in history, when even the smallest contribution matters. Expand your thinking beyond Self, really consider how your one, individual life truly touches so many other lives. Assess your affect or influence on the world at this time, where can it be “tweaked” for the better? We have tremendous support for shifting our Earthly Experience by simply redefining ourselves and our terms in any given moment. Change is GOOD and even easier when supported like it is NOW. So take advantage of this time to change what you can and release the rest!

11/5 ~ Mars (lower will) ~square~ Pluto (Higher will):
This is a test of what you are made of, on the deepest core level, and will require surrender as well as focus. This energy challenges you to evolve and will make you want to push through all obstacles but you must be careful not to be so aggressive that you are stepping on anyone to get where you’re going. This is a potent energy that can facilitate major transformation in your own life if you know who you are, what you want and what you are willing to sacrifice to get there – that includes parts of your Self that may need to shift to be more effective. This energy can bring power struggles, within or without, so be mindful because this energy is affecting everyone at this time. This is the time to tie up any loose ends if you are close to beginning anew. If you do not finish what you already have in the works, it may get in the way of things you want to do in the future. It is time to align your true inner power with balanced outer actions & choices.

11/7 ~ Samhain/Scorpio Gate of Power + FREE TeleCircle:
Honor the Portal ~ During this time of year, reflection on the past and rumination on the future commingle. I have created a flyer HERE that describes a few readings I’ve developed & used over the years to specifically address the Scorpio/Sag Cross Qtr and the final Sacred Season of the Solar Year. This is when we face the Raw Truth (Scorpio) which leads to an evolved Higher Truth (Sag) that we will go forward and build (Capricorn) in the coming new year. This is a mid-point, a bridge between worlds, the pause between death and new life, the transition time between the old and the new and it is the Gate of Power most aligned with your Soul Self, your Higher Self, and this enables your Ancestors, Angels & Benevolent Guides to be more readily available to commune with you directly. You can ask for their guidance on the lesson & purpose of certain events & experiences of the past year and you can ask for their guidance on how to proceed during the coming year. Then use this 6-week period to integrate their blessings and guidance.

Honor the Transformation of Being at the Sweet Spot ~ Between Seed & New Life It is an annual rhythm that facilitates permanent endings and raw new beginnings that will take care and nurture to take root and bear fruit. After completion, clearing and release, it is an especially good time to sit with the Empty Space for a period of time. This is an Infinitely potent time ~ “in between” ~ a place, also referred to as the “Sweet Spot” – that very thin membrane between *SEED* and *NEW* Life. Plant your seeds of the future during this dark time and be still, listen, invite *LIFE*. This 6-week period prior to Winter Solstice has the longest nights, implying rest, work behind closed doors and moving through any personal darkness. It is time to restore strength and prepare for the Light’s return, and take time to integrate the guidance & support offered unconditionally from the Invisible Realms. If you decide to get a reading, returning to it often (monthly, quarterly, semi-annually etc) throughout the coming year will not only remind you of the delicious support you invited in to guide you at this annual threshold, but you will likely get altogether new messages of support for that moment in time. They are particularly relevant during Taurus/Leo & Aquarius time to refer back to. Those are the MidPoints between Winter, Spring, Summer & Fall, when we clear & release, as well as ground & solidify things so like I said, the guidance will be deeper every time you refer to it throughout the year.

JOIN US!!  FRI/Nov 8th @8pm (est)/5pm (pst)
Register HERE
Click HERE for SCORPIO Gate Readings Flyer

11/8 ~ Pallas Enters SAG:
Another Sacred Feminine moving into a new zone. Pallas spent 10-months in LIBRA (Nov 2018-Aug 2019), then Sept/Oct in Scorpio and today, moves into Sag (Nov/Dec) before it goes into Capricorn/Aquarius where it will retrograde next time. This feels so relevant to me because Pallas has been in the zone since Venus’ retrograde at the end of 2018, so we went into the new Venus Cycle with Pallas insisting we get all the wisdom out of our relationships – so what have you learned from those you’ve been in relationship or partnership with over recent years? What have they learned from you? What have you learned from them? As she navigates Sag, preparing to linger in Capricorn/Aquarius, I suggest you reflect on all your relationships that you’ve attracted thus far, and consider what you would like to experience going forward, then really get clear on two things: your freedom & responsibility. The truth is, as she navigates Scorpio/Sag, we get to connect to deeper possibilities for healing our deepest relationship issues, restore balance within that helps you to honor your own intuitive knowing and prepare for her to linger in that Capricorn/Aquarius zone of your chart next where you may discover some deeper purpose to your life that you had yet to consider.

11/8 ~ Sun (source & essential Self) ~sextile~ Saturn (organization & structure):
This energy is good for getting serious and organized because the Sun also brings some much-needed clarity. With Saturn involved, practical actions based on responsible assessments will be rewarded, whereas, blowing things off or leaving loose ends will cost you (usually fairly immediately, the instant karma way). Even if this should happen to you, it is not personal, but Saturn’s way of showing you (immediately) where your current limitations are. That’s good information to have when making choices & decisions. This activation gives you access to self-discipline and the ability to consider all your options before deciding on anything. This is a good time to focus on your professional goals if possible, and start making a solid, feasible plan for the future. If you need to, seek the advice of a trusted wise elder (anyone with more knowledge/experience than you ; -)) And if you can’t actually DO something in the direction of your goals today, take the time to meditate and connect to your plan mentally, emotionally & spiritually.

11/8 ~ Sun (authentic Self) ~trine~ Neptune (intuition):
This energy triggers your idealistic, altruistic inclinations, but remember that help has to be invited. But if you have the energy to share & to spare, then dedicate your Self to something greater than you. Choose a cause to support or help those less fortunate for the sheer pleasure of giving. If your energy is low at this time, it is better directed inward. If you can, take some extra time for intentional solitude, praying, meditating and connecting to Spirit this week, you will be rewarded with deep revelations & mystical discoveries within you. It’s a great time to do divinations, ritual or ceremony if you’re into that. Your intuition is heightened also, so pay attention to any ‘messages’ that come through or to you. Try to use this energy to reflect on where you are and dream a little about where you want to be, mentally, spiritually and physically in 6-months to a year from now.

11/8 ~ Saturn (reality & responsibility) ~sextile~ Neptune (dreams & spirituality):
This is a Social and a Collective planet coming together which happens over a much longer stretch of time, however, it is still relevant for us as individuals and is a supportive energy that helps us make our dreams a reality! The last time these two danced together was in 2015-2016 in a Sag/Pisces Square – that was a push to grow in our belief system and our spirituality, a push to learn & expand as an individual and still honor the whole and it was Fire & Water working together, facilitating a purification of sorts. Those years got really *REAL* in a lot of ways, for a lot of people. Reality versus Illusion and a growth moment where things inevitably changed. How’s it been going for you ever since?

Now, they are together activating a major opportunity and working via Earth & Water to create something real and meaningful for you personally. Saturn in Capricorn is restructuring our lives on many levels and revealing what we are and are not responsible for at this time. While Neptune in Pisces is reuniting us with our primordial oceanic womb-like Mother, out of which ALL life springs and eternally bonds us all together, Saturn reminds us of our individual, physical, literal limitations, in real-time. If one life or species suffers, they ALL suffer. Anyway, this week’s activation is really good for deepening your dedication to a spiritual practice that fills you with inspiration, clarity & inner peace so that you can navigate whatever life throws your way. This is the best time to work on your biggest dream because Saturn helps you create a step-by-step process of manifestation and keeps you present to the work that has to be done for you to embody this new vision completely. This is an excellent time to develop your relationship to your Council of Elders, Ancestors & Guides and remember your magical roots! A reminder that all that you need, desire & deserve is sourced within you and it’s your job to unlock it all this lifetime and see how it all works and what it really means for your individual purpose for being here, a Spirit in human form.
Relevant Reflections: I go into more detail of the larger cycle of Saturn & Neptune HERE during their last interaction in 2016. It too will illuminate more clues as to what you are doing and where you can gain some traction in your manifesting realms.

11/9 ~ Mercury Rx (communication) ~sextile~ Pluto (transformation):
(2 of 3: 10/19 ~ 11/9 ~ 12/3)
This energy provokes the need to delve deeper into the ideas or information being presented at this time, whether personal or professional. You will want to dig deeper, ask the hard questions and gather insights that are deeper and more profound than usual. In your professional/public life, you may find yourself doing better due-diligence and in your personal/private life, you may find yourself digging a little deeper into your own mental patterns & personal history (all that has led to ‘now’). As you make these connections and begin to grasp these new insights, they will gain traction and you will become more grounded in your own Truth. We all get excited about those kind of ah-ha moments, and you may find yourself wanting to share them with others who may or may not be ready to hear such deep Truths or have the conscious awareness to even process them, so use some discernment around who and when you share these new-found insights.

11/11 ~ Special 11:11/Taurus FM Call with Shanta:
We are celebrating 10 years of annual 11:11 Teleconferences as a Community! We will all join in ceremony as we walk through the 11:11 Portal assisted by the Archangels of Light. Whenever we see the 11:11 represented it is a potent time, and it is very auspicious to walk through this gateway together magnified by the energy of our group consciousness! Miracles are the natural order of life when we work together. This is also when we gather for the Full Moon and we love having the opportunity to expand our Circle for these kinds of *special occasions* ~ so I hope you will join us for this very special night!

Check Out Shanta’s 11:11 Gateway ~ Guest Post HERE
JOIN US!!  MON/Nov 11th @5pm (pst)/8pm (est)
Register HERE
PRE-Register HERE
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