March 6 – 12, 2022 ~ Forecast

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

March 6 – 12, 2022 ~ Forecast

Kelly’s Weekly Forecast
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3/6 ~ Venus (love & beauty) ~conjunct~ Mars (passion): (2 of 2: 2/16 ~ 3/6)  This is our primary Sacred Feminine (Venus) and Masculine (Mars) energies merging in a potent way, arousing a need to cultivate powerful relationship, whether that is a physical/sexual connection with one or relating & socializing with many. There is a strong need for validation from others, approval (on one level) and affection (on another level), in a way that we usually do okay on our own, but with this one, you just crave human contact of some sort. If you are not in relationship-mode or interacting with human beings at this time, this energy can also activate your artistic nature (Venus). This a perfect time to create something (project or relationship) that is seeded by a deep, authentic love & passion for life.
*Note: The first conjunction (2/16) happened in Capricorn suggesting that the “re-set” is happening there in our fundamentals so that with this second conjunction (3/6) at Zero Aquarius – we can really Initiate the New Cycle of conscious equal partnership within and with others. We are beginning a new cycle of standing in the truth of our own individual journey, while honoring and contributing that to the collective narrative unfolding at this time.

3/6 ~ Mars in Aquarius (until April 14th):
Mars is in a process, working its way toward a Retrograde in Gemini by the end of the year so every stop on its way is an important evolution, as well as preparation for that. In Aquarius, it is time to think outside the box, shift your focus in order to find a creative solution or alternative direction. This is a when you become focused on freedom, independence & sovereignty. If Mars in Capricorn desires structure & stability, then Mars in Aquarius wants it to be a flexible structure & fluid stability because it has to be free on the most fundamental level. This is a great time to play with radically different ideas, thoughts & concepts as you will overflow with new ideas so be sure to take notes so that when time permits, you can actually do them! The passion behind your ideas will push things along, getting you closer to success, getting you fired up but just keep in mind the natural “flow” and don’t try to force things. You may even have an idea that inspires others. This energy tends to make you move fast, think fast & make decisions on the spot. When you follow your intuition, you strengthen it, so that even when you miss the mark – you always learn something. This energy is great for experimenting without attachment to outcome. Any ideas begun at this time, may soon affect the globe in some way so be innovative & progressive with your choices & decisions! Do something different!

3/6 ~ Venus Enters AQUARIUS (until April 5th):
If Venus in Capricorn is your conservative, dignified Inner Leader Self, then when she’s in Aquarius, she is embodying the Inner Visionary, who joyfully & generously shares her unusual insight, deep wisdom & radical ideas of human harmony that is possible if we cultivate it. Venus in Aquarius requires sovereignty & freedom in both her personal & professional relationships so this is our chance to check-in to see how that is going for us as individuals. This is a time to allow your deep Feminine Wisdom to surface to guide you about the future of your relationships & finances. Venus in Aquarius activates an upgrade in your own self-value, self-worth, self-love and self-knowledge. It’s the ability to cultivate your own unique genius and share your individual Light with the rest of the world without losing your true Self in the process. We have permission to withdraw complicity from all relationships or agreements which keep us small, stifled or imprisoned in any way. We are encouraged to connect with others who are a *Vibratory Match* – meaning that they share your values & priorities and want to work together as a couple or community. The Shadow of Venus in Aquarius is to attach all value to ‘humanity, the collective, the world or the planet’, never taking the time to develop the Self or cultivate a true personal connection with any one human. It’s detachment from the true essence of what prompts us to want to create a better world in the first place, we can get so busy creating it that we forget to LIVE it – in the moment. Activate your Inner Visionary and reorganize your values & priorities so that they reflect more authenticity, integrity & YOU!!

3/9 ~ Mercury Enters PISCES (until March 27th):
Mercury in Pisces activates our imaginations, for better or worse. Remember that using your imagination to imagine the worst-case scenarios is a poor use of this powerful gift. The imagination is another way that your Soul talks to you and when anything is moving through Pisces, especially the Messenger who moves freely between realms, we have access to some potent creativity & new visions for the future. Take advantage of this energy to clarify what *New Vision* you want to step into as we move into the Spring of 2022. If you imagine doom & gloom, it is more likely to manifest. If you imagine breakthroughs with relationships & resources then you will create more of that. This time in Pisces is going to have its own additional caveats. Your intuition & imagination will be involved, for better or worse, so try to connect fluid language with vivid imagery – the Pisces-way. Keep in mind nothing is linear or logical about Mercury in Pisces, this is All-Spirit or Other-Worldly. So any spiritual healing work is tremendously supported by this energy. Check-in with your own beliefs, dreams & fears. And make time to be in Nature, under the Sky, that always gives the Monkey Mind a break, but especially during Pisces time, each year, we are supposed to be dreaming up the action plan that we will execute throughout Aries/Taurus time. And don’t forget the best thing about this energy is that it is totally easier to commune with your Angels, Ancestors & Animal Spirit Guides when the planet of communication is in the sign of other realms, dreams & mysticism. It’s the best time for Divinations and consulting with your personal Council to find out what will be supported throughout the rest of this year.

3/10 ~ Vesta Enters AQUARIUS/PISCES (until 2.7.2023):
I have to say both because Vesta is going to Retrograde, lingering in this area all year (see exact dates below) but suffice it to say that, 3 out of 8+ months, she will be in Pisces, the other 5-months is reviewing the Aquarius zone. So let’s look at them individually and see what it might mean when they do this dance. In Aquarius, Vesta is super-focused on freedom, independence & sovereignty, almost at the expense of deeper connections with others. In this place, she is the ultimate humanitarian and she can also be a true Free Spirit who can be intimate without the chains of commitment, demands or expectations. Vesta in Pisces is more of a dreamer, the artist who can convey the deepest meaning through any medium of expression. In Pisces, it is easier to get carried away with your visions & dreams and there is a tendency to need better boundaries and good systems in place so that you can determine the necessary steps for manifesting those dreams. These dynamics are very different from each other so we will experience this back-and-forth between feeling free and sovereign but also of being one with all life. Ultimately, I think it will be a good review that helps us all recalibrate those very dynamics. How much freedom and how much unity do you need as an individual?
Vesta Enters Aquarius = 3.10.2022
Vesta Enters Pisces = 5.24.2022
Vesta Rx 6* Pisces = 7.7.2022
Vesta Rx RE-Enters Aquarius = 8.21.2022
Vesta Direct 22* Aquarius = 10.5.2022
Vesta Dir RE-Enters Pisces = 11.20.2022
Vesta Enters Aries = 2.7.2023

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