June 7 – 13, 2020 ~ Forecast

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

June 7 – 13, 2020 ~ Forecast

YouTube Version (12-min/Sunset Video)
or Podcast Version (12-min/mp3 Audio)
of Kelly’s Weekly Forecast

Note from Kelly:
This week is relatively light, all things considered. Use this slight breather from the other planets so we can continue to process, integrate and ride the waves of the Sag Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse (6/5). Ultimately, this year’s eclipses are helping us dream up a new vision for home, work, individuality, relationships, communities, learning, teaching and the evolution of consciousness. What is real & true for you? What do you want to see more of, in the world? Find a need and fill it with whatever you really care about and are willing to focus your time, energy & resources on, for the greater good. Now is the time to change your own Story so that the Collective Story automatically shifts. Gemini/Sag Eclipses + Venus Retro in Gemini always coincide with the evolution of the consciousness of humanity itself. As a Social & Collective unit, we are growing and changing the narrative to what is more appropriate for here and now.

To that end, many of my colleagues are sending out anti-racism resources for anyone who finds themselves wanting to contribute in a positive, effective way. I have only recently become acquainted with Color of Change.org, who I am happy to say is also on this list too. Adi Shakti, founder of SoulWork.comshared 6-pg/pdf HERE that is called *Activism & Allyship Guide* which we want FULL CREDIT and GRATITUDE to go to Black@ Airbnb Employee Resource Group. Like Adi, I too am sharing this with a sincere desire to further educate and empower the Power Circle Community and our extended family over here too.

Sidebar: The energies this week do support us conjuring a New Vision for effective actions and protections for the people, if we can let go of ego run amok, irrational fears and systemic racism that perpetuates a system we did NOT vote for. The fight initiated in the 1960’s is literally at its first test to see if we can live up to those ideals of freedom and justice for ALL! This is the “change/choice point” that all squares bring forcing us out of comfort zone and into new territory. Use your connection to Spirit to call in the Vision for your human self to live by! And spread LOVE not fear.

On another note, some of you may know that Instagram did some kind of update and we can no longer get my IGLive videos uploaded to my Youtube channel. We have spent the last two weeks exploring options that would allow us to keep meeting every Tuesday and somehow salvage the replay. At the moment, the only solution is to house them on my @TheSacredSandbox IGPage, where those with an account will be able to catch the replay after the 24-hours. For those of you who prefer Youtube, I will always upload extra goodies there for you. Otherwise, creating an IG account is easy and free, and from what I hear, better than Facebook anyway, for those who are really into soc-med. I am learning its value but I still prefer the direct-connect. So if you’re around and on IG Tuesday, we will be there and do apologize for those of you who were looking for us over the last 2-weeks. If we were spontaneous & unscripted before, we really are now with no replay 😉 but I am stretching out of my comfort zone too and learning to be in the moment which is a beautiful thing.

6/11 ~ Sun (core essential Self) ~square~ Neptune (illusions & delusions):
This activation can cause self-doubt, self-delusion and an overall confusion that seems to be sourced within or self-directed. It’s only temporary, this is just the Universe’s way of slowing you down so you can see where your goals may have been unrealistic or based on flights of fancy. If your energy is low and you’re feeling challenged to see the bright side of things, it is better to just time-out, rest & replenish (if possible) and most of all, do not initiate any grand plans as you are not really seeing things as they truly are at this time. Luckily, this is a pretty short-lived activation.

6/13 ~ Mars (actions & desires) ~conjunct~ Neptune (dreams & visions):
This energy is great for tapping in to your intuition and acting on its promptings. If you’re focused on your dreams at the moment, this will give you a boost of creative energy. It is time to expand your vision and play a little. This is not necessarily a time to push your body, but your imagination! How well do you do with your action, fearlessness, passion, and desire nature? If you resist these aspects of your nature, this energy can be tough to navigate. Sometimes you can feel much like you’re walking on the bottom of the pool, instead, try to practice floating above it all rather than letting it get you down. This energy reminds us that effectiveness is more important than speed in most cases, so watch what gets you fired up and direct it consciously, be pro-active rather than re-active, use your imagination every chance you get and embrace opportunities to improvise. Be gentle & compassionate with your Self and others, honoring all wherever they may be on their chosen Path.

* KarmicTools.com * Copyright © 2000-2020 * Kelly M Beard *
All Rights Reserved * Permission granted to copy/redistribute
Kelly’s Forecasts & Updates on the condition that
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