2008 Neptune + Uranus Reflections

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

2008 Neptune + Uranus Reflections

Bonus Post Audio HERE (9-min/mp3) – Mutual Reception of
Neptune in Aquarius + Uranus in Pisces 2008
Video Above ~ Audio ONLY HERE

Here is another throw-back that is useful to review at this time, in conjunction with the 2011-2025 Neptune in Pisces Post HERE. This audio was recorded on 11.11.2008 so both of these were done around the same time of year, 3-years apart. I even reference this one on the later 2011 audio when Neptune shifts from Aquarius into Pisces.

Let’s start with Mutual Reception – that means that two Planets are in each other’s Signs. In this case, Neptune Rules the Sign that Uranus is in, Pisces, and Uranus Rules the Sign that Neptune is in, Aquarius. This is useful to us as individuals because we can tap into these otherwise Social & Collective energies to amplify & support our own SoulWork. Also, it is relevant because these larger cycles culminating in Aquarius/Pisces reminds us of the intense *Ending* energy of the last few decades. Just remember that New Beginnings ALWAYS follow the Endings in a never-ending cycle of evolution for humans and planet Earth! So when I share these *Relevant Reflections* it is always because there are reverberations in the NOW that we can be mindful of and co-create with consciously so I love to remind you to take a time out to reflect on the bigger rhythms of your own life. This way, you can also get a better perspective on how you can navigate the Social/Collective realms with more ease & grace.

Uranus has since moved through Aries and into Taurus by 2018 (until 2026) so our *Awakening & Liberation* is already underway, however, Neptune is a little more than two-thirds through its Pisces Process, dissolving all that we believed to be true or possible and awakening a bigger, better vision for our future, for the future of ALL Life on this planet!! This leads me to what prompted these *Relevant Reflections* in the first place.

I am joining YeYe Luisah Teish and a group of Yoruba Priestesses to do a powerful Ritual & Ceremony to honor the Waters of the World in a very deep way. As you know, our Water is PRECIOUS and fundamental to ALL LIFE and should not be co-opted or controlled by corporations. As they operate with impunity, we intend to counter-balance that blatant disrespect of Mother Earth and her life-giving Waters.

We invite ALL of you to JOIN US!! From wherever you are in the world! If you would like to do this solo, we are calling you *Mermaids & Mermen* and if you are a leader of a group or groups, then we are calling you *Harbor Masters* and encouraging you to take your group to the Local Waters and join us *energetically*. Basically, the plan is to get to a Natural Water Source and if not, your bathtub or kitchen sink will do, but you have to be able to put your hands and/or feet in Natural Water to connect directly.

We intend to apologize to the Waters Spirits from a multitude of cultures from around the world. Every culture honors Water & Water Spirits in their own unique way and several countries will be joining us with their own Rituals & Ceremonies. We will apologize and beg the forgiveness of the Water Spirits. Then we will spend some time giving praise & gratitude for the Life-Giving Waters – we will sing, dance and celebrate in a variety of ways – you can get creative!! How would you like to show your gratitude to the Waters of the World?

Finally, we will take our own oaths to do better, to make a difference, to make new choices and to increase education and awareness so that, together, we can cultivate an energy of LOVE & LONGEVITY that counters the greed and mass destruction that has been created by our modern lifestyle. A simple lifestyle shift would allow Mother to BREATHE again and maybe if She can, then we can! Remember at the beginning of covid when Nature completely rebounded and showed signs of regeneration as soon as ONE DAY of no planes, ships or humans assaulting Her!?! What if we decided that ONE DAY out of 365, we pause for MOTHER!?! What if …

Join us for this celebration of life, we are calling it: Olokun Rising ~ A Praise-Singing for the Waters of the World! Anyone can do this from anywhere in the world! We appreciate your consciousness and willingness to be part of the solution and we honor your promise to do your best to stop being part of the problem and to educate your Self and Others as you navigate your Earth Walk. The following is the planetary activation that is also contributing additional energetic support to our Ritual/Ceremony April 8-13.

4/12 ~ Jupiter (spirituality) ~conjunct~ Neptune (oneness consciousness):
These two together expand your conscious awareness, about your Self, the community and the planet. We have been through a lot over the years learning the difference between religion & spirituality and this Initiation is giving you a chance to heal your own connection to God/Great Spirit or Source of your understanding. Your perspective has been broadened by the global shifts and you have probably been humbled on one or many levels. Now that you’ve been stripped of some non-essentials, you can be more clear about your own values and your own purpose. The Shadow aspect of this energy is to be overly optimistic, ignoring facts & realities and not using your own discernment properly. We have to activate all our filters with this one because they can both get us all carried away, lost, off-track or worse, drowning. It is time to stay grounded and do not take unnecessary risks, with your faith or your resources. You are tremendously supported for initiating new spiritual practices that fortify you so that you are better able to serve on a grander scale or contribute in a larger way, to the social & collective realms just by living in integrity and staying connected to a Higher Power. This activation is going to re-set your connection to your Higher Self and it also facilitates a huge rebirth for the social/collective realms. This is where we dream up the NEW Story ~ NEW Vision that we want to live into! We can look at the last 12-165 years of our relationship with water in-general or we can look at what we believed to be true or possible all our lives and use this opportunity to tap into a more unifying, all-inclusive, kinship vibration for all Life on this planet.

Bonus Post – Neptune in Pisces
Audio Only ~ HERE (91-min/mp3)
2-Part Posts on Instagram ~ Overview + Divinations

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