April 10 – 16, 2022 ~ Forecast

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

April 10 – 16, 2022 ~ Forecast

Kelly’s Weekly Forecast
Podcast ~ AUDIO Only HERE (23-min)
Weekly eMail HERE ~ AUDIO HERE (11-min) ~ Join List HERE

Note from Kelly:
Just a heads-up, I posted April 3rd and April 10th Weekly Forecasts at the same time because I will be doing the Olokun Rising Ritual (see details below) and plan to be in Oakland or Tampa, near the Ocean April 7-14. These major rituals take on a life and timing of their own and I cannot promise to be anywhere near a computer on those days but I promise to come back and share all the *MAGIC* in the April 17th Forecast.

4/10 ~ Mercury (ideas, thoughts & concepts) ~square~ Pluto (rebirth & transformation):     This energy is a tough, yet powerful one. Its Highest expression would be to focus on your inner deep-dig, discovery, development & transformation of your own mind & consciousness that happens when these two get together and we are challenged to grow out of comfort zone and into new territory. It enables you to look beneath the surface to some core drives and gain some valuable insights and thus, choose a plan of action based on your findings. You will want to know all the hidden meanings behind decisions you’ve made or want to make soon. Dig – you will find more than you think you’re ready for, but apparently the Universe thinks differently! Pay attention and try not to worry about what anyone else thinks or believes. This energy’s flip-side is to make you obsess over one particular idea or try to force others to your way of thinking. That is a bottomless pit – you cannot truly change the way other people think – you can only change the way you think and hope it enlightens others along the way … and it will, for those who are tuned in to your frequency and level of consciousness. Mercury is a personal planet, so try to only focus on you and your direction.

4/10 ~ Mercury Enters TAURUS (until April 29th):
Mercury in Taurus activates our senses as our primary communicators. Mercury rules all the information that we take in – mentally, physically, emotionally & spiritually so when we are processing that information through the Taurus lens, then we must engage our 6-senses in order to learn or discover truth. Your senses give you so much information but with food & pharmaceuticals dulling them down, you may have to do a cleanse just to get them to function properly. Mercury in Taurus helps us all get very practical, activating our common sense. It is time to be very pragmatic by asking the value & worth of all that you engage in, all of which is up for a renewal. We are additionally liberated by Uranus being there in Taurus too, helping release old, crusty thinking that no longer applies in the here & now. We are activating our imaginations to help beautify our environment and cultivate creative solutions to our current challenges. It’s time to connect with our body and physical well-being.

Part of that will also be woven into the upcoming Mercury Retrograde. Mercury will move into Gemini and Retrograde 5/10, move back into Taurus and go Direct in Taurus on 6/3, at which point you will be able to re-dream your vision and move forward on a completely new level. Last year, Mercury Retrograded in ALL Air Signs, activating our consciousness to evolve & grow – opening us up to radically new ideas, thoughts & concepts. This year, Mercury will go backwards in Air Signs, giving us a chance to recalibrate those ideas one more time before we begin to create all new containers for them, as Mercury goes Direct in Earth Signs. This Air/Earth combo is special and is giving us an opportunity to re-think our fundamentals of food, sex & money as well. April kicks off the upgrade, May we review our personal needs & desires around personal security & comfort and then June allows us to move forward with more clarity on which ideas will be worth our time, energy, money & efforts going forward.

Also I will be offering a 3-part class for this upcoming Mercury Retro so that we can all navigate more consciously. There is always a Meditation & Divinations for the Pre, Post & Actual Retro and in a group setting, we all learn even more and are better supported for navigating the current upgrade.    Click HERE for Details

4/12 ~ Jupiter (spirituality) ~conjunct~ Neptune (oneness consciousness):   These two together expand your conscious awareness, about your Self, the community and the planet. We humans have been through a lot over the years learning the difference between religion & spirituality and this Initiation is giving you a chance to heal your own connection to God/Great Spirit or Source of your understanding. Your perspective has been broadened by the global shifts and you have probably been humbled on one or many levels. Now that you’ve been stripped of some non-essentials, you can be more clear about your own values and your own purpose. The Shadow aspect of this energy is to be overly optimistic, ignoring facts & realities and not using your own discernment properly. We have to activate all our filters with this one because they can both get us all carried away, lost, off-track or worse, drowning. It is time to stay grounded and do not take unnecessary risks, with your faith or your resources. You are tremendously supported for initiating new spiritual practices that fortify you so that you are better able to serve on a grander scale or contribute in a larger way, to the social & collective realms just by living in integrity and staying connected to a Higher Power. This activation is going to re-set your connection to your Higher Self and it also facilitates a huge rebirth for the social/collective realms. This is where we dream up the NEW Story ~ NEW Vision that we want to live into! We can look at the last 12-165 years of our relationship with water in-general or we can look at what we believed to be true or possible all our lives and use this opportunity to tap into a more unifying, all-inclusive, kinship vibration for all Life on the planet.
Check Out Steven Forrest’s Jupiter/Neptune Article:
~ Spiritual Confidence HERE

Check Out Dana Gerhardt’s Jupiter/Neptune Article:
~ Divinely Aligned HERE

Olokun Rising Event
April 8 – 12, 2022
Worldwide ~ Solo & Groups
Honor the Waters of the World
Details HERE

Bonus Post – Introduction to Neptune in Pisces 2011-2025
91-min Video Below ~ Audio Only HERE

– Bonus Post –
Mutual Reception of Neptune in Aquarius + Uranus in Pisces 2008

78-min Video Below ~ Audio Only HERE

4/12 ~ Sun (source & essential Self) ~sextile~ Saturn (organization & structure):   This energy is good for getting serious and organized because the Sun also brings some much-needed clarity. With Saturn involved, practical actions based on responsible assessments will be rewarded, whereas, blowing things off or leaving loose ends will cost you (usually fairly immediately, the instant karma way). Even if this should happen to you, it is not personal, but Saturn’s way of showing you (immediately) where your current limitations are. That’s good info to have when making choices & decisions. This activation gives you access to self-discipline and the ability to consider all your options before deciding on anything. This is a good time to focus on your professional goals if possible, and start making a solid, feasible plan for the future. If you need to, seek the advice of a trusted wise elder (anyone with more knowledge/experience than you ; -)) And if you can’t actually DO something in the direction of your goals today, take the time to meditate and connect to your plan mentally.

4/14 ~ Mars Enters PISCES (until May 24th):
As it enters Pisces, this gives us a chance to dream up the new desires, direction & individual purpose about to be born in each of us. Mars is about who you are and what you want and we are dreaming that anew! In Pisces, you get to explore your spirituality, your imagination and your dreams. Does any of that even play a role in your life? Of course, it does for some more than others but if you are a staunch realist, this gives you permission to loosen up and dream a little over the next 2-months. Liberate your normal way of thinking for just a moment this week and consider this: If all your bills were paid, all your needs taken care of, what would you choose to do with your time, energy & money? You have to quiet the ego who wants to know and control everything, and surrender to your imagination and then, ask the real question: what do you truly desire? For your Self, for your family & community, for the world? Many of us share a vision of a progressive humanity that uses technology as a tool, rather than worship it like a god. Many of us share a vision of a connected humanity that honors the deepest value of the Mother, the land and the soil that feeds & sustains life on this planet rather than rape, pillage and slowly kill us all. There has been an awakening and an interruption in your normal flow, use this as an opportunity to explore territory you normally don’t allow yourself to explore and see what you find. If we hold that Light and that vision of the Aquarian Age really representing freedom, equality & reverence for all life, then we can magnetize that into our reality.

The last time Mars was in Pisces was May 2020 ~ what do you remember about that time? We had Gemini/Sag Eclipses and Venus Retrograded in GEMINI, cracking open all new values & priorities, not to mention our consciousness and our social interactions which were completely halted with covid. There was more emphasis on relationships but now it’s on our ideas, thoughts and concepts that inform our personal choices & individual actions. We are re-dreaming our world in many ways but I encourage you to use this energy to activate your own imagination to expand what you believe is possible for your Self and the world.

4/16 ~ LIBRA Full Moon:
Can you feel the process that you have been through, personally, over the last 6-months? Can you feel the Universe reshaping, repositioning you to birth a whole new way of living on Earth and relating with other living beings? In order to do that, relate in a whole new way with Life, we’ve undergone quite a rigorous release process over the last 6-months alone. When you ‘shed skins’, you have to know that you are raw & vulnerable as you grow your new skin or if it is a new birth of any kind, there is that initial stage of development that immediately follows birth that is the most vital for the health & well-being of the (creative) baby.

As for our Libra Full Moon, this is giving us a chance to do this deep clearing in the relationship department and honor the annual opportunity to complete things and tie up any loose ends in our relationships, personal, professional or both. That means anything and anyone that you have to relate to on a regular basis has this annual opportunity for renewal on a very deep level. It is a time to notice what is out of balance and take advantage of the initiatory energy of the Spring to clear it out and make space for new relationships and for new ways of relating in general. This one has so much additional power & juice for clearing out old, toxic, imbalanced relationships in a way that is so obvious that it makes it almost effortless to finally let go. You will also be shown the new possibilities for nourishing & supportive, balanced & reciprocal relationships, partnerships & collaborations that are being seeded at this time in your life.

Where is the beauty? fun? joy? supportive, helpful, peaceful people? What nourishes your body? mind? soul? spirit? Think in terms of how that has evolved over the last 6-months, 1-year and over the last 8-years for sure. What you used to be magnetized and attracted to has likely evolved, deepened and/or changed completely from 7-10 years ago. It’s time to do some internal reflection on the lessons & blessings you have gained through all your current relationships. No matter how grueling or treacherous they’ve been, you’ve learned something about your Self and humanity and how peace must be nurtured. Now, the Universe, the planets, Mother Earth herself all support you in stepping up and into NEW ways of being your Self, which automatically shifts how you relate with Others, on every level. Many small Circles and Communities have strong roots and are growing amazing things that will feed us all in the end. Find your own inner balance, tap into this Spring Season when physical balance is naturally available and call in more balance & reciprocity in your personal & professional relationships. It’s time to allow more good into your life. Practice with more Light this season. Also consider what relationship & partnership seeds got planted with the Libra New Moon on 10.6.2021 (6-months ago).

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