Sept 11 – 17, 2022 ~ Forecast + Events
Kelly’s Weekly Forecast
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PISCES Full Moon ~ LIVE Circle
Click HERE for 50-min Replay
9/11 ~ Sun (core identity) ~trine~ Uranus (individuality):
This energy is wonderful for a little self-examination and taking action on your own behalf. Look at your habits, home situation, work or anything else that is important to you and look at how you’ve gotten to where you are. What kind of choices led here? This is a good time to look around and see how you can conserve what is useful and release that which is no longer relevant for you going forward. It’s also a good energy for organizing & clearing the decks, so to speak, of things that have piled up but still need to be dealt with (or released altogether). You may be feeling very practical, possibly selfish, but it’s actually self-preservation.
THUR/Sept 15th @8pm (eastern)
Click HERE to Register & Donate
9/16 ~ Venus (values & priorities) ~square~ Mars (desire & passion): This is your Inner Sacred Feminine & Masculine pushing out of comfort zone and into new territory. It is time to recalibrate how you give & receive, as well as how you BE versus DO. It helps to know the Signs & Elements to consciously choose how to work with this activation. In this case, it is Earth & Air, our Mind & Body ~ our Ideas & Choices ~ our Thinking & Physical Ability. Tune into how you direct your own power, as well as what you magnetize & repel naturally. Anytime Venus & Mars interact, the energy has to do with your relationships, both personal & professional, private & public. Squares create the necessary tension to catalyze action. As an individual, it is time to grow, change and integrate your own values & priorities (Venus) with your own desires & passion (Mars), however, on another level, it can also activate sexual energy as that too is the energy of creation. If you are in a happy, healthy relationship, then it is a great energy for you expressing your love in a physical way. However, if your relationship already has tension (especially in the physical realm), then this can be a difficult energy to deal with and the only real solution is open communication and a willingness to compromise, so good luck!
9/16 ~ Sun (ego & essential Self) ~oppose~ Neptune (illusion & delusion): Where Venus oppose Neptune is about your relationships & finances, this Sun activation is more about YOU, the individual. And any opposition requires that we find the balance in the middle. This can be a very confusing energy. You will be very sensitive to others and their needs, as well as how they relate to you & your own needs. You may want to withdraw or not voice your opinion just to avoid conflict, feeling like it wouldn’t solve anything anyway. Often, if/when you do not ‘disagree’ (openly) then people assume you agree, which creates more problems. You shouldn’t give in to any temptation of being “slick” either, that will only attract more of the same to you. If you’re feeling unsure of yourself or your position, you may think it is easier to give in to another person’s demands when you really should stand up for yourself. Self-preservation is not selfish, it is necessary, so try to avoid playing the victim. Be honest and up-front with anyone demanding a confrontation at this time, that you would rather gather your thoughts and discuss things later (by then this energy will have passed) when you can articulate your side of things better. Be aware of deception – both on your part and/or the part of others (trying to deceive you). Your discernment is not its strongest under this influence so it is best to be still and quiet until the energy passes. Take this time to do some spiritual, inner work.
Cracking the Ancestral Code ~ Level One HERE
Cracking the Ancestral Code ~ Level Two HERE
I am so excited to offer my FIRST Self-Study Course – it is a Digital Download just for this Mercury Retrograde through the Libra/Virgo zone. One of the things I think Mercury Retro is best for is communing with your Invisible Team and working behind the scenes on something that matters to you, in this case, in your Virgo & Libra Houses. So I’ve created a 3-part Self-Study Course/Digital Download to honor both Shadow periods before & after and your Custom Mercury Activations will guide you through exactly what Mercury is touching in your own chart during this Retrograde, so that you can co-create consciously. There are also many other Tools included, plus we’ll Circle-Up on Sept 29th and that always brings in additional magic & possibilities so I hope you will join us then whether you do the class or not.
Check Out Mercury Retro Tools HERE
Access Tools HERE
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