Nov 13 – 19, 2022 ~ Forecast + Event
Kelly’s Weekly Forecast
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NEXT Community Event:
12:12 Portal with Shanta Gabriel
MON/Dec 12th @12pm/noon (eastern)
11/13 ~ Venus (relationships) ~sextile~ Pluto (transformation):
This energy deepens all emotions and strengthens bonds & attachments. Friendships & love relationships become much deeper and, sometimes more intense, not to mention any physical, sexual experiences. Being fake or superficial is never possible when Pluto is involved, and because Venus is involved, we’re talking relationships or how you relate in general, so if you are needing to dig a little deeper with someone, you are supported. This energy can facilitate positive transformation in your relationships, partnerships or collaborations. It will give you added power to help you change what needs changing or at least get it on the table for a deeper discussion or a clearing conversation. Your emotional intensity may be at an unusually high level, so be sure to surround yourself with people who love you unconditionally or try to be alone and just reflect on what you’re feeling.
11/14 ~ Mercury (communication) ~sextile~ Pluto (transformation):
This energy provokes the need to delve deeper into the ideas or information being presented at this time, whether personal or professional. You will want to dig deeper, ask the hard questions and gather insights that are more profound than usual. In your professional/public life, you may find yourself doing better on proper pre-planning & due-diligence and in your personal/private life, you may find yourself digging a little deeper into your own mental patterns & personal history (that has led to ‘now’). As you make these connections and begin to grasp these new insights, they will gain traction and you will become more grounded in your own Truth. We all get excited about those kind of ah-ha moments, and you may find yourself wanting to share them with others who may or may not be ready to hear such deep Truths or have the conscious awareness to even process them, so use some discernment around who and when you share these deeper, new-found insights.
11/14 ~ Sun (authentic Self) ~trine~ Neptune (intuition):
This energy triggers your idealistic, altruistic inclinations, but remember that help has to be invited. So if you have the energy to share & to spare, then dedicate your Self to something greater than you. Choose a cause to support or help those less fortunate for the sheer pleasure of giving. If your energy is low at this time, it is better directed inward. If you can, take some extra time in Intentional Solitude, praying, meditating and connecting to Spirit this week, you will be rewarded with deep revelations & mystical discoveries within you. It’s a great time to do divinations, ritual or ceremony if you’re into that. Your intuition is heightened also, so pay attention to any ‘messages’ that come through or to you. Try to use this energy to reflect on where you are and dream a little about where you want to be, mentally, spiritually and physically in 6-months to a year from now.
11/15 ~ Venus (socialize) ~trine~ Jupiter (optimism & travel):
This is usually a pleasant energy, although short lived. This is a good time to enjoy some kind of social activity. No pressure – just easy, laid-back fun. It can make you prone to laziness or excess, but only if you’re already prone to that. Otherwise, if you are typically busy and constantly on the go, this energy gives you permission to kick back a little and release the usual pressures to produce. Take some time out to “smell the roses” or at least reflect on all that you have accomplished and give your Self due credit for coming this far. This is a good time to travel, go on a vacation or take a short trip. This energy tends to bring forth earned blessings. Take a moment to give thanks to the powers that be which brought you to this point!
11/16 ~ Mercury (learning & mind) ~trine~ Jupiter (education & consciousness): This energy is great for expanding your mind, learning something new or taking a class. It’s time to plan for the future and start getting organized. However, you may feel less disciplined and more creative, which is fine in the beginning, but eventually focus & discipline will have to be engaged to ground your new ideas, thoughts or concepts. You have to ask your Self, ‘How bad do you want it?’ If you are self-aware, awake & alert, you will be able to see (and seize) the opportunities as they present themselves. It may appear to be ‘luck’, but it’s really more that you were in alignment with the Cosmos, present & positive, and ultimately, able to trust & follow your own instincts. Practice, there is no perfection. Being optimistic & looking for opportunity in every experience will magnetize the positive and naturally repel the negative, leading right where you want to be! Take advantage of this good energy to connect to whatever it is that you are trying to create in your life at this time.
11/16 ~ Venus Enters SAGITTARIUS (until Dec 9th):
When Venus is in Sag, we want to expand our relationships and improve our lives in some way. You start to recognize which exchanges with others energizes you versus drains you, and subsequently, some partnerships may see a cooling off period where one or both parties get in touch with what they really believe to be true or possible and move from there. The idea is to be optimistic, looking for opportunities even in choices & changes that are uncomfortable or challenging. This is the time to infuse your values & priorities with some diversity, shake it up, expand in some way that allows your creativity to flow in new ways or through new mediums. Edit or develop the Story you are telling with your current values & priorities and notice where you could be more imaginative & authentic and thereby capable of telling a much more interesting Story if you allow your own Truth to guide you at this time. Think bigger! Then begin the steps toward manifesting a Higher Vision of how you relate with others going forward.
11/17 ~ Mercury Enters SAGITTARIUS (until Dec 6th):
When Mercury is in Sag, we get a little more philosophical and start to search for the “meaning” of the year that we just lived through. You have the Processing Planet in a Processing Sign, so we are also integrating all that we learned in the last year so that we can claim it as embodied wisdom. Once you’ve integrated all the aspects of life that have evolved, you can start to look for the potential of the new year. What good ideas can you anchor, build on and expand in the next year? You are supported to believe something completely NEW and dream a little BIGGER than you usually allow yourself to dream. Expand the vision, for your Self, for your life and for the planet. Tell a New Story and use December to dream it up!
NEXT Monthly Venus Circle:
INNER Initiation/Sagittarius/StoryTeller/Reclamation
THUR/Nov 17th @8pm (eastern)
Click HERE to Subscribe or DropIN HERE ($25)
Venus Circle HERE
Venus Cycle Article HERE
Venus Reading + Custom Guide Flyer HERE
11/18 ~ Sun (core identity) ~sextile~ Pluto (transformation):
This is a healthy, positive, transformative energy. You will have access to energy that will help you change your current circumstance for the better and/or clear up an issue that has been challenging you for a while now. It’s great for purifying, cleaning & clearing your personal space, as well as organizing your life in general. You may have to examine the “big picture” to see where an adjustment, for the good of all involved, is necessary. If you’re not feeling up to working on outer issues, this also gives you the opportunity to do some introspective thinking and deep self-reflection. Superficial once-overs will not do, you must address the root cause for where you find yourSelf at this time in your life and decide if it is working for you or against you.
11/19 ~ Mars (action & desire) ~square~ Neptune (dreams & illusions): (2 of 3: 10/12 ~ 11/19 ~ 3/14) This can be an annoying energy, to say the least. Basically, you may be confronted with challenges which are a direct result of earlier choices. These are the kind of choices you eventually realized were wrong and “hoped” the consequences would somehow pass you by. Not-so-much. You may feel very discouraged, possibly depressed, and be filled with fear & doubt. The key to getting through this energy is to take a step back, reflect on your choices and what led you to this point and, as objectively as possible, evaluate what went wrong. The tendency with this energy is to want to give up completely on the path you have chosen when all that is probably necessary is a little tweaking. Try to identify the aspect that is causing the conflict. If you don’t feel that you can be objective enough or that you struggle with identifying this aspect, enlist two other people to give you their opinion and then follow your gut instinct on the direction to take from there. The other temptation with this energy is to be deceptive – either to your Self or others. Either way – don’t give in – it will only come back to bite you (harder) later. Your physical energy is likely to be low as well. Do not force your Self to do anything you are truly not “feeling” right now. Instead, meditate on what action may be necessary when your energy returns. Be still. Avoid confrontations with others as it is just the energy pushing you out of comfort zone, into new territory. This is a test of sorts and the best way to deal with it is to face your fears and clarify your desires. My personal two-cents about these two planets (Mars & Neptune) in a difficult angle, is to reflect on what actions (Mars) have been taken (and NOT worked) toward the fulfillment of your dreams (Neptune) – and start your “tweaking” there.
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