June 5 – 11, 2022 ~ Forecast

Shamanic Astrologer, Earth Medicine Practitioner and Mystic Mentor

June 5 – 11, 2022 ~ Forecast

Kelly’s Weekly Forecast

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6/10 ~ Mercury (ideas, thoughts & concepts) ~trine~ Pluto (rebirth & transformation):   (3 of 3: 4/28 ~ 5/25 ~ 6/10)
This activation makes any deep delving within easier and more fruitful. It encourages you to ask the deeper questions, clarify your deeper feelings and trust your intuitive gut feelings that are telling you something has to die so that some other aspect of your consciousness can live. You will want to explore your inner Self, sort through recently gathered information and try to understand better what your own natural process really is. It is best to be alone for such research. Take a day or a weekend and grab your most powerful books & music and get somewhere beautiful if you can, if not, then your bedroom will do just as well – and dig deep! You are finally ready for the deeper truth, and you will be transformed by what you learn. If you must communicate with others, plan on that being deep as well, so best to talk to a trusted advisor or wise elder. Nothing superficial today. The only warning with this energy is not to become obsessive about one particular idea – and certainly don’t try to force any ideas on others. If you feel the deep need to focus on one particular thing, that is fine but try to keep some perspective or write down all your revelations so that you can reflect on them at a later time when you can be more objective and prioritize better.

6/11 ~ Venus (relationships, love & money) ~conjunct~ Uranus (awakening & liberation):    This is an initiation of some radically new values & priorities which have bubbling within you for a while now. You are supported to shift, without apology. Remember, when you change, everything/one around you naturally changes or goes away. Same-old, same-old will not do at this time and you are supported for thinking outside the box, especially where conscious equal partnership is concerned. We are in a new era, the Aquarian Age, that supports the individual within the context of the whole. We are all learning how to do that on micro-levels, within our own individual relationships, as well as on macro-levels in the world. Use this activation to release resistance and open to the new, shake things up and look at your life from a completely different perspective and see if you don’t find renewed value in some places and others that have completely run their course and can easily be released. Finally, pay close attention to any innovative ideas that come up around this time – they could be useful down the line.

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