May 24 – 30, 2020 ~ Forecast

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

May 24 – 30, 2020 ~ Forecast

YouTube Version (9-min/Sunset Video)
or Podcast Version (9-min/mp3 Audio)
of Kelly’s Weekly Forecast

5/25 ~ Mars (action) ~sextile~ Uranus (breakthrough):
This energy gives you the inspiration & original ideas that will fuel new action steps in your personal life. Patience & discipline are not the theme when these two get together, so beware of any urge to change just for the sake of change. But if you’re ready for a radical shift within or around you, then this activation could give you the clarity to breakthrough any long-standing blockages. This energy, when consciously directed, can actually break you out of any ‘ruts’ you’ve been in, inspire and motivate you to authentic change. You have energy and the illuminating ‘ah-ha’ moments which will propel you to a new, enlivened state of being, although it may upset folks around you who would rather you keep things status quo. Think outside the box, improvise, try something new (or a new way), engage in activities you’ve never tried before and try to connect with a new & different circle of people.

Replays on KarmicTools Youtube Channel

5/28 ~ Mercury Enters Cancer (until Aug 4th):
This is going to be a very special Mercury Retrograde and right on-time for what we’ve been through this year. It is officially time to process, digest & release all that we’ve been through in the last 3-months specifically. Some folks are naturally “go-go-go types” and have never stopped to process their lives – so they may just be getting to do that for the first time ever (or in a very long time like most of us). The World will not give you a “break” so you will have to take one. I have trained you to look forward to each and every Mercury Retrograde as an opportunity to do a mental clearing & personal data-dump. It is like defragging your computer, if you actually take a few time-outs to reflect on how your own consciousness has evolved and what you believe to be true or possible is changing in light of new information & circumstances, then you are freeing up energy and releasing wisdom that you couldn’t otherwise access.

Mercury Retrograde in Cancer is a special reminder to be cautious & caring – with Self and others. It’s time to get okay with moving sideways and/or backwards before going forward, and like a crab, we explore the perimeter to make sure it is safe before going after what we want. Since this year has activated this amazing awakening and forced us all to connect with new ideas, thoughts & concepts to communicate or express ourselves, this will be a great time to further develop whatever ideas have come to you this year, so far. They are your babies and it is your responsibility to nurture their development and release them to feed the world in their own way. If you haven’t already, take some time for inward focus and deep, radical self-care! Tis the season! We have to honor how we feel periodically, even if the culture would have us numbed-out & distracted. It’s like spring cleaning for your “feelers” – that Inner Empath that you are – that feels and senses what is best for you (and your family or community that you love).

This retrograde will give you a chance to tune back in to what messages your particular moods have for you. Be sure to remind yourself over and over to ‘think with your feelings’ or ‘think with your heart’ and be aware of your own sensitivity & boundary issues. It may be time to reestablish that on some level so that you are clear and capable of discerning whether it is your own feelings & thoughts that you are picking up along the way, or someone else’s nearby. Either way, it’s always a good time to slow down to do your own inner process & self-reflection to make sure that you are not operating on auto-pilot when the path is so changeable. The last thing I think this one will be good for is conjuring up memories from the past or you may feel the Ancestors closeby, be sure to call in the loving, benevolent, WELL Ancestors if you are looking for a message or confirmation (another thing Mercury Retro will be good for).

EXTRA Energy – will come through Mercury’s 3-times over interaction with Uranus & Mars, with the conjunction with the Sun being part of Mercury’s cycle all the time and renewal of our consciousness as individuals. In this case, we are being liberated from old thinking and old choices. On the other side of this will be the Mars Retrograde, which only happens every 2-years, so all of this is preliminary and every activation prepares you for what’s coming. We are renewing who we are, what we want and how we express our Sacred Masculine. It is time to be more caring and compassionate about that, but we don’t have to be push-overs either. It is time to ask what *FEEDS* you on the deeper levels, that which has perhaps only recently been revealed to your own conscious awareness.

AFTER the Retrograde, Mercury will have its final interaction with Saturn in Capricorn for 28-years, but first it will be across the council table from Jupiter & Pluto, while trining Neptune in between it all. This is so potent because 3-oppositions gives us a stellar opportunity to either: deepen our dedication (to that which is working) or start fresh and NEW ~ in a whole new direction!! All while dreaming up the New Vision with ease & grace. So I think the biggest effort you have to make is simply taking some time to process what you’ve learned so far in 2020 that can serve & support you throughout the rest of this year. We may not have known it was going to go down like this, however, now that we know it is a storm that will pass but is with us in some way for the remainder of the year, now we can co-create and CHOOSE, going forward. Don’t concern yourself with details of “how” – this is the time to dream up what nourishes & protects your mind, body & spirit so you can be a positive contributor to the social/collective Story being initiated at this time. On Winter Solstice this year, we literally begin a new 20-year cycle thanks to Jupiter & Saturn so the integrations we will receive through Mercury on the other side of the Retrograde will totally fortify us for forward movement this Fall, on an individual level so that we can call in that New Story for the social & collective levels too.

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