Feb 7 – 13, 2021 ~ Forecast

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

Feb 7 – 13, 2021 ~ Forecast

Kelly’s Weekly Forecast
Podcast ~ AUDIO Only HERE (25-min)

2/8 ~ Mercury Rx (communication & self-expression) ~conjunct~ Sun (core essential Self & Source energy):
This energy will compel you to express yourself on many levels. Communication will be a focus, just make sure it is reciprocated. What I mean is two-way communication and exchange of ideas. As you initiate this new cycle of self-expression, you will have access to some powerful energy that can (and probably will) help you make a difference or an impression on others (if you need to). This is a good time to travel if possible too. However, if not physically, then mentally (through visualization) or within your own area (locally), because if you explore a new direction, you are more likely to discover something new. This energy opens you up to a download of more information than usual. Pay attention! If you are solid and organized, you may even gain some much-deserved recognition from others that you have earned through your individual efforts.

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2/10 ~ Mercury Rx (ideas, thoughts & concepts) ~square~ Mars (desire & actions): (2 of 3: 1/8 ~ 2/10 ~ 3/23)
This activation can be a tough one for some. If your beliefs are out of alignment with your actions, if you are not self-aware or you act-out unconsciously, being selfish or childish, then watch out, because squares test you to grow and change in some way. Often, this also means that you are suppressing your own nature in some way, which is never really a good idea. When you suppress your Soul, it can make your human more sensitive or defensive, taking things personally as a threat or challenge. If you catch your Self feeling irritable for no apparent reason this week, try to step back and gain some perspective before responding to either your own thoughts or another person’s words. Mercury & Mars getting together, in this challenging way, can provoke debates and, in some people, actual fights, so be careful. The deeper aspect of this activation is that some part of you wants to express, perhaps in a new way, and your monkey-mind has got you all off track. Mars demands that you know who you are and what you want, and is the Sacred Masculine part of you, which is supposed to hold good boundaries, protect you and negotiate on your behalf in the world. If you know something that you are not acting on, this can be frustrating. If you are acting in ways that are not allowing you to think things through, this too can cause accidents, problems and delays. It is best to pull in until you are clear. And also keep in mind that you may not be the one who is out of alignment in the above ways, but those around you may be and will likely have no context for what they are feeling and therefore, become indiscriminate with their own choices & actions. Self-preservation is not selfish but essential at this time.

2/11 ~ Venus (values & priorities) ~conjunct~ Jupiter (truth & story):
This is an extremely powerful energy that brings the two *benefactors* together to initiate a new cycle that makes you very mentally “present” to the fact that both your values and your truth are shifting. This energy encourages you to improve your life in some way. You can also connect to material abundance & wealth of all kinds when these two get together like this. This is usually a pleasant shift because it is about expanding your sense of authentic beauty, as in nature & the inter-relatedness of all living things. There’s an energy of enthusiasm around new or growing relationships which attracts more positive energy. This is the best time to be creative and expect miracles!

2/11 ~ AQUARIUS New Moon:
This month, we are ready to seed completely new patterns & cycles of being an individual contributor to a larger community, whether that is your primary partnerships, family, neighborhood, community or the world. Every year, we use this time to laser away the non-essential and anything blocking the new vision for the year from taking root. What is most important to you this year – 2021? Are you working on the new role that you want to play going forward, at this new level of maturity and higher level of consciousness? And what kind of communities do you want to be a part of? And contribute your energy to? Aquarius New Moon is when you can dig into how your *Unique Essence* can contribute to humanity & the planet in some way. It’s connecting to your Leo/Heart and discerning what you most Taurus/Value and are willing to build or invest in so that you are stabilized & whole enough to channel your clean, authentic Scorpio/Power for the greater good of Aquarius/ALL! This month, my *Fixed* Babies are on deck! Aquarius/Initiation ~ Leo/Integration ~ Taurus/Scorpio/Growth & Development. Dec/Jan has led right to here & now, so it is good to do a little review of what NEW Sag Truth/Story is emerging and what NEW Capricorn Structure/Foundation you are creating that will *contain, nurture & support* your NEW Aquarian Unique Brilliance that wants to come through YOU! Even if it is simply living more completely centered in your own Authentic Self and sharing THAT with others! Remember that the energy you’re able to devote to your New Moon Intentions, which can be completely focused on your own heart’s desire, will energetically ripple out to bless the community and the world. The Element associated with Aquarius is AIR and we all need a little space to breathe in this completely new level of existence, which is calling us all to upgrade the Head & Heart communication system, on an individual level.

2/13 ~ Mercury Rx (ideas, thoughts & concepts) ~conjunct~ Venus (values, priorities & resources):
This energy encourages you to see the Divine Order or the unifying theme running through the events of your life ~ good, bad & indifferent as well as past, present & future. This is an initiation of new values around communication, self-expression and the value of your ideas. You may finally be able to express ideas that have been percolating in your head, some people may say “I love you” at this time, or articulate their feelings in deeper, more expressive ways. It’s really *juicy* for your Inner Artist, this is the beginning of expressing your creative ideas in altogether new & different ways than ever before. Allow your Imagination to free-flow. Play with ideas with no attachment to outcome. Take advantage and explore all that this energy stirs within you, but don’t give into over-thinking or over-processing things. These connections are richer, giving you access to deeper personal growth & development through a new understanding of how all the events of your life work together for good, ultimately. You can see the necessity of certain challenges and clearly see your own personal mastery thus far. Celebrate and choose to create some new thought patterns that integrate and reflect more beauty throughout your life.

2/13 ~ Mars (action) ~sextile~ Neptune (dreams):
This energy puts action behind your dreams! This is the perfect time to reflect on what you really want and if the path you’ve chosen thus far still serves your ultimate goals. Your intuition is heightened and you’re more alert and ready to act on the information you receive. This information is trying to point you toward a more enlightened plan (than you have right now) for manifesting your Truth and Purpose. It’s also a good time to help others realize their dreams in a more tangible way. This energy is that of the volunteer, idealistic and committed to change!

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