Month: July 2020

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

July 26 – Aug 1, 2020 ~ Forecast

7/27 ~ Jupiter (Consciousness & Belief Systems) ~sextile~ Neptune (Faith & Connection to Spirit):
(2 of 3: 2/20 ~ 7/27 ~ 10/12)
This is an opportunity to connect to miracles, if you believe in them. It may be miracles, but it may also be the alignment between your Heart & Soul, that part of you that trusts your intuition and believes in a higher power or Source or Universal presence. There are a couple of expressions of this energy. This is a time where your spiritual beliefs expand, taking on a more broad, Universal feel. You may feel the urge to work with those less fortunate (never a bad idea) or you may meet someone that expands your thinking, opening you to new concepts of faith. Under this influence, you may feel more optimistic & philosophical than usual, about your life and the world. It can be a fabulous energy to connect to, because when you are optimistic & faithful, as well as truly connected to the whole, you can manifest almost instantly.

July 19 – 25, 2020 ~ Forecast

7/20 ~ CANCER New Moon (2 of 2):
This is a powerful second chance to start anew in your Cancer Area of Life (House). We are getting a double dose of New Beginning energy that is so needed & necessary, considering the large-scale “endings” we are dealing with. This month gets personal, thanks to Cancer energy and the New Moon + Eclipse energies are helping us all seed a renewed Internal stability, a deeper Heart connection & what quality Soul nourishment really means to each of us. It is time to initiate something you are willing to be responsible (Capricorn) for nurturing (Cancer) to its full development and releasing to the Universe. Something born from YOU!

July 12 – 18, 2020 ~ Forecast

7/12 ~ Mercury Direct in CANCER:
Rather than the usual Mercury Retro/Direct advice, I decided to look at who Mercury would touch while in Cancer – that makes the story very clear! We got a little bit of everything, with it all being useful and relatively easy and then it has to square Mars 3-times over (5/11 ~ 7/8 ~ 7/27). This means we are really conflicted between our thinking & our actions. This year has been the poster-child for this on multiple levels – we keep thinking we have a handle on the situation and then go to take action, only to be blocked at every turn. Deep Breath! Pause – as ALL Retrogrades ask us to do – and review your thoughts & actions over the last 3-months to 3-years.

July 5 – 11, 2020 ~ Forecast

7/5 ~ CAPRICORN Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse:
This is your Annual opportunity to release that which you no longer want to be part of your reality or your responsibility. Look to what you *Initiated* at Winter Solstice and how far you’ve progressed since then. The Full Moon is shining a light in a corner for first time in 6-months to a year (the Capricorn House of your chart) revealing any weaknesses or cracks in the foundation of your current focus. Whatever you *Seeded* with the Capricorn New Moon/Solar Eclipse (12.26.2019) 6-months ago, has run its course and now the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse shows you what is solid and can be expanded on – as well as what is weak and must be fixed, replaced or released altogether.