Sept 13 – 19, 2020 ~ Forecast

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

Sept 13 – 19, 2020 ~ Forecast

Podcast ~ AUDIO Only HERE (13-min)
of Kelly’s Weekly Forecast

9/14 ~ Sun (core essential Self) ~trine~ Pluto (purification & transformation):
This energy makes you want to get things done, by any means necessary and you may tend to come on a little strong – but it’s all good. The work you want to do, is work that needs to be done and in doing it and facing things head-on, you will gain insights about your Self that fortify your foundation so that your life can evolve to the next level organically. This intense and powerful energy is transformative in nature and will provoke you to think more deeply about your own life; what you need, desire and deserve. You may find that some aspects of your life need to be reformed or released – go for it – this energy makes reform and release easier than usual. It’s a good time to make an impression or an impact on others, but be sure to keep it on the Highest level possible. Any actions or statements used to manipulate others for selfish gain can/will backfire in a big way. This is a positive, uplifting, transformative energy – use it as such to clear the debris and create the life you were born to live.

9/15 ~ Venus (love, finances & relationships) ~square~ Uranus (sudden change):
This is a test to grow that you cannot always plan for. Venus rules your values & priorities and an activation with Uranus signifies something sudden and seemingly out-of-the-blue. Of course, this isn’t true, but it can feel that way. The truth is, it is time to do something “different” where your love, finances or relationships are concerned. Making a conscious effort to do things in a completely new way will be rewarded with a lesson & a blessing that you would’ve never considered. Due to new revelations happening within you, the immediate response will come from those closest to you. If you’re in relationships (personal or professional) that have reached a point where they have to change or end, this is a good time to try to discuss it openly and with as much detachment & objectivity as possible. This energy can provoke the need for excitement or stimulation in your relationships, giving you the urge to shake things up. Be aware & mindful of others’ feelings too because they may not be in the mood for such sudden change. Another expression of this energy is to get things on the table; it’s a great time to really discuss things & come to an agreement or compromise. Ultimately, this is a test of your flexibility in relationships. The more inflexible or attached to status quo that you are, the more disruptive this energy can be.

9/17 ~ Mercury (expression/mind) ~square~ Jupiter (truth/consciousness):
This energy challenges you to integrate your smaller vision with the larger vision for your life. On one hand, you can see the big picture in new ways, but on the other hand, you may not be very interested in the details that bring it about. This is another good one for expanding your consciousness and thinking outside the box, but as the insights come into your conscious awareness, be mindful of the steps that it will take to make your ideas a reality. This activation is also great for course-corrections where your ideas are concerned and will open you up to learning something new or bring in a crucial piece of information, just keep in mind that you will have to stabilize anything you start and probably have to review some details down the road because of something you overlooked in your enthusiasm for the new Truth revealed from within.

9/17 ~ Sun (your core drives) ~trine~ Saturn (discipline & order):
This energy gives you the direction & discipline at the same time. Use it consciously to fuel your goals at this time, as you will be blessed by your past efforts. You are completely supported to structure your life in a whole new way. It’s time to take a personal inventory, organize your life, especially your home, office or immediate environment. Naturally, this kind of shift will also affect those you relate with in these close environments, so be mindful of others who are not necessarily as *clear* as you may be at this time. A new order is trying to take root, which scares some and excites others, and this activation supports you and your personal definition of stability & good boundaries. You have access to focus & dedication that can set the tone for the next season, as you clarify the connection between who you are and what you are truly responsible for in this life. Evaluate your daily routine and see what’s working and what’s not and move forward with some new choices.

9/17 ~ VIRGO Super/New Moon:
The Virgo New Moon comes every year and presents us with an opportunity to reboot the *System* ~ your personal system, which often entails creating a whole new routine as well. Theoretically, during the last Lunation (Leo/Aquarius), we decided what we were going to express with more integrity & authenticity and what we were going to *invest in* Self & Community (with more energy & resources) because there are new value & new priorities at this time. Virgo-time supports integrating all that you have learned about your core essential nature (Leo) recently, into a new routine and creating a completely new System for living, that will support you better in the here & now. It’s time to digest, assimilate & integrate the last 9-months specifically. Also deeply supported this month is acknowledging (and releasing) any regrets, mourning any true losses or deaths and deepening your dedication to that which is vital, strong, healthy & evolving (within & around you).

Pre-Harvest Assessments (Aug/Sept) always reveal what does or does not support your Physical & Spiritual Selves, that Spirit in human form. Twice a year (Feb/Mar & Aug/Sept), we have to take time out to check in on the Physical Body (Virgo) & Spiritual Being (Pisces). If you’re healthy, great! But if you have pushed yourself to the limits, it’s time to pull-back and recalibrate. We also have to check in with our Spiritual Being. If your practice is strong and supporting you, great! But if you have neglected your yoga or meditation, silence or sleep, then this is the best time to reboot the system and dedicate to a new routine.

As we approach the Harvest for the year 2020, keep in mind that everything is a response to the last thing, and preparation for the next thing. So as you connect to what you love and your Authentic Self in Leo, you shift to how to anchor that Emergent Self in your day-to-day life so that you are individually secure as you move toward Libra. That is time to cultivate relationship and/or engage with others on some level. It is also a great time of year to address any imbalances in your life as we approach our one-of-two opportunities each year to tune into physical, literal balance at the Equinoxes.

Which leads to two announcements, Shanta Gabriel created another beautiful Anusthan, which is a daily spiritual practice, that we’ve been doing at the turn of the seasons, as a group. It is truly a gift to give your Self this time daily to whatever your spiritual practice is, but even more potent when you know there are hundreds of others focusing daily too!

Click HERE for Details

Also, I will be offering a FALL Equinox TeleCircle for our combined communities. Shanta will be driving cross-country so *IF* she can make it, she will be our Bonus Baby and she will guide us through the closing prayer. We ask for a $22 Donation HERE but ALL are Welcome! Register to join us and receive the replay HERE.

Click HERE to Register & Donate $22

Click HERE for $25 OFF Astro/Tarot Reading

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