April 19 – 25, 2020 ~ Forecast

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

April 19 – 25, 2020 ~ Forecast

YouTube Version (22-min/Sunset Video)
or Podcast Version (22-min/mp3 Audio)
of Kelly’s Weekly Forecast

Note from Kelly:
We had a great call on Thursday night, when I introduced the New Venus Cycle in Gemini. We went over how the cycle feels in-general and we talked about the Social/Collective levels of evolution that this cycle brings. If you want to hear the Replay & Receive Custom Goodies, simply Register HERE and I will send them right over. If I can figure out how to set it up to be automatic, I will, but technology is a blessing and a curse these days so just email me if you’re having trouble finding anything. I hope you’ll join us for Part 2 this Thursday (see below).

Also, I am delighted that you all are finding the Weekly Forecast on your favorite podcast platform so it is super easy for you to get to the energetic support anytime you need it – I love this! I would just like to remind you if you are hearing or seeing this forecast but are NOT on my elist, I would recommend you sign up (to the right of this blog post) because there are lots of perks to being in direct communication with me and you can choose to receive them weekly or monthly or both so you control your inbox.

4/21 ~ Sun (essential Self) ~square~ Saturn (responsibility):
With this energy, it is best to understand that there are often two distinct pulls within you – obligation to others versus responsibility to Self. It’s not nearly as bad as it feels, however, it does bring up something we all work really hard to balance to some degree or another – SELF & OTHERS. How much do you owe your Self and how much are you obligated to others? Balance and reciprocity come to mind as guides. One of the challenges of this influence is making negative assumptions that there is no support for you when in truth, you haven’t asked for any and *help must be invited*. Saturn brings up our relationship to Time, and some people may feel restricted, as if life/other/outer is too demanding and there’s never any time just for the individual. This activation is a push to grow. It’s time to hold your own structure in some way and reclaim your Inner Authority (also Saturn’s domain) to direct your own life. Others may find their lives falling apart because they have avoided responsibility for so long and now there’s no more “wiggle room”. Rather than have a meltdown, take a nap and resolve to wake up with a plan, a strategy for taking the next step, even if that means simply asking for help or guidance from an older and wiser person. It’s time to deepen your dedication and commit to your Self in a whole new way. Recognize any current limitations and work with the resources at hand for now. The Sun usually illuminates the core essential nature or Self, so see where you may be stuck and need to break out of a rut of some sort and trust that taking charge and making a decision and choosing a direction is *inviting help* from the Universe to support your new direction.

Replays on KarmicTools Youtube Channel
Last Week’s Divinations + Topic of Discussion:
Challenges + Creative Solutions

4/22 ~ TAURUS New Moon:
Every year, at this time, we tend to our individual Gardens, that sacred place where everything we love has a place to grow, develop & bear fruit. What are you cultivating in your Garden at this time? This is always a chance to begin anew, anchoring the new ideas that got activated with the Aries New Moon a month ago, while also practicing the new routines that will help manifest and sustain whatever you’re creating at this time. Taurus energy, whether beginning or completing, always gives you the opportunity to assess your priorities. What is REALLY important now? What nourishes, supports and sustains you now? And because Venus is involved, I’d add “Who” as well ~ Who nourishes, supports and sustains you now? Taurus is all about what we *cultivate* so look at what worked and what didn’t over the last 6-months to a year and note what *building materials* you have at this time that would assist you in creating, manifesting and/or magnetizing a comfortable and fulfilling existence that truly reflects what you believe you are worth.

The Taurus lesson/energy is not so much about “waiting” as it is about slowing down to consciously cultivate and co-create with the energy, resources and opportunities presenting themselves at this time. Internally, you can anchor the aspects of the New Identity (Aries) recently activated, these are the aspects of self which you feel will support & sustain you going forward in this brand new territory. Whether energetically “new territory” or actual physical, literal “new territory” we are all on some new ground. This is the time of year to renew your commitment and dedication to living the life you feel most worthy of. Take stock of what you have released, as well as what you have acquired, give appreciation for ALL, then truly detach because you are worth so much MORE! There’s NEW energy & support available, and because your *values & priorities* have permanently shifted over recent years, it is good to reflect on what deeply supports who you are here & now. What feeds, nourishes, supports & protects your NEW desires? NEW values? NEW priorities? What kind of energy, relationships & circumstances are you magnetizing? What kind are you repelling? How often do you tune in to honor the beauty & abundance surrounding you, as well as within you? Gratitude unlocks energy and connects you to new resources. So use this Taurus New Moon to plant the seeds of well-being and abundance in your Garden this year.

Register HERE

4/25 ~ Pluto Rx 24* CAPRICORN:
Pluto is in a long process of purification & transformation (2008-2024) and retrogrades annually, facilitating evolution on a more subtle level, although if your chart is activated, it may not *feel* subtle. On a personal level, Pluto helps you dig up any destructive unconscious patterns, strips you raw and confronts you with who you are and how you will survive when nothing and no one else is available to help or support you. I like to think of Pluto as our ‘buried treasures’ and like diamonds, it often requires a very special task to release from within and bring into the Light. Often, because Pluto rules death, rebirth & transformation, something is sacrificed for your own greater good. Although it may be sometimes painful and debilitating, it doesn’t have to be, but is almost always is (a) necessary and (b) ultimately *liberating*!! It’s what we call a *liberating ideal* – never easy but always worth it.

Pluto is traveling through the Capricorn sector of your chart, digging deep and activating any other planets you may have in Capricorn (and Cancer/Aries & Libra by default). So, it’s good to look at this as an on-going purification & transformation of these departments in life. Pluto moves generations and great numbers of people along their evolutionary path, however, every year when it retrogrades, it turns that energy inward, giving us unique access to our own depths, where our SoulSelf resides. When it goes forward (10/4), it is a very gradual awakening process that develops from there. Transformation happens behind the scenes and often out of the prying eyes of others, as well as your own conscious monkey-mind, this is deep Soul Work that only you can do. What have you really purified & transformed this year? or what would you like to?

Use this time to set intentions for purification in the sense that you are supported to strip away the non-essential and reconnect with your purest, original intent. Change is greatly supported at this time, so anything that you are really ready, truly willing & finally able to change, can be transformed forever. Capricorn gets everyone focused on choices & responsibilities, as well as the structure of your life that supports & protects you and the overall stability of whatever House it rules. This is where you should channel your energies and focus to improve at this time.

4/25 ~ Mercury (ideas, thoughts & concepts) ~square~ Pluto (rebirth & transformation):
This energy is a tough, yet powerful one. Its Highest expression would be to focus on your inner development, discovery & deep-dig, on a Soul level. It enables you to look beneath the surface to some core drives and gain some valuable insights and thus, choose a plan of action based on your findings. You will want to know all the hidden meanings behind decisions you’ve made or want to make soon. Dig – you will find more than you think you’re ready for, but apparently the Universe thinks differently! Pay attention and try not to worry about what anyone else thinks or believes. This energy’s flip-side is to make you obsess over one particular idea and try to force others to your way of thinking. That is a bottomless pit – you cannot truly change the way other people think – you can only change the way you think and hope it enlightens others along the way … and it will, for those who are tuned in to your level of consciousness. Try to only focus on you and your direction, at this time.

4/25 ~ Mercury (expression) ~square~ Jupiter (truth):
This energy challenges you to integrate your smaller vision with the larger vision for your life. On one hand, you can see the big picture in new ways, but on the other hand, you may not be very interested in the details that bring it about. This is another good one for expanding your consciousness and thinking outside the box, but as the insights come into your conscious awareness, be mindful of the steps it will take to make your ideas a reality. This activation is also great for course-corrections where your ideas are concerned and will open you up to learning something new or bring in a crucial piece of information, so just keep in mind that you will also have to stabilize anything you start and probably have to review some details down the road because of something you overlooked in your enthusiasm for the new Truth being revealed from within.

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