Oct 9 – 15, 2022 ~ Forecast + Events
Kelly’s Weekly Forecast
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10/9 ~ Full Moon in ARIES:
Aries Full Moon affords an incredible opportunity for a clean slate and deep release of that which is no longer part of your identity or purpose. It’s also a good time to release anything that creates imbalance within you or blocks your true independence in the world. This Full Moon kicks off another year of *Release Work*, which also means that you just completed a whole year of it too, so give your Self credit where credit is due. As you go forward, rather than feeling like things are overwhelming and moving too fast to process, let alone integrate, you should be able to see where you have done so much Inner Soul Work (over the course of the last year) that you can now move through your own personal processes much faster. Now of course, this won’t be the case for everyone, in which case, the Aries Full Moon is going to shine that bright light on exactly what aspects of Self have put you in this position and make you feel it until you are so uncomfortable that you finally own it. Once you own it, you can deal with it, change it and/or release it altogether. Just keep in mind this is ALL rhythm & patterns which means if you pay attention, you can consciously co-create with more ease & grace and much less frustration.
That is the “general vibe” of any Aries Full Moon but this one is special because it’s plugging into larger cycles and making it personal for us as individuals. The Sun + Mercury in Libra is opposite the Moon in Aries (along with Jupiter + Chiron) and at the same time, Pluto is in Capricorn and Pallas is in Cancer. If we can use more wisdom in our self-care and personal security issues, then we can transform our purpose and what we’re known for in the world. If we can release an old identity & purpose, then we can collaborate with others at a much higher level. It is *Personal Transformation* this Full Moon and know that the luminaries are lighting you up in a way that is (1) purifying you on the deepest levels and (2) facilitating permanent change and transformation so anything you are truly willing & ready to release, this is the moon to work with! In order for you to experience the level of relationship that you desire, what do you have to change or redefine about your Self so that you can magnetize that vibrational match? Keep in mind that that applies to both personal & professional relationships. And any Aries Moon is all about YOU! so do some mirror work or dig into your journals looking for your own patterns that you are finally truly OVER and trust that this cleansing is preparing you to be able to engage with others on a much higher level of integrity going forward.
10/10 ~ Mercury Direct RE-Enters LIBRA (until Oct 29th):
Mercury has moved from processing in Virgo to restoring mental balance & equilibrium to your nervous system in Libra, rewiring how you think of your personal systems within the context of the other people that you have to deal with on a fairly regular basis. We have reviewed our ideas, thoughts & concepts in our Libra House so that we can find a better rhythm & healthier routine in our Virgo House (Houses = Areas of Life). If you change your thinking or want to make some new choices, in the area of Relationships, Partnerships & Collaborations, then it is natural to expect things to shift for you as an individual, starting at home & work. Now that you’ve reviewed your ideas, thoughts & concepts about socializing and/or interacting with others, how would you like to do that in a new & different way going forward? What kind of *upgrade* to your Mental Body did you get this go-round? Do you feel more clear about how much solitude and how much socializing you need personally?
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My new Digital Download Class HERE is still relevant & useful until the end of October so if you are just now getting time to process what’s been going on in your life, these Tools could prove quite handy! Or if you missed the live event and want the Replay, feel free to request that HERE.
10/11 ~ Sun (your core drives) ~trine~ Saturn (discipline & order): This energy gives you direction & discipline at the same time. Use it consciously to fuel your goals, as you will be blessed by your past efforts. You are completely supported to structure your life in a whole new way. It’s time to take a personal inventory, organize your life, especially your home, office or immediate environment. Naturally, this kind of shift will also affect those you relate with in these close environments, so be mindful of others who are not necessarily as *clear* as you may be at this time. A new order is trying to take root, which scares some and excites others, and this activation supports you and your personal definition of stability & good boundaries. You have access to focus & dedication that can set the tone for the next season, as you clarify the connection between who you are and what you are truly responsible for in this lifetime. Evaluate your daily routine and see what’s working and what’s not, then move forward with some new choices.
10/12 ~ Mars (action & desire) ~square~ Neptune (dreams & illusions): (1 of 3: 10/12 ~ 11/19 ~ 3/14) This can be an annoying energy, to say the least. Basically, you may be confronted with challenges which are a direct result of earlier choices. These are the kind of choices you eventually realized were wrong and “hoped” the consequences would somehow pass you by. Not-so-much. You may feel very discouraged, possibly depressed, and be filled with fear & doubt. The key to getting through this energy is to take a step back, reflect on your choices and what led you to this point and, as objectively as possible, evaluate what went wrong. The tendency with this energy is to want to give up completely on the path you have chosen when all that is probably necessary is a little tweaking. Try to identify the aspect that is causing the conflict. If you don’t feel that you can be objective enough or that you struggle with identifying this aspect, enlist two other people to give you their opinion and then follow your gut-instinct on the direction to take from there. The other temptation with this energy is to be deceptive – either to your Self or others. Either way – don’t give in – it will only come back to bite you (harder) later. Your physical energy is likely to be low as well. Do not force your Self to do anything that you are truly not “feeling” right now. Instead, meditate on what action may be necessary when your energy returns. Be still. Avoid confrontations with others as it is just the energy pushing you out of comfort zone, and into new territory. This is a test of sorts and the best way to deal with it is to face your fears and clarify your desires. My personal two-cents about these two planets (Mars & Neptune) in a difficult angle, is to reflect on what actions (Mars) have been taken (and NOT worked) toward the fulfillment of your dreams (Neptune) – and start your “tweaking” there.
10/12 ~ Mercury (thinking) ~oppose~ Jupiter (learning):
(3 of 3: 9/2 ~ 9/18 ~ 10/12)
Any opposition requires us to work with two distinct energies and get them to work together for the good of all involved. It is also a MidPoint which allows you that 180* view from the other side of your starting point (roughly 6-months ago). Mercury & Jupiter are working out the push-pull within you between your Mind & Consciousness, between your Thinking & Beliefs, between your Thoughts & Imagination, between the Tedious Details and the Grand Vision. Because of all this, it would be tremendously beneficial to play amongst a group of like-hearted souls with varying points of view, mavericks who follow their own intuition as well as humble healers who also buck status quo by following their intuitive knowing within, something we all have the capacity for. This is great for what I call *Jam Sessions*, when my colleagues & I get together to discuss our ideas & insights about our professional goals, something like that is a great use of this energy: plan, strategize, discuss with others, get input and feedback, bounce ideas around and be open and receptive to other points of view (they may think of something you didn’t). Make sure it is a Circle, where all opinions are valued even if not shared. This is also a good one for learning something new and looking at things from another angle, completely.
THUR/Oct 13th @8pm (eastern)
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Venus Cycle Article HERE
Venus Reading + Custom Guide Flyer HERE
Venus Circle HERE
10/14 ~ Venus (values & priorities) ~trine~ Saturn (stability & endurance): This is a smooth, easy energy that you can work with consciously and yield incredible, even tangible, results. It’s a good time to define your terms where relationships are concerned because you are really clear about your own values & priorities, at this time, you’ll be wanting clarity with others as well. Based on your past choices & efforts, positive benefits & earned rewards are forthcoming. If you’ve avoided responsibility in your own relationships (public or private), then this energy can help get you back on track, with less pain & suffering than usual (when Saturn’s involved). If you can be practical about your own limits and realistic about what others bring to the table, then this energy also supports discussing forward movement, development or spiraling to a new, higher level in some way, as a team. Strategizing about the future, clarifying the vision of what will support & protect all involved and honoring the essence of life that runs throughout is deeply supported by these two getting together in an easy angle. Venus is also the energy of love & money, so it’s a good time to be objective and somewhat conservative where both your relationships & finances are concerned. With this Saturn interaction, I would suggest outlining a reasonable relationship or financial goal for the next 3 – 6 – 9 – or 12 months.
Cracking the Ancestral Code ~ Level One HERE
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