Sept 4 – 10, 2022 ~ Forecast + Events
Kelly’s Weekly Forecast
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Cracking the Ancestral Code ~ Level One HERE
Cracking the Ancestral Code ~ Level Two HERE
9/5 ~ Venus in Virgo (until 9/29):
Venus (values, priorities, resources, love, art, beauty, culture) in Virgo (earthy wisdom, systems for living & natural timing) is a time to focus on healing the mind/body connection and perfecting the Spirit-in-Human-form. The current values & priorities should focus on how well your own systems for living are serving you and where you need to simplify your life in order to be more effective. As Virgo precedes the Libra focus of relationships and the response of others (to you), I recommend keeping the focus on you, and what your mind, body & spirit can actually handle & manage on a day-to-day basis. It’s time to release the nonessential, extraneous or redundant and make room for more quality nutrient, inner clarity & self-discipline. It’s time to focus on quality control and question everything ~ is it worth it? Is it practical? Does it make sense for you personally? Is it natural? Is it really important or valuable? Venus rules our romance & finance departments and in Virgo, you have to ask: does it actually work?
9/6 ~ Pallas in CANCER (until May 2, 2023):
Pallas represents your unique genius & healing capacity, and in Cancer, that means that the healing, wisdom & evolution will happen through your gut-feelings and your ability to create a safe & secure environment for you and yours. Pallas is our *Prismatic Perspective* and in Cancer, those facets take on different aspects of home, family, safety & kinship. We will have to *FEEL* our way through this energy and allow the deep re-set that comes when Pallas passes through your Cancer House every 4-5 years, deepening your dedication to creating healthy environments, taking in more nourishing food, improving your surroundings to be more comfy & cozy and nurturing your own unique wisdom & genius. What are you a natural at cultivating & developing? Systems? Art? Gardens? Skills? Meditate to see what comes to you and use this time to reconnect with your own Soul and personal needs to make sure that they are being met in the most optimal & sustainable ways. Also, listen for Truth & Wisdom coming from the children and the Elders – the very young and the very old usually do not have ulterior motives or alternative agendas – they speak Truth naturally and, often, the Wisdom that comes through is timeless & relevant. Finally, look to humor or comedy for some Good Medicine ~ laughter unlocks stuck energies and heals old wounds. In this case, we may be remembering times we have aborted a creative project that had tremendous potential and now is our chance to commit to doing better going forward. We may discover new strength & wisdom in old wounds & betrayals and if you’re lucky, you will be able to laugh about it and ultimately, HEAL! It is a tremendous opportunity to Heal the Mother or Sister Wound especially since it will linger for 9-months rather than the standard 2-months.
*Retrograde = 26* Cancer = 11.30.2022
*Direct = 10* Cancer = 2.16.2023
*Enters LEO = 5.2.2023
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9/9 ~ Mercury Retro 8* LIBRA (until 10/2):
Mercury’s journey through Virgo has allowed you to become aware of whatever is “not working” in your ideas, thoughts & concepts. Virgo Time every year is a time to truly process & integrate whatever has come into your conscious awareness during this Spring & Summer. It’s time for discernment & discrimination – you will have to choose or decide which ideas are worth investing more energy, time & resources going forward. It is time to get organized and create space to anchor these new ideas and integrate them into the new rhythm that is emerging at this time. We are in the Pre-Harvest season for another month or so, and I think you will benefit from some time-outs in Nature to mentally process your summer and get grounded. Reflect on the emotions of Solstice time and the creativity of Leo time to inspire the Virgo discipline to tend to the all the “little things” that allow the “big vision” to work in your life.
The other thing to consider is that Mercury entered Libra on Aug 25th and Retrogrades today (then it will go back to Virgo to go Direct on Oct 2nd). It seems that this year brings a certain level of review in our Relationship Dept – that can be personal and/or professional and because it is Mercury, it is time to re-think our idea of conscious equal partnership. If we can recalibrate our communication with others and re-establish a balanced mind within, then we can tap into our own natural rhythms and Right Timing. It’s also an opportunity to do some personal healing of the Mental Body. We have been cracked open to all new consciousness in recent years (and there is more to come) so it is a good idea to use any Mercury Retrograde to time-out, pause & reflect on your own Mental Input & Output ~ consider how much are you taking in, processing and putting to good use and how much are you cultivating your own unique ideas and sharing them with others.
I am so excited to offer my FIRST Self-Study Course – it is a Digital Download just for this Mercury Retrograde through the Libra/Virgo zone. One of the things I think Mercury Retro is best for is communing with your Invisible Team and working behind the scenes on something that matters to you, in this case, in your Virgo & Libra Houses. So I’ve created a 3-part Self-Study Course/Digital Download to honor both Shadow periods before & after and your Custom Mercury Activations will guide you through exactly what Mercury is touching in your own chart during this Retrograde, so that you can co-create consciously. There are also many other Tools included, plus we’ll Circle-Up on Sept 29th and that always brings in additional magic & possibilities so I hope you will join us then whether you do the class or not.
Check Out Mercury Retro Tools HERE
Access Tools HERE
9/10 ~ PISCES Full Moon:
We are out of Fixed energy (Leo), which has activated both the need to stabilize certain things, as well as release (permanently) some aspect of Self, so that your life can actually function, in the physical reality that you’re currently living. That said, no matter how bad it is, change really is only one decision and a renewed commitment away. We are now moving through the Mutable energy of Virgo, which can help us process & assimilate all that has lived and died thus far, this year. Now is time to make the necessary arrangements for new life to come in and thrive. Think: Nesting in the sense that you are preparing space for something new in your life. But because it is Virgo, it is more about how this new life/energy/direction is going to actually work into your natural rhythm & routine.
*IF* you have made a ton of new connections & friends recently, and all your creativity was activated in Leo, and your heart engaged, then Virgo energy comes in and helps you create a new system and helps you get used to your new rhythm. It’s time to create a whole new daily routine that better supports who you are and are becoming. We’re all finding various systems and routines (that have historically worked) that are now obsolete and no longer work (for whatever reason). That is always a clear indication that it is time for a new one. And *IF* you are able to create one (tweaking as you go and leaving it open to further revisions), then when Libra comes next month, you’ll be able to really make those connections with others, personal or professional, easier to navigate. This conscious clearing can create space for some powerful new relationships, partnerships & collaborations.
However, if you have spent the last month of Leo examining your own self-worth, wondering why you magnetize certain things & people, and repel others, and generally feeling like the life you’re living does NOT reflect who you are in your heart-of-hearts, then this month of Virgo will help you heal those aspect(s) of Self which will enable you to be more congruent so that you can take advantage of the coming opportunities in Libra.
PISCES Full Moon is best for releasing illusions & delusions, any ways we’ve been unrealistic lately. It’s the best Full Moon to release: self-sabotage, compulsiveness, addiction, martyrdom & victim consciousness to name a few. The Full Moon is illuminating where we may have to be more practical & present. This is a purification time of year, so healthy boundaries are vital as you integrate the year and assimilate your own personal Harvest for 2022. Allow your Imagination some space to connect to those *creative solutions* that are customized just for you and renew your connection to both a Spiritual & Physical Daily Practice. This is not new, or news to you I’m sure, but even if you have been the most dedicated and consistent ever, every year, this is an opportunity to freshen up the practice so you are more inspired & uplifted.
The energy this month supports you assessing your strengths and weaknesses and re-committing to balancing your soul-work (Pisces) with your daily work (Virgo); allowing the fragmented aspects (Virgo) of life to come into a cohesive whole (Pisces); and focusing on the little things (Virgo) that make the grand vision (of your life) possible (Pisces). With the rapid pace that this world is shifting, your time is much better spent on that which you deeply and truly value … not narcotized or distracted by nonsense and propaganda, nor giving into emotional overwhelm or irrational fears. Instead of deluding yourself, delaying your decisions or taking time-outs with your phone, computer, TV (or the like) – try to take some time to sit with your Higher Self in silent communion. Allow a conversation to evolve between your Self and Great Spirit. Intuition is like a muscle, you have to work it to gain strength. Trusting the guidance received during those quiet moments, strengthens the connection to your own intuition. Keeping foremost in your mind that while the chaos & illusion swirls around, you have the internal compass of the Heart and your own Intuition to rely on and this is the month to fortify those connections.
PISCES Full Moon is the best time of the year (Aug-Sept) to:
•Release shame, blame & guilt
•Embrace the value of the lesson in every experience
•Release criticism, judgement & fear
•Embrace compassion for others & patience with your own process
•Release the addiction to unobtainable perfection
•Embrace trusting your creative Spirit & inherent beauty
•Release petty distractions & victim consciousness
•Embrace your inner authority to direct your own life
Pisces Full Moon Energy Session
SAT/Sept 10th
Contact Cinnamon for TIME
Details HERE
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