Nov 15 – 21, 2020 ~ Forecast

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

Nov 15 – 21, 2020 ~ Forecast

Kelly’s Weekly Forecast
Podcast ~ AUDIO Only HERE (21-min)

11/15 ~ Super/New Moon in SCORPIO:
This Scorpio New Moon is really powerful for *seeding* your deepest, soul-level desires. This is an annual opportunity to return to the Infinite Void (conception point) and set some completely new intentions. There is also additional energy available at this time from your Invisible Team of Support ~ your own Angels, Ancestors & Animal Spirit Guides who walk with you now & always. This New Moon opens a portal of sorts, one that allows us to align with the ultimate power of transformation, transcending the current form, on Individual, as well as Social/Collective levels. And because the form is being seeded at this time, you may not exactly know what the logistics (3D) are, but you can connect with the *Essence* of what you want to co-create ~ the essence of what you want to feel ~ the essence of what you want your Earthly Experience to be! Connect to that *Essence* ~ Connect to the level of authentic power that your individual system can handle at this time ~ Connect to that which you want to bring to Life, that which you want to bring from Invisible Form (Scorpio), into Visible Form (Taurus) in a way that serves you and benefits others, while harming none. Then, do your Power Wishes/Scorpio Intentions around initiating another Annual Cycle of Transformation & Manifestation. We are expanding the possibilities as we speak, that enable us to combine our deepest core values with our most expanded vision for humanity!

This New Moon asks us to get *congruent* with our inner & outer selves and renew our commitment to positive change. All of this speaks to the new realms emerging in place of all that has crumbled in recent years. Many sprouts of your hard work are now breaking ground, and if not, I suspect that a clearing is in the works so it won’t be long (hang in there). As you’re setting your New Moon intentions, consider how you *feel* about Pluto issues: death, power, sex and money (among other things). They don’t teach how to deal with these issues in school, most parents don’t teach their children in western culture so we all just do the best we can through trial and error. But these are integral aspects of life and there is a rhythm to them that you can learn for yourself. A Scorpio New Moon helps you renew your dedication to holding your own structure, owning your Inner Authority and directing your own personal power in new & better ways. All of that is getting an upgrade thanks to the additional alignments in the sky pattern.

So I would add here ~ that it is also the time of year when we do the most divinations & consulting with the Ancestors, Angels & Animal Spirit Guides because it is the time of year when we ask for clarity on all that has gone before so that we can make the best decisions about how to go forward, with their blessing. There is an Underworld Journey of sorts, that is available & customized for each of us but I’m happy to guide & support you as you navigate your own. I am finding that I have to *schedule* integration time these days because the energies are so rich & potent, so do what you can to get some alone-time to process. This is a *conception point* – which is an opportunity to co-create with your Soul and the Universe! I did some Special Divinations that I shared on our 11:11 Portal TeleCircle with Shanta Gabriel. We have several alignments before, after and leading up to Winter Solstice, so I pulled cards for from the Vision Quest Tarot deck.

Click HERE for FREE 11:11 Tarot Reading
Click HERE to Request 11:11 Portal Replay

11/15 ~ Venus (your values) ~square~ Pluto (transformation):
This activation brings intensity and it challenges you to grow (out of comfort zone, into new territory) especially where your relationships & finances are concerned. It creates very intense emotional responses and experiences with others that tends to trigger insecurities or hidden fears in one or both of you. Stability is not part of the equation at the moment, so prepare for inevitable change. You’ve probably already felt it coming (the shift in your relationship or financial situation), well, it’s here now, so you can be proactive on your own behalf or you can suffer the consequences of postponing the inevitable. (You may have heard me say: Pay now or pay double later. That applies to this transit too.) The natural reaction may be to try to hold on to the job or relationship, but try not to give in to that temptation. Pluto intensifies everything and the more you resist the necessary purification & change that Pluto brings, the more painful it usually is. It is better to clarify your values & priorities and choose change, rather than have it forced (more Pluto) upon you. Either way, once the dust settles, you should be better off because things either change for the better or go away altogether making room for something new and more in-alignment with your values & priorities of ‘now’.

11/16 ~ Venus (love, finances & relationships) ~square~ Jupiter (expansion & consciousness):
This energy is a happy-go-lucky kind of energy that doesn’t really want to be bothered with the mundane, however, you must not allow that passing energy to get you so off track that it costs you more than it is worth, down the road. If you don’t have any pressing obligations, then this will be a fun, relaxing time, possibly with friends or doing something sociable. However, if you have work to do, make sure it gets done first so you can truly enjoy yourself without the worry of the pile being bigger when you return. Watch the excesses as well, food, drink and/or spending. On a deeper level, you may have to make some adjustments in your relationships or finances. Jupiter always reveals how we make things bigger’ (consciously or not) and this activation usually helps us be more realistic, so we can align our true priorities with our grand vision of the future.

11/17 ~ Mercury (thoughts) ~oppose~ Uranus (radical shift):
(3 of 3: 10/7 ~ 10/19 ~ 11/17)
This energy tends to make your mind work in over-drive. Not that you think too much, but rather you may tend to think, speak and process information faster than usual. However, when you are moving that fast, sometimes you can overlook something vital. The negative expression of this energy tends to make you feel scattered and disorganized, but the positive side of it is making those brilliant connections that are normally just out of reach. Your perception and intuition are picking up so much in such a short period of time that you will want to review the details later to ensure you didn’t overlook something crucial to your development. You may be impatient with same-old/same-old routine but check in with your body to make sure it is not just your monkey mind playing tricks on you. It is a good time to breathe and be flexible because if you are impatient with this energy, you are also more likely to make mistakes. Anytime Uranus is involved, radical shifts and ah-ha moments are totally possible on an internal level, however, on an external level you may tend to blurt things our without proper forethought. Be sure to engage your Heart and some kind of filter, especially when communicating with others this week.

11/19 ~ Sun (source & essential Self) ~sextile~ Saturn (organization & structure):
This energy is good for getting serious and organized because the Sun also brings some much-needed clarity. With Saturn involved, practical actions based on responsible assessments will be rewarded, whereas, blowing things off or leaving loose ends will cost you (usually fairly immediately, the instant karma way). Even if this should happen to you, it is not personal, but Saturn’s way of showing you (immediately) where your current limitations are. That’s good information to have when making choices & decisions. This activation gives you access to self-discipline and the ability to consider all your options before deciding on anything. This is a good time to focus on your professional goals if possible, and start making a solid, feasible plan for the future. If you need to, seek the advice of a trusted wise elder (anyone with more knowledge/experience than you ; -)) And if you can’t actually DO something in the direction of your goals today, then take the time to meditate and connect to your plan mentally.

11/19 ~ Venus (values) ~square~ Saturn (foundation):
This energy can make you feel cool & detached with loved ones. It is time to ‘take stock’ of your relationships and really evaluate the level of balance between giving & receiving. Business or personal – relationships must have a balance of give & take. You may feel more aware of your true independence in life and start reevaluating the need for certain relationships, at this time. This energy pushes you to dig for your individual fortitude & determination to live according to your own personal values & priorities, so corrections or adjustments may be necessary and fairly obvious at this time. You may feel lonely, depressed or disconnected but it’s just the Universe forcing you to question or assess your current relationships, how you interact with others and how you allow them to interact with you. It’s good to periodically evaluate even the strongest relationship and check the foundation. Don’t give in to (ego-based) fears, focusing on the lack & limitation or what is not working, but instead build on your strengths and honor the goodness that you have created together, as well as within your Self. This is the best time for intentional solitude because the insights you acquire through this process will help you down the road to stabilize your future.

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