August 16 – 22, 2020 ~ Forecast

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

August 16 – 22, 2020 ~ Forecast

YouTube Version (17-min/Sunset Video)
or Podcast Version (17-min/mp3 Audio)
of Kelly’s Weekly Forecast

8/16 ~ Sun (core identity) ~trine~ Mars (desire):
This is a powerful energy for solidifying who you are, what you want and what you are capable of. It brings out your desire to be truly self-sustained & independent, and with the good angle between Sun & Mars, you are deeply supported for forward movement that feels almost effortless when you are grounded and aligned with your own Truth & Purpose. If you are not clear about who you are or what your purpose is, this energy will inspire you to find out. If you are already on track and crystal clear, then this energy strongly supports progress & evolution to the next level in obvious ways. It is a great time for physical activities that bring you joy and get your juices flowing. You should review, with gratitude, all the goals you’ve accomplished thus far and begin deciding what you can finish up in preparation for what’s coming. You are truly being prepared for your future, use this great energy to ground that intent consciously and with a vote from your Heart & Soul.

8/17 ~ Mercury (your voice) ~trine~ Mars (your actions):
This is a great alignment of your Thoughts & Actions. Clarity is effortless and you can follow your instincts with more ease & grace. Be mindful of the Element too ~ in this case (8.17.2020), FIRE ~ this is your creative spark or impulse to create, move, choose. Fire brings cleansing & transformation and a fresh new beginning. It is a great energy which gives you the courage to think things through and it activates your ability for strategic problem-solving if/when necessary. You will have direct access your authentic, inner voice so if you need or want an expressive outlet, you are likely to find one. It’s also a great energy for small gatherings for spiritual, creative and/or intellectual exchange. Enjoy it! Just keep in mind your own Elemental Balance as well and how you naturally work with Fire in your own life.

8/17 ~ Mercury (communication & self-expression) ~conjunct~ Sun (core essential Self):
This energy will compel you to express yourself on many levels. Communication will be a focus, just make sure it is reciprocated. You will have access to some powerful energy that can (and probably will) make quite an impression on others (if you need to). This is a good time to travel if possible too. However, if not physically, then mentally and certainly within your own area, you will take in more information per square inch than usual. Pay attention! You may even gain a new insight or attract the much-deserved recognition from others that you have worked so hard for.

8/18 ~ LEO New Moon:
As the Sun moves in to Leo (7/22 – 8/22), it activates the Annual Check-In with your Heart & Authentic Self, are you being true to YOU? and expressing your own unique Light & Brilliance ~ from the inside out? Leo energy activates your Self-Love/Self-Worth issues. As you discover your unique strengths & gifts, it becomes your responsibility to share them with the Community to which you belong. There is an idea that is often true and it suggests that “whatever’s inside comes out” (especially under external pressures) … so if you are full of Love, Light & Truth, then a generosity of Spirit comes out … if you are full of Fear & Doubt, then obstacles and blockages come out. What’s inside you? in your true heart-of-hearts? Now more than ever, we must be congruent with our Inner & Outer Natures in order to thrive & evolve. If we are “serving two masters” (or incongruent on one or many levels) ~ having the private side of your nature be too drastically different from that which you present to the world ~ then you’re going to have challenges, blockages and delays until you get into more alignment. Leo energy teaches us all how to BE it (your Authentic Self), not just “appear” to be it; it asks that you know who you are (and next month, Virgo will perfect it ;-)). What has changed on a *fundamental* level (Cancer/Capricorn ~ personal & professional or at home & work) for you, that has now made you aware of how vital it is to honor your essential nature (Leo/Sun), so you are able to contribute to the whole (Aquarius/Uranus) in a more useful and delicious way?

Leo time brings us the Mid-Point between Summer & Fall, activating the Gate of Power as well as the annual Pre-Harvest. It is the time of year when we assess what we can preserve and build on, in time to have a good Harvest come Fall Equinox (9/22) that will then carry us to Winter Solstice (12/21). This time is potent, especially for the *Fixed* Family … LEO *Initiation* ~ AQUARIUS *Integration* ~ TAURUS/SCORPIO *Test/Growth*. This time of year, every year, is considered the time of ‘pre-harvest’ and it is a celebration, as well as an early assessment of all that you, the individual, has been able to create or contribute to the year so far. It is time to assess and celebrate how far you have come, how much you have manifested and your overall progress for this year. This is where you are, at a crossroads or turning point, when depending on your harvest, it is time to plan the next leg of your journey. Using Leo’s heart-centered faith & confidence, as well as child-like joy & hope, you will radiate light and magnetize all that you need, desire & deserve!

This is an opportunity to expand & illuminate the lesson of courage, authenticity and deep self-love. When you’re connected and truly love your Self, it is easy to give/receive and share/attract LOVE! When you operate from a confident, strong center, rather than insecure ego, you radiate LOVE and magnetize a similar (loving/confident) energy to you. Collectively, when you love and take care of your community, it can come together and create new, innovative structures & institutions which actually serve & support the needs of the people in the here & now. Your community can be free to grow, thrive & prosper, handling each blessing, as well as each challenge, that comes along. Cancer brought us out of the first quadrant of survival issues & basic needs to more of the individuation process (Leo) when we tend to focus more on asserting ourselves and integrating all that we learned in the last quarter. Leo is ruled by the Sun and the Sun represents your Source – your inner Light – and all that you have come to create & contribute to the community (Aquarius). Leo energy helps you expand the concept of who you are and what you are capable of, not to mention the value of the energy & service you provide to the community. It’s so beautiful when we can ALL be free, when we ALL do our part.

8/18 ~ Venus (relationships, love & money) ~sextile~ Uranus (clarity & inspiration):
This energy, thanks to Uranus, activates a certain spark of electricity in the air. New relationships will have an unusual aspect to them and old ones can break-to-realign in a positive, even fun way with this energy. No monotonous routine, humdrum people or boring collaborations with this one. Use it to access your own unique genius and deep well of creativity and then share if you can, with other like-hearted Souls. Take advantage of this energy to tap into areas you may not have realized were available to you before now. Keep it light and upbeat; socialize and enjoy the experience of different people or new activities. Keep in mind, however, any relationships begun this week may not be based on qualities needed for long term survival. It is more of a time to enjoy the people and experiences that pass through and accept them as a gift!

8/19 ~ Mercury Enters VIRGO (until Sept 5th):
Hopefully, Mercury’s extended stay in Cancer re-connected your Head & Heart and the couple of weeks in Leo got you back to feeling like yourself in some way. All that has prepared you for this Virgo time. How is your summer going? Have you changed your mind about something? Have you discovered what really nourishes you and connects you to your true heart? Mercury’s journey through Virgo is going to allow you to truly process & integrate whatever came into your conscious awareness during this time. It’s time for discernment & discrimination – you will have to choose or decide which ideas are worth investing more energy into so you can get organized and anchor them into the new rhythm you are creating at this time. We are in the Pre-Harvest season for another month or so, and I think you will benefit from some time-outs in Nature to mentally process your summer and get grounded. Reflect on the emotions of Solstice time and the creativity of Leo time to inspire the Virgo discipline to tend to the all the “little things” that allow the “big vision” to work in your life.

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