Jan 17 – 23, 2021 ~ Forecast

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

Jan 17 – 23, 2021 ~ Forecast

Kelly’s Weekly Forecast
Podcast ~ AUDIO Only HERE (14-min)

1/17 ~ Jupiter (faith/belief) ~square~ Uranus (freedom/liberation):
This is a special alignment that is only going to happen once. Expansion & Liberation coming together can shock the system, no doubt, and this activation will push you out of your comfort zone, whether your life is changing for the better or worse. It’s time to gather all the knowledge & earned wisdom of the last 3-years and apply it to see what works and what doesn’t. Experiment with new ideas, expand on anything solid and explore new realms of possibility, on every level ~ physical, emotional, spiritual & mental. That said, the hallmarks of this activation initially are: impatience, restlessness & opposition from those who were once supportive (when YOU change, the people around you have to change or go away, if only temporarily to evolve on their own). If you have postponed major decisions, this could be the Universe cracking the whip, as it were, when change becomes your ONLY option and stepping into the Unknown is the only “open pathway” that you can find. Generally, when Uranus is involved there is a “sudden awakening”, the human challenge is that once the crisis has passed or the initial shock has worn off, people tend to fall back ‘asleep’. The key is to use the square to help do some of the heavy lifting for you, since change is being facilitated regardless (through varying degrees of friction & discomfort). Whatever you want to change, add it to the energetic mix of *now* and recognize what used to be true is no longer true or, conversely, what was NOT true in recent/long past is suddenly true now. While this energy can feel very much like you just picked the Wheel of Fortune card in the Tarot, it doesn’t have to be a negative thing necessarily, but it can be an opportunity to shed the skin of an old belief so that a new YOU can emerge!

1/20 ~ Mars (passion & purpose) ~conjunct~ Uranus (freedom & liberation):
This energy is a volatile mix but can be directed constructively. When these two get together, it can provoke you to be completely intolerant of restrictions and gives you an undeniable urge to break free in some way, shape or form. It’s time to do things in a completely new way. Uranus is the Awakener and Mars rules who you are and what you want on one level, and your Inner Sacred Masculine on another level (the part of you that gets your ideas out there, holds your boundaries & negotiates on your own behalf). This is a break-to-realign moment but in an initiatory way (rather than a growth moment), it’s time to start a new path, passion or purpose that is born from within you. This is a brand spanking new beginning for you (personally) and one that may even surprise you, let alone those around you, so stay loose yet alert. If you have a solid sense of Self and are clear about your deepest desires, then this energy is just what you need to finally (and permanently) break old limiting patterns of behavior which no longer suit who you have become. You will have considerable energy, so you should direct it consciously or into a project of your own making, something that you created, something truly unique and that will ultimately reflect the Truth of who/what you are. At its worst, it is violent thrashing, reactionary and indiscriminate destructiveness.

1/23 ~ Mars (passion & desire) ~square~ Jupiter (enthusiasm & excess):
This energy can be expressed one of two ways (like most) – you can over-extend your Self and your resources being overly optimistic without actually doing any planning or work, relying on luck alone and unfortunately, this expression will basically make you pay double (in more ways than one) down the road. The better way to express this energy is to think of what you are doing today that can benefit you in the future. You have access to foresight, so use it to foresee what your ultimate goal is and what steps you can take today to make that happen. Focus on what can be, rather than what is right now. You also have access to increased energy and desire to push your own limits (consciously or not), which can be useful but not if you overdo it, then you defeat the whole purpose. Calculated risk is okay – impulsive reactions – not-so-much. This is also the energy of when things are good – they are very good but when they are bad, they are terrible! So keep it positive, stay focused and balance your input with your output – mentally, emotionally and physically.

1/23 ~ Venus (essence & natural beauty) ~sextile~ Neptune (consciousness & vision):
This energy connects your true values & priorities to the planet of dreams, mysticism & other dimensions (Neptune). You have an opportunity to gain some real traction on making your vision tangible just by connecting to the essence you want to experience. Feel the feeling and that will lead to the physical manifestation. This energy helps you believe in what is possible and supports any artistic expression or active practice, such as vision boards, affirmations etc, anything that helps you hone the actual vision. Steps & strategies are for other planets, Venus only cares about the essence of Nature & Love and Neptune is definitely not who you’d work with for ‘steps/strategies’ ; -) So, tune-in to the natural beauty around you and suspend any usual inner dialogue for a day or two (as soon as you can) so you can connect to some inspiration that is guided by your own Heart & Soul (from the inside-out).

1/23 ~ Sun (core-identity) ~conjunct~ Saturn (responsibility):
This energy gives you a strong dose of purpose & direction, but also reminds you that those big dreams require a solid foundation in order to flourish. The wheels that get set in motion this week are creating your future, for better or worse – so pay attention! While this is often about career matters, it is also about your responsibilities in general, the things you have to do that cannot be delegated to others. This is great energy for organizing and planning, creating order, and organizing your Self or your life in some way that fortifies your position. If you don’t “do the work” that you know you are supposed to be doing at the moment, you will only feel worse. So don’t delay anything that can, and probably should, be done sooner versus later. This energy can also make you feel a little lonely or depressed, don’t give in to that. There is a time to be out and about and time to get down to business. And right now, you have probably already put some things off and that is only going to contribute further to your stress levels. Make a list of things to do, prioritize them and start checking them off.

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