July 25 – 31, 2021 ~ Forecast + Bonus

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

July 25 – 31, 2021 ~ Forecast + Bonus

Kelly’s Weekly Forecast
Podcast ~ AUDIO Only HERE (17-min)

Note from Kelly:
Because this Leo/Aquarius Lunation is so important, I have uploaded individual support in the form of Divinations. Please feel free to reach out to me with any ah-ha moments or confirmations that come through the guidance.

BONUS Divinations
7.23.2021 ~ AQUARIUS Full Moon #1 of 2

(26-min)   Audio HERE ~ Video HERE
8.8.2021 ~ LEO New Moon
(28-min)   Audio HERE ~ Video HERE
8.22.2021 ~ AQUARIUS Full Moon #2 of 2
(25-min)   Audio HERE ~ Video HERE

7/25 ~ Mercury (communication & self-expression) ~oppose~ Pluto (purification & transformation):
This opposition is between your ideas, thoughts & concepts and your unconscious drives, supporting some deep-digging into the power of your mind and thoughts. How has your thinking shaped your choices over the last 6-months? Are you still operating from an old paradigm of thought? Any opposition is a chance for true integration and we will always have to work at balancing our conscious and unconscious thinking as it affects our day-to-day choices. This could be a good time to consult with a trusted advisor or wise friend to clarify what is coming into your conscious awareness about your own self-sabotaging ideas or habits. This activation supports pulling it out by the root. Often, we address the symptoms rather than the true cause of our discomfort. Pluto won’t allow that. It’s time to go deeper and recognize your own power, the power of your heart and mind, and find that middle ground that allows you peace within and effectiveness without.

7/27 ~ Mercury Enters LEO (Until Aug 11th):
Mercury rewired our thinking & consciousness in the Gemini Dept of life, then we had 3-weeks in Cancer to recover and feel into what has shifted and what will be needed in the near future. But as it moves into Leo now, we can start to make new connections to how we’d like to express ourselves now that we’ve been recalibrated on an internal level. This year more than ever, it is time to “think with your feelings” – don’t let the Monkey Mind lead. Naturally, the external will begin to reflect the upgrade to your consciousness. In Leo, we are deeply supported to activate our most unique genius & brilliant creativity or at least infuse our ideas with some new love, light & truth. Get creative and be open, optimistic, playful & detached from outcome as you play with new ways of communicating with others and expressing your Self in a more authentic way.

7/28 ~ Jupiter Rx Re-Enters AQUARIUS (Until Dec 28th):
July/Aug brings an opportunity to do some very deep SoulWork if you co-create with the Personal Planets as they engage with Jupiter in Aquarius for the last time in 12-years. I like to reflect on the order of (in this case) expansion & education that happens first with Venus (7/22) and your Values & Priorities where your Relationships & Finances are concerned; then Mars (7/29) and your Identity & Purpose where who you are and what you want are concerned; then Mercury (8/10) will connect you to new ideas, thoughts & concepts or it will expand the old ones thanks to Jupiter, but an integration of your everyday thinking and your consciousness is concerned; and finally, the Sun (8/19) will come in to illuminate & energize what you believe to be true or possible for your self at this time. This is a last chance to initiate & expand your Aquarius Department and integrate & explore your Leo Department for the next 12-years. As we do that, our Taurus/Scorpio Departments are going to have to grow out of comfort zone and into new territory. During Dec-May 2021, Jupiter started some kind of expansion in Aquarius that it will finish up between now until first of the year (2022). So we have the rest of the year to learn what we can and ground or anchor that wisdom. Rather than going into it here, I am going to refer you to two different posts that are both worth reviewing at this time.
Relevant Reflections:
Click HERE for Weekly Forecast ~ June 20 – 26, 2021

7/29 ~ Mars (desires & actions) ~oppose~ Jupiter (expansion & learning):
This energy is perfect for working on your “grand vision” and that is exactly what you’ll “feel” like doing under this influence. Anything or anyone that blocks you from that should be consciously (and kindly) dealt with and then get to it! Mars is action and Jupiter is expansion and they are dancing together. It can be a selfish, undirected dance where no one wins or it can be the beginning of something huge! You are using this energy to access the single-mindedness of Mars to accomplish the huge goals of Jupiter. The downfall of this energy is to allow the Mars ego (Edging-God-Out) to lead when it serves a better purpose being the strength, not necessarily the strategy. And allow Jupiter’s connection to the Higher Truth for you, to guide you on your Path. The Jupiter in you sees the bigger picture, your infinite potential that it longs to fulfill. Get out of your own way. Watch the inclination to “overdo” EVERYTHING – spending, physical activity, over-promising/under-delivering etc. Stay within your own physical limits but expand the limits of your consciousness. Fellow Astrologer, Robert Hand says, “The sense of timing of your actions may leave you and others amazed and sure that you’re lucky. But really you have succeeded because you have a complete understanding of the situation.”

7/29 ~ Mars Enters VIRGO (Until Sept 14th):
This is a time to channel your energy into the practical, mundane areas of your life, giving special attention to the day-to-day details or your daily rhythm & routine. One of the things you can do with this energy is to add some Soul (fire, source, core) into your work; access your skilled warrior nature; access healing through writing your own poetry – take some time to free-flow and see what comes of it if you have the time & space to do so. You may feel a sense of urgency and want to push onward, hoping to avoid certain obstacles in your path, but you must balance your Warrior Healer with your own discernment of when to bound onward determinedly … OR detach, let go and let God. This is the best energy to recalibrate your own sense of Right Timing so that you can always recognize the Divine Time & Order of whichever path you ultimately choose. This is a very determined energy, direct it mindfully and you will make great strides in grounding the essentials at this time. It is also a good energy for Intentional Solitude. This is a time when some people can and will thrive in solitude, making real inner connections, rarely feeling lonely, but rather acknowledging the necessity of periods of aloneness to discern ‘who you are’ and ‘what you want’ every two years when Mars circles back here to Virgo.
*This will affect those with Virgo/Pisces/Gemini/Sag Energies Activated.
**LAST time Mars was in Virgo was Aug/Sept 2019.
***NEXT time Mars will be in Virgo will be July/Aug 2023.

7/31 ~ Ceres Enters GEMINI (Until 5.15.2022):
Ceres rules how we nurture and like to be nurtured. As it moves through the Signs, it also moves through your respective Houses, activating your Planets and bringing some much-needed energy to those zones. It takes about 5-years for Ceres to move through all 12-Signs so the last time it was in Gemini was June/July 2018 and (fyi) the next time will be May/June 2026. What is special about this year (2021) is that it will linger and retrograde there, so that means we all get a concentrated dose of nourishment in our Gemini/Sag and Virgo/Pisces Departments by default. It is a once-in-5-years renewal in the Gemini zone, and is asking you to consider how much your Sag zone has evolved in the last 2-3 years because now you can nurture whatever is solid or release whatever is no longer nurturing you. Meantime, the Virgo/Sag zones will have to grow out of comfort zone and into new territory, which suggests that there is probably some neglect or a need for a check-in there too.
*Ceres Retro: 10.8.2021 / Ceres Direct: 1.14.2022
*This will affect those with Virgo/Pisces/Gemini/Sag Energies Activated.
***LAST time Ceres was in Gemini was June/July 2018.
****NEXT time Ceres will be in Gemini will be May/June 2026.

Kelly’s Goddess Videos

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