Jan 26 – Feb 1, 2020 ~ Forecast

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

Jan 26 – Feb 1, 2020 ~ Forecast

YouTube Version (7-min/Sunset Video)
or Podcast Version (7-min/mp3 Audio)
of Kelly’s Weekly Forecast

1/26 ~ Venus (values & priorities) ~square~ Mars (desire & passion): 
This is your Inner Sacred Feminine & Masculine pushing out of comfort zone and into new territory. It is time to recalibrate how you give & receive, as well as how you BE versus DO. It helps to know the Signs & Elements to consciously choose how to work with this activation. Tune into how you direct your own power, as well as what you magnetize & repel naturally. Anytime Venus & Mars interact, the energy has to do with your relationships, both personal & professional, private & public. Squares create the necessary tension to catalyze action. As an individual, it is time to grow, change and integrate your own values & priorities (Venus) with your own desires & passion (Mars), however, on another level, it can activate sexual energy as that too is the energy of creation. If you are in a happy, healthy relationship, then it is a great energy for you expressing your love in a physical way. However, if your relationship already has tension (especially in the physical realm), then this is a difficult energy to deal with and the only real solution is open communication and a willingness to compromise, so good luck!

1/27 ~ Venus (values) ~conjunct~ Neptune (dreams):
This energy is the power of your vision combined with your deepest values. It is the initiation of a new dream or the birth of some creative project that is ready to come through you. It’s a good time to reflect on the big picture of your life and make sure that your connection to the whole, your contribution and your purpose are all truly in alignment with your values & priorities of now. It is time to be more intuitive than linear – time to inspire rather than convince. Finances and relationships are hard to sort out definitively with this energy, it is better to express yourself creatively or artistically. This energy reminds you how interrelated everything is, so aligning your values within/without goes a long way for manifesting the vision. Follow your intuition, maintain integrity & stay grounded anytime Neptune is involved.

1/28 ~ Mars (action & desire) ~square~ Neptune (dreams & illusions):
This can be an annoying energy, to say the least. Basically, you may be confronted with challenges which are a direct result of earlier choices. These are the kind of choices you eventually realized were wrong and “hoped” the consequences would somehow pass you by. Not. You may feel very discouraged, possibly depressed, and be filled with fear & doubt. The key to getting through this energy is to take a step back, reflect on your choices and what led you to this point and, as objectively as possible, evaluate what went wrong. The tendency with this energy is to want to give up completely on the path you have chosen when all that is probably necessary is a little tweaking. Try to identify the aspect that is causing the conflict. If you don’t feel that you can be objective enough or that you struggle with identifying this aspect, enlist two other people to give you their opinion and then follow your gut instinct on the direction to take from here. The other temptation with this energy is to be deceptive – either to your Self or others. Either way – don’t give in – it will only come back to bite you (harder) later. Your physical energy is likely to be low as well. Do not force your Self to do anything you are truly not “feeling” right now. Instead, meditate on what action may be necessary when your energy returns. Be still. Avoid confrontations with others as it is just the energy pushing you out of comfort zone, into new territory. This is a test of sorts and the best way to deal with it is to face your fears and clarify your desires. My personal two-cents about these two planets (Mars & Neptune) in a difficult angle, is to reflect on what actions (Mars) have been taken (and NOT worked) toward the fulfillment of your dreams (Neptune) – and start your “tweaking” there.

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