Nov 1 – 7, 2020 ~ Forecast

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

Nov 1 – 7, 2020 ~ Forecast

Kelly’s Weekly Forecast
Podcast ~ AUDIO Only HERE (15-min)


Note from Kelly:
See how God works? LOL! I believe it was within the last month that I mentioned how the forecast is all part of my rhythm, for those who asked how I could always be so consistent. Yes, I have 6-planets in Virgo, so ORDER is the First Law of the Universe around here and I do my best to plan my time wisely. But every once in a while, the Universe will show me who’s really in charge of my life. And It must’ve wanted to test me to see how much it could throw my way before I surrendered. I was all organized for this week’s forecast and I should’ve just posted it early (vs late) and from Oct 25th to now/Nov 2nd, I was getting beat up (literally & figuratively) by Mars & Mercury Retrograde, along with Uranus in the mix for good measure, because most of it was so weird & unexpected that if I didn’t have my husband & sister as witnesses, I may not believe some of it myself!! I’m still not 100% but I am back in my home, at my desk, catching up. So for those of you who had appointments or reached out in the last week, my apologies, I am slowly catching up my backlog of. Please feel free to reach out again so your message goes to the top, otherwise I will respond to everyone as fast as I can. Again, I am really sorry for those of you I am working with in the Circle and one-on-one as I really wanted to do a big ceremony with you on Nov 1st because I was supposed to be in Nature, which also went haywire. I often remind folks that just because I know what’s happening with the planets, does NOT exempt me from their effects. 😉 However, we still have time as the Gate of Power is technically Friday so I’ve decided to do my ceremony on the day/at the time and I will share the results of my *magic* next week on 11/11 ~ since I’ll be talking about energy that day for sure! I did consider giving you two weeks right now but honestly, next week is SO potent that it deserves its own recording because it is quite likely that we will all have to refer to it more than once in the future.

11/1 ~ Mercury Rx (communication/expression) ~square~ Saturn (limits/reality):  (2 of 3: 9/23 ~ 11/1 ~ 11/6)
This energy is good for deep thinking rather than negotiating with others as it is more of a solitary energy making communications with others a little harder than usual. You may feel like people don’t understand what you’re trying to convey or that you’re coming across more negative than positive. This is not a good energy for business negotiations unless every detail is very clear to all involved. This energy makes you most critical of your Self, but it could trickle over onto others as well. Beware of a tendency toward apathy, pessimism and/or depression, that’s Saturn & Mercury, which makes it more mental than literal. Try to stay focused on all the blessings that you do have and all that you have accomplished instead of what’s still on the list of things to do (in life). This energy is not intended to make you feel bad about all the things left yet to do, but encourage you to begin the necessary steps and be okay with small measures of progress for now. This energy just makes you focus on the practical side of manifesting. Clear the mental & emotional debris, and begin to lay a new, clean, solid foundation beneath your goals and strategize about the details of bringing it to fruition.

*On Nov 3rd, Mercury will go Direct and hit Saturn again on Nov 6th – in this same week! So they are basically hanging out together for Mercury’s about-face. Think back to Fall Equinox, when they had their initial contact, can you think of anything that came up in your relationships or finances that has you re-thinking everything now? How is your reality shifting because your consciousness has shifted? (this year in particular)

11/3 ~ Mercury Direct in LIBRA:
Woo-hoo! We always do a dance of joy when Mercury goes Direct, but we should also remember that we’re not quite out of the woods until the end of the month when it gets out of Shadow, so you may experience some residual effects. All in all though, we have just review our ideas, thoughts & concepts in the Libra/Scorpio Departments of Life (Houses) so what did you learn over the last 3-6 weeks? Were you able to face the dark, not-so-nice side of life and still hold your center in balance? No perfection, only practice but this year has brought most of us face-to-face with our fears and our ideas that simply will not work anymore so we have to get present, get creative, keep it natural and always shoot for the Beauty Way – the way that is most nourishing, beautiful & sustainable for all involved.

11/6 ~ Mercury (communication/expression) ~square~ Saturn (limits/reality):
*see above – 11/1 entry.

11/6 ~ Scorpio Gate of Power:
Samhain ~ Cross Quarter ~ Honoring the Invisible Assistance ~ This completes the 8 Sacred Seasons of the Solar Year. You’ve done all you can do for the last 10+ months and now you must surrender. You have been intuitively guided and completely supported the whole time … whether you were aware of it or not. All seasonal shifts call your attention to Balance and remind you to, periodically, tune-in to your Heart, Mother Nature and Great Spirit.

This is the time of year for closure ~ within and without. The Cross Quarter Seasons (between each of the Solstices and Equinoxes) have long been considered to be *Gates of Power* ~ a threshold that offers access to other realms of existence, other Dimensions, which are relevant and connected to our 3rd Dimension.

During this time of year, reflection on the past and rumination on the future commingle. The Angels, Ancestors and Animal Spirit Guides should be honored and will be more accessible for communing with at this time of the year. You can ask for their guidance on the lesson & purpose of certain events or experiences of the past year and/or you can ask for guidance on how to proceed during the coming year.

After completion, clearing & release, it is an especially good time to sit with the empty space for a period of time. This is an infinitely potent time in-between ~ a place, also referred to as the “Sweet Spot” in agriculture, it is that very thin membrane between *Seed & New Life*. Plant your seeds of the future during this dark time, then be still, listen & invite Life back. This 6-week period prior to Winter Solstice has the longest nights, implying rest, work behind closed doors and moving through any personal darkness. It is time to restore strength and prepare for the Light’s return, when things will again begin to quicken.

This is when we surrender the past and invite the Ancestors to bless the future. It is a time to ‘Honor the Dead’. This concept can apply to friends & family who are no longer on this plane of existence with us, but you should also keep in mind that (1) their essence never dies and (2) this time of year is the easiest time to commune with them as their Spirits actually becomes more accessible. It can also apply to your individual Being, your creative projects and/or cycles in your life that are now done, finished & complete.

There is a *Sweet Spot* between the completion and initiation of any cycle, project or part of your Self, which is the fertile darkness that holds the seeds of your Heart. Honor it with any kind of ‘time-out’ ~ rest ~ reverence ~ or deep reflection and then, be open to the treasures yearning to rise from your own depths, your own SoulSelf dreaming of a new level of expression (which is totally possible now).

*SCORPIO* represents the most potent time of the year …
Scorpio as ruled by Mars asks, “What do you deeply desire?
Scorpio as ruled by Pluto asks,
What are you willing to sacrifice to have that desire fulfilled?

Are you willing to … *SACRIFICE*:
~ skepticism … for critical thinking? ~
~ fear … for love? ~
~ doubt … for faith? ~
~ poverty consciousness … for abundance? ~
~ groundless low self-esteem … for knowing who you are? ~
~ false pride … for true confidence? ~

This *Sacred Season* is About:
Surrendering the Year & Inviting the Ancestors’ Magic
Time for honoring the dead (ancestors etc)
Time to prepare for several months of INNER Self-Work
Time for honoring that which is complete in your life
Time when the veils between dimensions are thinnest
Time for honoring the end of a cycle, while glimpsing the new cycle
Time to prepare for seasonal shift
(this hemisphere is Winter, time to rest & replenish)

This is the time when the life/death/life cycle is at work, highlighting the area of your life where you may experience an ending and subsequent new beginning; this is also the most potent energy to create with, so be co-creative, pro-active and watch your thoughts & inner dialogues. This also represents karma, which can be actual karma (results of your actions, choices & decisions) or simply the results of your Fall Harvest ~ all that you have created for the year and how well it will serve your needs thru the Winter into the new year.

This is the season between Fall Equinox and Winter Solstice, so there is an element of ‘harvest’ still going on, however, it is more about *Surrender & Rest* in preparation for New Life. Mother Earth rests in one part of the world so that She can nourish the other half of the world with Light & Life.

* * Copyright © 2000-2020 * Kelly M Beard *
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