Aug 30 – Sept 5, 2020 ~ Forecast

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

Aug 30 – Sept 5, 2020 ~ Forecast

YouTube Version (22-min/Sunset Video)
or Podcast Version (22-min/mp3 Audio)
of Kelly’s Weekly Forecast

8/30 ~ Venus (relationships & resources) ~oppose~ Pluto (purification & transformation):
Classic opposition: anything with Venus is usually softened, while anything with Pluto is always intensified, and the opposition automatically brings up the push-pull between these two. You are encouraged to tune into your own heart and then you can trust what is rising from your own depths. Also, any opposition gives you a look back at your starting point, which can reveal something that you may not be giving your Self credit for. Either way, this energy intensifies experiences where your relationships & resources are concerned. If you have focused on love, to the exclusion of money, then your finances will probably come up at this time for a rebalancing of sorts. If you’ve been focused on money, to the exclusion of family or supportive relationships, then that may be your focus. The bottom line is your true values are up for a purification of sorts. What/Who is really, truly important to you? How do you spend your resources of time, energy & money? What/Who are your real priorities right now? Often, we operate completely unconsciously (Pluto), being driven by deeper forces than we fully understand. And periodically, we must allow them to come up/out so we can distill or release them so they become compost rather than toxic. Since you may feel ‘compulsive’ in some way, you may as well use that energy to make a deeper commitment to getting to the root or source of any imbalance rather than let it take you away to feed some unidentifiable famine in your life. Often, this activation tends to make you uncontrollably drawn to someone you know is not good for you, which can only result in problems. It often provokes manipulation, jealousy, guilt and other negative emotions that always come when you are trying to maintain something that wasn’t meant to be in the first place. Again, don’t try to force YOUR Will, it can only lead to a broken heart in the end. If you are already in an intense relationship, beware of subconscious impulses, hidden resentments, unexpressed anger and/or frustration. Expressing it at this time can be helpful if you present your concerns in a constructive way, however, you will have to be personally strong and vigilant in monitoring your own emotions in order to do that. Ultimately, if change needs to happen in your relationship, this will be the catalyst. This energy is only “bad or negative” if you are unwilling to get to the real root or source of the given conflict. Otherwise, it is like a storm that cleanses & clears the air, making everything grow better.

8/30 ~ Mercury (lower mind) ~oppose~ Neptune (Higher mind):
This energy requires us to balance the Higher and lower mind. Some sensitive souls will feel bombarded by energies from all sides and it may feel like information-overload and very stressful. The best use of this transit is meditation – not making important decisions or commitments for a week or so. Communication with others is challenged, another reason to only communicate with your Higher Self – or at least check in more often this week! Don’t believe everything you read or hear. Allow information to flow at a comfortable pace and wait for the energy to shift before making any decisions based on the information gathered. Some will access the necessary clarity for furthering their vision – others’ vision will be blurred and just out of reach.

9/1 ~ Mercury (ideas, thoughts & concepts) ~trine~ Pluto (rebirth & transformation):
This activation makes any deep delving within easier and more fruitful. It encourages you to ask the deeper questions, clarify your deeper feelings and trust your intuitive gut feelings that are telling you something has to die so some other aspect of your consciousness can live. You will want to explore your inner Self, sort through recently gathered information and try to understand better what your natural process really is. It is best to be alone for such research. Take a day or a weekend and grab your most powerful books & music and get somewhere beautiful if you can, if not, then your bedroom will do just as well – and dig deep! You are finally ready for these deeper truths, and you will be transformed by what you learn. If you must communicate with others, plan on that being deep as well, so best to talk to a trusted advisor or wise elder. Nothing superficial today. The only warning with this energy is not to become obsessive about one particular idea – and certainly don’t try to force any ideas on others. If you feel the deep need to focus on one particular thing, that is fine but try to keep some perspective or write down all your revelations so you can reflect on them at a later time when you can be more objective and prioritize better.

9/2 ~ Venus (relationships & resources) ~oppose~ Saturn (physical limits & reality):
Where Sun opposite Saturn has the focus squarely on you, the individual, Venus opposite Saturn often illuminates the relationships that you’ve magnetized (or repelled) in your own life. It is here that I also like to remind folks how valuable MidPoints can be as they give you a direct look back at your starting point, which offers unbelievable clarity about what you may be dealing with in the present moment. There is a push-pull between your true values and the current reality of your relationships and/or your resources. You may find yourself questioning what (and who) is or is no longer of value or important to you. Or you may find yourself facing some hard and unavoidable personal truths. Do not feel sorry for yourself and do not take it out on others. It is time to take responsibility for making new choices. Looking back will only trip you up. Challenges may center around commitments you’ve made out of obligation and/or a sense of duty, rather than because you actually wanted to contribute. You can use this energy & activation to align your reality with the values of your heart. Don’t allow the anxiety associated with change to keep you from making some important decisions at this time. If you give into your fears, you could get caught up in martyrdom or victim consciousness. Deciding what you want, committing to the work it will take to manifest your vision and getting to work – that’s what Saturn will reward with tangible & long-lasting results. You will never regret investing in your Self this way.

9/2 ~ Sun (core identity) ~trine~ Uranus (individuality):
This energy is wonderful for a little self-examination and taking action on your own behalf. Look at your habits, home situation, work or anything else that is important to you and look at how you’ve gotten to where you are. What kind of choices led here? This is a good time to look around and see how you can conserve what is useful and release that which is no longer relevant for you going forward. It’s also a good energy for organizing & clearing the decks, so to speak, of things that have piled up but still need to be dealt with (or released altogether). You may be feeling very practical, possibly selfish, but it’s actually self-preservation.

9/2 ~ PISCES Full Moon:
We are out of Fixed energy (Leo), which has activated both the need to stabilize certain things, as well as release (permanently) some aspect of Self, so that your life can actually function, in the physical reality you’re currently living. That said, no matter how bad it is, change really is only one decision and a renewed commitment away. We are now moving through the Mutable energy of Virgo, which can help us process & assimilate all that has lived and died thus far, this year. Now is time to make the necessary arrangements for new life to come in and thrive. Think: Nesting in the sense that you are preparing space for something new in your life. But because it is Virgo, it is more about how this new life/energy/direction is going to actually work into your natural rhythm & routine.

*IF* you have made a ton of new connections & friends recently, and all your creativity was activated, and your heart engaged, then Virgo energy comes in and helps you create a new system and help you get used to your new rhythm. It’s time to create a whole new daily routine that better supports who you are and are becoming. We’re all finding various systems and routines (that have historically worked) that are now obsolete and no longer work (for whatever reason). That is always a clear indication that it is time for a new one. And *IF* you are able to create one (tweaking as you go and leaving it open to further revisions), then when Libra comes next month, you’ll be able to really make those connections with others, personal or professional, easier to navigate. This conscious clearing can create space for some powerful new relationships, partnerships & collaborations.

However, if you have spent the last month of Leo examining your own self-worth, wondering why you magnetize certain things & people, and repel others, and generally feeling like the life you’re living does NOT reflect who you are in your heart-of-hearts, then this month of Virgo will help you heal those aspect(s) of Self which will enable you to be more congruent so you can take advantage of the coming opportunities in Libra.

PISCES Full Moon is best for releasing illusions & delusions, any ways we’ve been unrealistic lately. It’s the best Full Moon to release: self-sabotage, compulsiveness, addiction, martyrdom & victim consciousness to name a few. The Full Moon is illuminating where we may have to be more practical & present. This is a purification time of year, so healthy boundaries are vital as you integrate the year and assimilate your own personal Harvest for 2020. Allow your Imagination some space to connect to those *creative solutions* that are customized just for you and renew your connection to both a Spiritual & Physical Daily Practice. This is not new, or news to you I’m sure, but even if you have been the most dedicated and consistent ever, every year, this is an opportunity to freshen up the practice so you are more inspired & uplifted. If you need/want some help freshening up your practice, Reach OUT to Your Mystic Mentor HERE.

The energy this month supports you assessing your strengths and weaknesses and re-committing to balancing your soul-work (Pisces) with your daily work (Virgo); allowing the fragmented aspects (Virgo) of life to come into a cohesive whole (Pisces); and focusing on the little things (Virgo) that make the grand vision (of your life) possible (Pisces). With the rapid pace that this world is shifting, your time is much better spent on that which you deeply and truly value … not narcotized or distracted by nonsense and propaganda, nor giving in to emotional overwhelm or irrational fears. Instead of deluding yourself, delaying your decisions or taking time-outs with the TV (or the like) – try to take some time to sit with your Higher Self in silent communion. Allow a conversation to evolve between your Self and Great Spirit. Intuition is like a muscle, you have to work it to gain strength. Trusting the guidance received during those quiet moments, strengthens the connection to your intuition. Keeping foremost in your mind that while the chaos & illusion swirls around, you have the internal compass of the Heart and your own Intuition to rely on and this is the month to fortify those connections.

PISCES Full Moon is the best time of the year (Aug-Sept) to:
•Release shame, blame & guilt
•Embrace the value of the lesson in every experience
•Release criticism, judgement & fear
•Embrace compassion for others & patience with your own process
•Release the addiction to unobtainable perfection
•Embrace trusting your creative Spirit & inherent beauty
•Release petty distractions & victim consciousness
•Embrace your inner authority to direct your own life

9/3 ~ Mercury (your thinking) ~trine~ Saturn (structure & organization):
This energy is good for deep thinking. You are sharp and your standards are high because you are in ‘strategy mode’. This is a more solitary energy though, so communications with others may be hampered a bit because it is time for you to hold your own, at some new level. It’s time to focus on the details that hold the big dream together, all the little things that make the grand vision work. Some respect that attention to detail while others may consider it nit-picky but it is what the energy supports at this time so don’t worry if others don’t understand at this time. By the same token, you may also feel a little overwhelmed by the many “little things” that cannot be denied or delayed and thus a sense of urgency to get it all done. Beware of a tendency toward pessimism, depression or overwhelm. Try to stay focused on all the blessings that you do have and all that you have accomplished instead of what’s still on the list of things to do (in life). This energy is not intended to make you feel bad about all the things left yet to do, but encourage you to begin the necessary steps for manifesting your dreams. This energy just makes you focus on the practical side of manifesting. Clear the debris, and begin to lay a new, clean, solid foundation beneath your goals. Saturn gets you present to the necessary steps and Mercury helps you think more clearly.

9/4 ~ Venus (values & priorities) ~square~ Mars (desire & passion):
This is your Inner Sacred Feminine & Masculine pushing out of comfort zone and into new territory. It is time to recalibrate how you give & receive, as well as how you BE versus DO. It helps to know the Signs & Elements to consciously choose how to work with this activation. Tune into how you direct your own power, as well as what you magnetize & repel naturally. Anytime Venus & Mars interact, the energy has to do with your relationships, both personal & professional, private & public. Squares create the necessary tension to catalyze action. As an individual, it is time to grow, change and integrate your own values & priorities (Venus) with your own desires & passion (Mars), however, on another level, it can activate sexual energy as that too is the energy of creation. If you are in a happy, healthy relationship, then it is a great energy for you expressing your love in a physical way. However, if your relationship already has tension (especially in the physical realm), then this is a difficult energy to deal with and the only real solution is open communication and a willingness to compromise, so good luck!

9/4 ~ Mercury (thoughts) ~sextile~ Venus (art & beauty):
This is a great opportunity to beautify your ideas, improve or deepen them so they are expressing more of your unique authenticity. Communication in relationships usually goes well under this influence. This energy also turns your thoughts and ideas toward how you feel and what inspires you with love & beauty. This is a great time to be particularly creative, or do something that activates your own Inner Artist. It is best to keep it light and let go of your mundane burdens just for a time. Pleasure reading, a walk on the beach, a play or museum are all good things to do at some point this week, if possible.

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