April 18 – 24, 2021 ~ Forecast

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

April 18 – 24, 2021 ~ Forecast

Kelly’s Weekly Forecast
Podcast ~ AUDIO Only HERE (13-min)

4/18 ~ Mercury (communication & self-expression) ~conjunct~ Sun (core essential Self & Source energy):   This energy will compel you to express yourself on many levels. Communication will be a focus, just make sure it is reciprocated. What I mean is two-way communication and exchange of ideas. As you initiate this new cycle of self-expression, you will have access to some powerful energy that can (and probably will) help you make a difference or an impression on others (if you need to). This is a good time to travel if possible. However, if not physically, then mentally (through visualization) or within your own area (locally), because if you explore a new direction, you are more likely to discover something new. This energy opens you up to a download of more information than usual. Pay attention! If you are solid and organized, you may even gain some much-deserved recognition from others that you have earned through your individual efforts.

4/22 ~ Venus (relationships, love & money) ~conjunct~ Uranus (awakening & liberation):   This is an initiation of some radically new values & priorities which have bubbling within you for a while now. You are supported to shift, without apology. Remember, when you change, everything/one around you naturally changes or goes away. Same-old, same-old will not do at this time and you are supported for thinking outside the box, especially where conscious equal partnership is concerned. We are in a new era, the Aquarian Age, that supports the individual within the context of the whole. We are all learning how to do that on micro-levels, within our own individual relationships, as well as on macro-levels in the world. Use this activation to release resistance and open to the new, shake things up and look at your life from a completely different perspective and see if you don’t find renewed value in some places and others that have completely run their course and can easily be released. Finally, pay close attention to any innovative ideas that come up around this time – they could be useful down the line.

4/24 ~ Mercury (your thinking) ~conjunct~ Uranus (the Awakener):
It is said that this energy depends on your “normal mental speed” which is not the same as intelligence. If you are naturally quick mentally, then you will be downloading more than usual during this initiation. Uranus acts as a Lightning Rod that strikes and briefly illuminates an area of your life, in this case, Taurus, new values & priorities for all ~ new definitions of wealth & beauty too. Ah-ha moments will lead to more freedom and independence, but only to the degree that you can maintain them yourself. If you are in like-hearted circles, the conversations could be really stimulating, unlocking perceptions across the board. If you are not naturally quick mentally, then this will be helpful for you as you are more likely to experience awakenings and connections to your own intuition that help strengthen it within. The Shadow side to this energy is being over-sensitive and jumping to conclusions. Test & Ground your insights before hardwiring them into your Being in any way. Over-taxed nervous system is widely available for all, so try to connect with Mother Earth often. Whatever gets zapped (loosened) can thus be moved to the compost pile. Whatever gets illuminated (becomes conscious) is to be further investigated for merit, but valued nonetheless. Keep records of your ah-ha moments as you won’t be able to immediately act on all of them at the same time and, those you cannot (at this time) often turn into nuggets of gold in your future.

4/24 ~ Venus (values) ~square~ Saturn (foundation):
This energy can make you feel cool & detached with loved ones. It is time to ‘take stock’ of your relationships and really evaluate the level of balance between giving & receiving. Business or personal – relationships must have a balance of give & take. You may feel more aware of your true independence in life and start reevaluating the need for certain relationships, at this time. This energy pushes you to dig for your individual fortitude & determination to live according to your personal values & priorities, so corrections or adjustments may be necessary and fairly obvious at this time. You may feel lonely, depressed or disconnected but it’s just the Universe forcing you to question or assess your current relationships, how you interact with others and how you allow them to interact with you. It’s good to periodically evaluate even the strongest relationship and check the foundation. Don’t give in to (ego-based) fears, focusing on the lack & limitation or what is not working, but instead build on your strengths and honor the goodness that you have created together, as well as in your Self. This is the best time for intentional solitude because the insights you acquire through this process will help you down the road to stabilize your future.

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