Aug 28 – Sept 3, 2022 ~ Forecast
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8/28 ~ Venus (relationships & resources) ~oppose~ Saturn (physical limits & reality): Where Sun opposite Saturn has the focus squarely on you, the individual, Venus opposite Saturn often illuminates the relationships that you’ve magnetized (or repelled) in your lifetime. It is here that I also like to remind folks how valuable MidPoints can be as they give you a direct look back at your starting point, which offers unbelievable clarity about what you may be dealing with in the present moment. (That Initiation would’ve happened when Venus conjuncted Saturn on 3.28.2022.) There is a push-pull between your true values and the current reality of your relationships and/or your resources. You may find yourself questioning what (and who) is or is no longer of value or important to you. Or you may find yourself facing some hard and unavoidable personal truths. Do not feel sorry for yourself and do not take it out on others. It is time to take responsibility for making new choices. Looking back will only trip you up. Challenges may center around commitments that you’ve made out of obligation and/or a sense of duty, rather than because you actually wanted to contribute. You can use this energy & activation to align your reality with the values of your heart. Don’t allow the anxiety associated with change to keep you from making some important decisions at this time. If you give into your fears, you could get caught up in martyrdom or victim consciousness. Deciding what you want, committing to the work that it will take to manifest your vision and getting to work – that’s what Saturn will reward with tangible & long-lasting results. You will never regret investing in your Self this way.
9/1 ~ Mars (your desire) ~sextile~ Jupiter (your Truth):
This energy will help you figure out what your deepest desires and authentic Truth really are for you. If you are not sure, this expansion will illuminate the possibilities for you. This is a potent opportunity to take things to the next level. Mars often lends a boost of energy, so definitely be active, work in some physical activity (but don’t over-do it), make any presentations that you need to make, negotiate any contracts or deals that you need to because all is supported for you knowing who you are and what you want in a way that conveys without much effort on your part. The effort required to activate this easy energy is to actively pursue your desires, to expand your horizons by learning something new, by being around other like-minded souls and putting that extra energy behind some worthy project … like YOU!
9/2 ~ Mercury (thinking) ~oppose~ Jupiter (learning):
(1 of 3: 9/2 ~ 9/18 ~ 10/12)
Any opposition requires us to work with two distinct energies and get them to work together for the good of all involved. It is also a MidPoint which allows you that 180* view from the other side of your starting point (roughly 6-months ago). Mercury & Jupiter are working out the push-pull within you between your Mind & Consciousness, between your Thinking & Beliefs, between your Thoughts & Imagination, between the Tedious Details and the Grand Vision. Because of all this, it would be tremendously beneficial to play amongst a group of like-hearted souls with varying points of view, mavericks who following their intuition as well as humble healers who also buck status quo by following their intuitive knowing within, something we all have the capacity for. This is great for what I call *Jam Sessions*, when my colleagues & I get together to discuss our ideas & insights about our professional goals, something like that is a great use of this energy: plan, strategize, discuss with others, get input and feedback, bounce ideas around and be open and receptive to others’ points of view because they may think of something that you didn’t. Make sure it is a Circle, where all opinions are valued even if not shared. This is a good one for learning something new and looking at things from another angle, completely.
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Note from Kelly:
I’m back on a monthly schedule of Community Events and I hope you’ll join us when you can!
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Sept 29th = Mercury Retro (Libra/Virgo) + Fall Equinox (Libra)
Oct 13th = Venus MidPoint / Reclamation Begins (Libra)
Nov 10th = Taurus/Scorpio Eclipses
Dec 21st = Winter Solstice + 2023 Initiation (Capricorn)
Fall Equinox & Winter Solstice will likely be with Shanta Gabriel. Is there any special planetary alignment or cycle that you’d like to know more about? eMail me directly with your suggestions.
Finally, Cinnamon Rose & I are playing with the idea of an interactive podcast where you all could join us live and ask questions or listen to the replay. Cinnamon has offered *Ask the Priestess* for years and it is an amazing & effective way to ask your burning questions with a beautifully clear channel. Cinnamon also really prefers when I answer her questions in *Raw Kelly Style* – I have a way of expressing the energies in a language that is succinct, direct and often hilarious! When you hear *Truth* and you get a good belly laugh with it, a healing, awakening & clearing of “stuck places” happens. Now, I have 6-planets in Virgo in the 10th House of career & reputation so needless to say, I do my best to present a polished, professional presentation and I like it that way, howevaaa, I DO get loose off-air with my closest cohorts and Cinnamon wants me to share more of that with YOU! If you’ve been with me for a long time, you’ve already experienced my raw truth & dark humor at some point, but let me also hear from you if you would be interested in a podcast where conversations about the energies and the tools & skills it takes to navigate consciously will happen with some additional spice & levity in this crazy, intense world. Reach out to Cinnamon or Kelly and let us know your thoughts!
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