Dec 13 – 19, 2020 ~ Forecast + Bonus

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

Dec 13 – 19, 2020 ~ Forecast + Bonus

Kelly’s Weekly Forecast
Podcast ~ AUDIO Only HERE (45-min)

Note from Kelly:
If you missed the 12:12 Portal TeleCircle with me & Shanta, or would like to join us for Winter Solstice Celebration, both forms to Register or Request Replay can be found HERE.

12/13 ~ Mercury (communication) ~square~ Neptune (dissolution):
This is a mixed blessing energy. On one hand, it’s good for spiritual study and giving your dreams a little energy (if your schedule permits). On the other hand, it makes for major miscommunications between people. Try to think before speaking, because if it’s possible to misunderstand or not ‘get it’ altogether, it can happen this week. Be careful not to let “longing” for your dreams to come true, distort your judgment and mislead you into believing the illusion. With this energy, some people will deliberately deceive and others have to be careful not to be misled. Stick to the facts or stay quiet, for now. You may even be inclined to withhold information to avoid a confrontation – don’t do it. Communicate with your Self and God today, otherwise plan to be very clear in explaining yourself to others (humans) so there are no misunderstandings.

12/14 ~ Venus (relationships) ~sextile~ Jupiter (optimism):
This energy expands your relationships, personal or professional, allowing you to gain traction in expressing the Highest vibration that’s possible for that connection. In personal relationships, things are sociable, light & fun. In professional or public relationships, things can go more smoothly as folks are more relaxed & easy-going, upbeat & open to exchanging ideas & concepts. This energy activates our innate optimism and natural positive thinking, so it is a good time to look into expanding your knowledge base in some way that makes you more valuable to the team. You’ll have that connection to your instincts and confidence with others that is a winning combination!

12/14 ~ Mercury (your voice) ~trine~ Mars (your actions):
This is a great alignment of your Thoughts & Actions. Clarity is effortless and you can follow your instincts. Be mindful of the Element too ~ in this case (12.14.2020), FIRE ~ this is your creative spark or impulse to create, move, choose. Fire brings cleansing & transformation and a fresh new beginning. It is a great energy which gives you the courage to think things through and it activates your ability for strategic problem-solving if/when necessary. You will have direct access your authentic, inner voice so if you need/want an expressive outlet, you will likely find one. It’s also a great energy for small gatherings for spiritual, creative and/or intellectual exchange. Enjoy it! Just keep in mind your own Elemental Balance as well and how you naturally work with Fire in your life.

12/14 ~ New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius:
This month’s energy comes on the cusp between the Old Path and the New Path. Opportunities will be presented and you will find out how you’re evolving by the choices and commitments you make going forward. No longer can we agree to terms which hold no meaning or value for the individual or the community. The Global Family has expanded, our consciousness has evolved and the vibratory frequency of the planet has raised considerably. If Saturn’s taught us nothing in the last 2+ years, adjustments must be made if you’re going to live your own Truth & Story (and not someone else’s imposed upon you). Building constructs to support a more balanced existence THIS lifetime will require time, energy and resources to birth in our 3D/reality. On the other hand, the *invisible* (thought) ALWAYS precedes the *visible* results (form). And Sagittarius is all about what you BELIEVE before you even have a clue what you want to or are capable of building in Capricorn. This Sag New Moon/Solar Eclipse brings a potent *seed* point. Scorpio always brings up permanent transformation, which leads to conceiving a totally new Sag Truth & Story, which then leads to a newly reborn Capricorn Reality. I encourage you to always see Truth as *fluid* and Reality as *co-creative & malleable* and thus, they both change & shift according to what other energies & entities are involved. Stepping into 2021, ask your Self … Where are you/we headed? If you happen to have Sagittarius/Gemini and-or Pisces/Virgo activated in your chart, then this is a huge New Beginning for you personally (or in those Houses/Areas of Life for the all of us).

This Sag New Moon/Eclipse brings a potent *seed* point, fertilized by additional energies this week. Chiron Direct (12/15) allows our healing process to advance after the annual review. This year, what have you learned? Healed? Transformed? Venus & Juno both move into Sag, bringing their feminine perspectives about Truth & Commitment, they’d rather inspire than cajole or convince. But that also shifts the true values & priorities, especially in our relationships, partnerships & finances, to what is truth, integrity, sustainable and on a higher level. Then the biggies for the week, both Saturn & Jupiter move into Aquarius, shifting the vibration, energy & lessons for the social realms. Now you add Eclipse to the mix and you know CHANGE is the name of the game! In Sag, it is a change in your consciousness and a renewal of what you believe to be true or possible for yourself and if we’ve ever had an upgrade, 2020 is it!! Break to realign!
Special Eclipse Post/Audio/Video ~ Read More HERE

12/15 ~ Chiron Direct in ARIES:
If you were born 1968-1977 then this is very personal and part of your Chiron Return, when we all do our greatest amount of healing possible for this lifetime. In general, this is an initiation because Chiron has now spent the last 50-years moving through every healing process in Aries to/through Pisces and is starting over now. So even if you never knew about Chiron, now you know, and we can all consciously co-create with it as it journeys through the Signs, activating their lessons and healing processes. After moving through Pisces 2010-2019, we learned about following our own intuition and managing our own individual boundaries better. Now, in Aries 2018-2027, we get to heal our identity & purpose and our essential right to be here at this miraculous time in history. Every year, Chiron Retrogrades which shifts its normal affects on our social/collective realm and turns its energy inward for the individual to do some processing, so it is not a bad one to co-create with annually. Anything you are ready to heal, learn about or transform, Chiron can help you and in Aries – it’s ALL ABOUT YOU! your choices, your purpose, your healing process and what YOU have learned along the way, through your own experience.

We can all consciously honor the healing, education & personal transformation that Chiron facilitates. During 2010-2019, Chiron in Pisces taught us about sensitivity & boundary issues, being a spirit in human form. Now, in Aries 2018-2027, we are opening up to the new directive of self-healing, self-assembling & self-mastery going forward. Chiron is best known as the Wounded Healer, the aspect of Self that came in with a wound to address this lifetime and in your chart, it represents your *Healing & Educational Path* – it is all that you learn on that journey toward wholeness & integration and the healing & education that results from that journey. As it goes Direct today, this 5-month period should have revealed where you’re at in your own process of evolution. This whole year has been deeply supported for a personal inventory or inner review. You have to be willing to face the fears & hurts, accept the losses & defeats, and then get up, dust yourself off & try again. Chiron can help guide this process. It’s time to be brave & pioneering (clearly, the old ways no longer work), it’s time to follow your instincts (although first you may have to connect to them properly), it’s time to face challenges head-on, and remember that though we have to do for Self (be self-sufficient & self-contained), we do not have to do it alone. So this time is really going to support the evolution of the individual within the context of the community or their relationships. It is all connected, if one evolves (Self), the other (Relationship) has to evolve too (or dissolve & go away).

12/15 ~ Venus (relationships) ~sextile~ Saturn (responsibility):
This energy has to do with your obligations, within the context of relationships. They are not difficult obligations (in this case) but more emphasis is placed on really loving to serve those you care about. It is also what I would call the “keep it real” energy, regarding relationships or finances. This activation prompts you to clarify what you are building, stabilizing & fortifying, in your relationships & finances especially. I am a total advocate of renegotiating terms as you go along because you evolve, the situation & support around you evolves, and your needs change, so often we have to remind those closest to us. It’s really hard to grow to the next level when each person is not clear on their ever-evolving roles & responsibilities. Of course, this starts with you knowing what you do or don’t want and what you are or are not willing to compromise about and what you want to create and make real.

12/17 ~ Saturn Re-Enters AQUARIUS:
Saturn moved into Aquarius for the first time in 28-years March-July 2020, which is BIG, especially for anyone born with Saturn in Leo/Aquarius/Taurus or Scorpio! Since July 2020, it has been finishing up in Capricorn and will not return for another 28-year cycle. This is one of those 2020 Special Alignments Blog Post/Audio/Video HERE) that I discussed earlier in the year, so I’m referring you back to that as I have every time we have one, which is now (the months it was kicking: March/April-June/July-Oct/Nov & Dec). For those of you who may have already listened to that and do not see the value in reviewing, let me assure you, there is definite value in listening to it more than once because you will receive altogether new perspectives & ideas. Sometimes, when life is really hectic, and I listen to something I KNOW I have already heard, I am amazed to find I don’t remember any of it and that it is now much more timely & useful for me. Just an idea 😉 That also goes for a review of my 2020 Overview Post/Audio/Video HERE.

We are in an unprecedented Seed Time for our personal, social & collective lives. Think of Saturn as a Teacher/Guide. Think of Aries through Pisces as the Lessons that we all have to learn and just like any other education, some things will be naturally easier & naturally harder, according to your individual blueprint. During Capricorn, the Lessons have to do with personal responsibility & accountability in a myriad of ways, as well as how we structure our lives and if they support & protect us (or not). Capricorn is one of Saturn’s favorite subjects to teach and you can see, it’s also an underlying theme that is carried throughout all twelve lessons because of Saturn’s natural inclinations.

We just spent the last 2+ years, in Capricorn, learning about how to be responsible for ourselves as individuals but also as a collective. Saturn moving through your Capricorn House was to check for stability & instability, strength & weakness – as well as the essential & the truly non-essential so that it can eliminate, fortify & upgrade to something more appropriate to here & now. Now, until Uranus was discovered, Saturn was the traditional ruler of Aquarius too so we may see an evolution of the themes already on the table. Sovereignty and the inner authority of the individual has evolved and so have the outer authorities like governments & all institutions, as well as those that they were intended to serve.

So moving through Aquarius, we will learn about self-sovereignty as well as local & global communities. This is the dawn of the Age of Aquarius ~ when we get to be our individual selves with full conscious awareness that we are an intricate piece of the whole at the same time. Saturn’s sojourn through any sign will first dig up the weaknesses and unstable aspects so that it can reorganize with the values and priorities of NOW. We are literally ending an era when government elite got to run everything and now humanity is going to shift and learn how to be self-governed and self-contained within the communities in which we actually live and function.

It’s time to dream up a new way to function on this ever-evolving – as well as living, breathing planet! I think we will also have some technological breakthroughs that actually help instead of harm the Earth. We will discover a kinship with our fellow beings that finally makes it okay and even welcome to be a unique, thinking, feeling, breathing individual. We are not cookie-cutter creatures, we are vastly diverse and we all have something unique to offer, just like every species of plant, mineral or animal. We are from the same family but we each bring our own particular Medicine to the mix! We are going to celebrate that … once we stabilize a new way of socializing and functioning together, rather than the old patriarchal ways of divide & conquer. Volunteering and working as a unit is going to blossom and we’ll be connecting with folks across the globe as if we are old friends or long lost relatives.

12/19 ~ Mercury (communication & self-expression) ~conjunct~ Sun (core essential Self):
This energy will compel you to express yourself on many levels. Communication will be a focus, just make sure it is reciprocated. You will have access to some powerful energy that can (and probably will) make quite an impression on others (if you need to). This is a good time to travel if possible too. However, if not physically, then mentally and certainly within your own area as you will take in more information per square inch than usual. Pay attention! You may even gain the much-deserved recognition from others that you have worked so hard for.

12/19 ~ Jupiter Enters AQUARIUS:
Jupiter has a 12-year cycle that moves in 3-year increments. Jupiter represents teaching through games and story-telling. What is your story? What has it been the last 12 years? What story do you want to tell for the upcoming 12 years? Jupiter is the Researcher, the Truth Sayer & Truth Seeker, and is all about making meaning out of the available information & experiences. It also tends to provoke you to “keep your own counsel” – going within to connect with the deepest and most authentic Truth for you is where Jupiter resides for you. Once you have connected to your Truth, then sharing your Story is or can be your offering to the Universe. (Have you heard the saying, “your life is God’s gift to you – what you do with it is your gift to God”?) When Jupiter in the sky moves into a new zone, in this case Aquarius, it is always an opportunity to release all that is no longer true for you and free your Self from beliefs which no longer serve your purpose in the here & now. This also helps you remember that Truth is fluid, it changes as you evolve and learn more about your Self and your world. Jupiter is also considered a *benefactor* ~ when in contact with your chart, even when challenging, you will receive blessings & rewards. Where you have to “earn it” with Saturn, with Jupiter, there’s more benevolence or good karma involved.

This is a beautiful opportunity to experiment (Aquarius) with a broader perspective of what you truly believe and what you can actually ‘do’ to live in harmony with your deepest faith and philosophy of life. When Jupiter travels through each House, it will certainly liven things up! The following is some of the different things activated by its presence …

Dream of the future / make future plans
Expand your field of knowledge / go to school
Improve your life on one or many levels
Seek Truth, wisdom and understanding
Take risks which build your character
Be more optimistic and enthusiastic
Connect to a larger, more philosophical perspective
Activate your Spiritual Quest
Get your PhD in *YOU*
Access your Truth & Purpose

Things to beware of as Jupiter travels thru a House or Sign …
Blind spot
Over-expansion / making things bigger than they are / exaggerate

JUPITER IN 11th HOUSE ~ Share Your Truth
LESSON: Individuality Within Community
– Participate in / create a community of like-minded/like-hearted souls
– Connect with helpful people & cultivate your team
– Hopes and dreams move forward and/or are fulfilled
– Activate group consciousness
– Connect with the unique contribution of your Soul
SHADOW: Be mindful of your ideology and any self-centeredness.

JUPITER IN AQUARIUS ~ Improve Your Community
LESSON: Detachment & Big-Picture Thinking
– Be willing to risk – for the reward of expressing your own unique truth
– Cooly, and with detachment, question your beliefs and philosophies – are you acting out of habit or truth?
– Access major detachment, a more philosophical attitude, being able to see the big picture
– Create the community you seek to be a part of
– Focus on big dreams – far-reaching ideals
– Fully connect with and express your unique contribution
SHADOW: Thinking that you are better than others or superior in some way.

* * Copyright © 2000-2020 * Kelly M Beard *
All Rights Reserved * Permission granted to copy/redistribute
Kelly’s Forecasts & Updates on the condition that
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