June 26 – July 2, 2022 ~ Forecast

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

June 26 – July 2, 2022 ~ Forecast

Kelly’s Weekly Forecast

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6/27 ~ Neptune Retrograde in PISCES:
Last year and this year, Neptune is standing still around Solstice time, emphasizing the renewal of our connection to the Sacred, as well as the dream & vision we’re living in this moment. Where the Moon represents the individual womb energy, Neptune represents the collective womb experience on a much higher level. So as a whole, we are all returning to the womb at this time, essentially preparing for (yet another) rebirth. It’s not going to be as tangible as some would prefer, from Neptune comes all things formless but very, very real – subconscious, dreams, magic, music, art, etc. While the ‘womb’ was the Source of nourishment & protection at one time, we annually renew that connection through the Neptune Retro. It’s time to check-in on the relationship between your Spirit and your Human form. Every year, we are supported to renew that which supports us on a spiritual level. It is where you need to return periodically for strength, nourishment & wisdom. The more regularly you are able to do this, the stronger the connection to your Spirit and true Purpose. When Neptune Retrogrades, it may be less shocking than Uranus or Pluto, but no less effective. It’s primary goal during a Retrograde is to gently dissolve personal boundaries and remind you that you are an Eternal Spirit in a Temporary Form. You start to realize that you are connected to the whole. Not a bad idea, but to some, it can be unsettling if they are rigidly holding onto the boundaries of a false sense of security. Where you might pursue your dreams & visions when it’s Direct, when it’s Retrograding, be creative, read, write, sing, dance – in private – for your own pure joy & delight, as well as for cleansing & releasing purposes. In addition to dreaming for the community, dream for your deepest SoulSelf as well. Connect to that original intent; that original person you were born to be, before you were imprinted by your family, culture or environment. Original Intent. When you can over the next 5-months, take some time to get back to your Center and renew your connection to Great Spirit.

*Neptune is a collective planet, which means that all those born in a 14-year period have Neptune in the same Sign and will share this *spiritual connection*. Jamie of PandoraAstrology.com calls it the ‘shared dream’ of each generation and has a fantastic, short article on the generations HERE.

6/27 ~ Mars (action) ~sextile~ Saturn (endurance):
This energy gives you a tremendous power booster to your drive to create stability, as you define it. You will be more willing to do the work, starting with a plan that is carefully thought out and then methodically carried out. Plan and then DO! Not just one or the other, but both, which can eventually produce solid results. The rewards for your hard work or the return on your investment will reflect what energy you have put in to stabilizing your life. This energy should not be restrained but consciously directed. Excessive restriction (Saturn) may cause an explosion (Mars) down the line, whereas a solid base (Saturn) contains the fire (Mars) so it becomes useful, productive, and often, beautiful as well.

6/28 ~ Sun (core essential Self) ~square~ Jupiter (imagination & truth):  This is a powerful energy and with that comes the necessity of discernment – it can provoke you to get lots of things accomplished and that’s a good thing, however, beware of taking on more than you can actually handle or maintain on your own. Having said that now, if you need that little “push” to get some things done, this is just the energy for you. It carries with it the optimism necessary to allow you to go beyond your norm and stretch in new ways. Sometimes there can be a tendency toward self-righteousness with this energy too, but try to make it “self-directed” and you will benefit greatly. Walk your talk and fully embody your Truth. However, if you turn it on others, demanding they believe what you believe, you may have some difficulties. Be open & receptive, have a “Don’t-Know Mind” because you never know what you may learn from another’s perspective along the way that could really help you, now or in the future.

6/28 ~ Venus (relationships) ~sextile~ Jupiter (optimism):
This energy expands your relationships, personal or professional, allowing you to gain traction in expressing the Highest vibration that’s possible for that particular connection. In personal relationships, things are sociable, light & fun. In professional or public relationships, things can go more smoothly as folks are more relaxed & easy-going, upbeat & open to exchanging ideas & concepts. This energy activates our innate optimism and natural positive thinking, so it is a good time to look into expanding your knowledge base in some kind of way that makes you more valuable to the team. You’ll have that connection to your instincts and confidence with others that is a winning combination!

6/28 ~ New Moon in CANCER:
This is a powerful opportunity to start anew in your Cancer Area of Life (House). We are getting a dose of New Beginning energy that is so needed & necessary, considering the large-scale “endings” that we are also dealing with. This month gets personal, thanks to Cancer energy and the New Moon – they are helping us all seed a new consciousness, a new story and new ways of interacting with others. It is time to initiate something that you are willing to be responsible (Capricorn) for nurturing (Cancer) to its full development and releasing to the Universe. Something born from YOU! Cancer is the BEST time to practice deep Self-Care so that you are a more reliable vehicle for bringing your creations to life! Where is the *Fertile Ground* in your life, environment or world, at this time? What personal tending is ‘up’ for you at this time? What basic fundamentals do you need to feel loved, supported, well-fed and cared for? Cancer/Capricorn are both about the “basics” in life, emotional and physical security, food and shelter. It’s about *feeling* what needs to be done and then doing it, so don’t give in to emotional overwhelm. Instead, as you develop a whole new way of *containing, nurturing and protecting* your life-force energy (fuel/what you eat or feed others), you are subsequently, honoring your own feelings and personal nature. Remember, Cancer is how we feel on the inside, about the Capricorn reality that we’re living on the outside so if there is a discrepancy, the New Moon is the time to seed a new vision.

7/1 ~ Mars (lower will) ~square~ Pluto (Higher will):
This is a test of what you are made of, on the deepest core level, and will require surrender and a degree of self-awareness in order to navigate. This energy challenges you to evolve and will make you want to push through any obstacles but you must be careful not to be so aggressive that you are stepping on anyone else to get where you’re going. This is a potent energy that can facilitate major transformation in your life if you know who you are, what you want and what you are willing to sacrifice to get there – that includes parts of your Self that may need to shift in order for you to be more effective at this time. This energy can bring power struggles, within or without, so be mindful because this energy is affecting everyone at this time. This is the time to tie up any loose ends if you are close to beginning anew. If you do not finish what you already have in the works, it may get in the way of things you want to do in the future. It is time to align your true inner power with balanced outer actions & choices.

7/2 ~ Mercury (your thinking) ~trine~ Saturn (structure & organization):   This energy is good for deep thinking. You are sharp and your standards are high because you are in ‘strategy mode’. This is a more solitary energy though, so communications with others may be hampered a bit because it is time for you to hold your own, at some new level. It’s time to focus on the details that hold the big dream together, all the little things that make the grand vision work. Some folks respect that attention to detail while others may consider it nit-picky but it is what the energy supports at this time so don’t worry if others don’t understand the process that you are going through. By the same token, you may also feel a little overwhelmed by the many “little things” that cannot be denied or delayed and thus a sense of urgency to get it all done. Beware of a tendency toward pessimism, depression or overwhelm. Try to stay focused on all the blessings that you do have and all that you have accomplished instead of what’s still on the list of things to do (in life). This energy is not intended to make you feel bad about all the things left yet to do, but encourage you to begin the necessary steps for manifesting your dreams. This energy just makes you focus on the practical side of manifesting. Clear the debris, and begin to lay a new, clean, solid foundation beneath your goals. Saturn gets you present to the necessary steps and Mercury helps you think clearly.

7/2 ~ Mercury (communication) ~square~ Neptune (dissolution):
This is a mixed blessing energy. On one hand, it’s good for spiritual study and giving your dreams a little energy (if your schedule permits). On the other hand, it makes for major miscommunications between people. Try to think before speaking, because if it’s possible to misunderstand or not ‘get it’ altogether, it will happen this week. Be careful not to let “longing” for your dreams to come true, to distort your judgment and mislead you into believing the illusion. With this energy, some people will deliberately deceive and others have to be careful not to be misled. Stick to the facts or stay quiet, for now. You may even be inclined to withhold information in order to avoid a confrontation – don’t do it. Communicate with your Self and God today, otherwise plan to be very clear in explaining yourself to others (humans) so there are no misunderstandings.

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