2023 Energetic Overview

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Annual SOLAR Rhythm :: The Sun spends about a month in each Sign, Aries through Pisces, every year. It has an Annual Rhythm that we can learn to sync-up with that is really juicy to co-create with consciously. You have your Birthday, aka Solar Return to where it was when you were born and that is a great Annual Rhythm to know for yourself. But I’ve taken it one step further and been testing my theory of starting my “New Year” with my Rising Sign Birthday. So for example, I have a Sag Rising, so my Annual Rhythm starts around Dec 2nd every year and I consciously co-create with the Sun as it stimulates my chart month-by-month. Getting to know this rhythm has helped me take better care of myself and my collaborations have been more fruitful when I work-it this way too. I have created a tool for this so if you’d like to know more about your own, eMail me HERE. Another branch of this is scheduling your own public appearances, workshops, webinars or community circles. Many of you are leaders of your own Circles and come to me to help you map out or schedule the year in a way that is best for you, the teacher/guide, so that you can give your BEST to your own students and clients. You can check out my Mystic Mentorship to book your session HERE.
2023 LUNAR Rhythms :: Moons to be Mindful of are the SUPER Moons and the Lunar & Solar ECLIPSES. Super Moons increase the electro-magnetic pull on both our bodies and the oceans. Eclipses facilitate permanent changes and help push us out of comfort zone and into new territory whether we think we are ready or not. We have Eclipses every year, so there is always “energy for change” but the Signs activate the energies, lessons & themes that we all have to navigate and 2023 shifts the theme from Taurus to Aries. This changes the direction and soul work from more physical to more spiritual – cultivating stability so that you can expand & transcend to a whole new level of emotional well-being. The Eclipses are shifting to accommodate our growth & development. Eclipses in 2023 will straddle between the outgoing Taurus/Scorpio Axis and the incoming Aries/Libra Axis so whatever Areas of Life (Houses) are Ruled by those Signs are where the change & evolution is happening for you to consciously co-create with. Your Taurus/Aries Houses will have Initiations/New Beginnings and your Libra/Scorpio Houses will have to assist with Balance & Integration of all the new. This will automatically push your Leo/Aquarius and Cancer/Capricorn Depts to grow, develop & change something to accommodate this larger New Beginning (10-20 year Lunar Cycles). The last years that we had this kind of “overlap” was during 2004-2005 so that is your frame of reference. Internally, things have run their course since then and now we begin anew.
Winter 2023 :: Super/New Moons in CAPRICORN/AQUARIUS/PISCES will help you Initiate New Cycles & Patterns in those departments. In general, the last quarter of the zodiac is extremely evolutionary. It is when you learn the lessons around your true purpose, individuality & connection to your Higher Self. It is in this zone that we really come into our own with Inner Authority, Unique Contribution & Infinite Creativity & Trust. It is this zone where we walk by faith, trusting that the New Beginnings will unfold for the Highest Good of all involved.
Summer 2023 :: Super/Full Moons in AQUARIUS/PISCES which is another indication that you are birthing something new in these departments because now you will see anything that is blocking that Initiation and be prompted from within to do the necessary Soul Work to clear, clean & cleanse those Areas of Life (Houses) and prepare for a whole new expression come 2024.
Spring & Fall 2023 :: Eclipses happen every year, twice a year, so there is always energy for “change” available. What shifts every 18-months is the Sign Energy & Lesson. Jan 2022 – July 2023, the Nodes are on the Taurus/Scorpio Axis, suggesting that our individual self-worth and physical or personal security is Initiating anew, while releasing toxic partnerships and any/all ways that we give away our power (personally or professionally). We have recalibrated the values & priorities and we have stabilized & fortified the base in some critical way that will allow for expansion in the future. Now (July 2023 – Jan 2025), the focus will shift to the Aries/Libra Axis, Initiating a new identity, purpose and value on independence & freedom for you, the individual. Because of the inner shifts that have happened to you personally, the way that you interact with others and who you interact with going forward is going to shift accordingly. These Eclipses will facilitate that upgrade & recalibration around Self vs Other.
Spring 2023 :: Eclipses will kick off with the first Aries New Moon/Solar Eclipse and the final Scorpio Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse. We start out the year rebirthing ourselves. Here, all that we have been through in the last 3-6-9 years has been chipping away at the Old Identity & Purpose or at least, demanding an upgrade. But with Scorpio, we are composting the old and transforming our trauma into power, strength & fortitude.
Fall 2023 :: Eclipses will kick off with the first Libra New Moon/Solar Eclipse and the final Taurus Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse. We finish out the year by rebirthing our relationships. Here, all that we have been through in the last 3-6-9 years has been revealing how we relate with each other on both basic & intimate levels. Your values & priorities have evolved over that time and now you are coming to the table with a new sense of Self and a new sense of purpose so the people who want to interact with you have to respect that and bring a certain level of value to the table or you should go another way.
Your frame of reference for the last few times we had Taurus/Scorpio and Aries/Libra Eclipses:
Now – 2021-23 ~ Taurus North Node
2012-14 ~ Scorpio North Node
2002-05 ~ Taurus North Node
1993-95 ~ Scorpio North Node
1984-86 ~ Taurus North Node
Next – 2023-25 ~ Aries North Node
2013-16 ~ Libra North Node
2004-06 ~ Aries North Node
1995-97 ~ Libra North Node
1986-87 ~ Aries North Node
2023 :: Mercury Retrograde & Direct in Earth Signs = CAPRICORN/TAURUS/VIRGO :: Last year, it retrograded over the cusp of Earth & Air, giving us the first glimpse at the possibilities for our creative projects, what was going to be needed to truly bring them into form. Now this year, we will make some choices & commitments and begin to create those containers for our ideas and cultivate that kinship with our team of support, which will be critical to our success. This year, we perfect & fortify those containers that are showing promise. After we move through 2023, Mercury will straddle the Earth & Fire Elements in 2024 so it is recommended that we take care of all the responsibility, stabilization work this year so that we can get super-creative and expand our ideas in the following year on their new, strong foundations.
I have created Custom Tools to support each of the 3-Mercury Retrogrades for 2023. They include their own unique Divinations, Breathwork & Meditations to maximize your individual re-set, during the Pre-Shadow, Retro & Post-Shadow Periods. You can sign up for one or bundle all three downloads for a really deep discount. Also, it is recommended that you review the 65-min Replay Audio HERE / Video HERE of my Overview of Mercury Retro 2023 that we recorded live 12.8.2022.
Click HERE for Details
Click HERE to Order Capricorn HERE or Bundle All 3 HERE
Venus Cycle :: CAPRICORN/LIBRA :: Shifting to LEO/GEMINI :: During the first half of 2023, we are finishing the Venus/Capricorn Cycle but come July, she will linger and Retrograde in LEO, kicking off a whole new 18-month cycle. During that time, she spends 9-months as the Morning Star, disappears from the sky and returns as the Evening Star for the remaining 9-months. I created the Venus Circle in 2007, where we have honored that 9-month process of Release & Reclamation Work together. In this case, we have cleared an old reality and released old roles & responsibilities, which have all run their course over the last 2-8 years and it is time to rebirth how you choose to lead, support or interact with others going forward. Leo is that special kind of leadership that is magnetic, strong, creative and inspirational. If we cultivate community & containers in the Capricorn Cycle (2022-23), then we can expand and infuse our unique light, love & truth into all of our projects & relationships going forward (2023-24). When you do that kind of conscious Release Work, it creates space, energy & resources that we use the Reclamation Work to channel so that we are conscious co-creators and not happy accidents or tragic victims. Following the Venus Cycle helps you stay on-track with your own values & priorities – what is most important to you, personally. Of course, I have a Reading + Custom Guide, as well as the Venus Monthly Circle to follow this cycle.
Click HERE for Details
Mars 2-year Cycle :: GEMINI :: Mars only Retrogrades every 2-years. In 2020, it went backwards in Aries really initiating a whole new vibration of the Sacred Masculine that is now possible. Over the cusp of 2022-23, it will linger in Gemini. Any Mars Retro is a huge re-set around our own desire nature and Sacred Masculine (how we get things done), as well as our own capacity for rational thought & impartial decision-making. What motivates us to make certain choices is of crucial importance. We are purifying that motivation so that it is based on something more real & long-lasting.
Last time Mars was just in Gemini was March/April 2021 and I suspect that whatever was “up” at that time, in terms of your desire nature, your choices or your Inner Masculine may have given you some clues as to where you are strong and where you are weak in that aspect of your being. Now, it is entering this zone of renewal (to put it nicely) for 8-months Aug 2022 – March 2023. It is time to check-in with how you negotiate on your own behalf, how you get your ideas in the world and how well you hold good boundaries. The last time it lingered in Gemini like this year was 1943-44 so if you are old enough to remember what was up for you back then, you may feel some reverberations in the same Area of Life (your Gemini House). Here are the other combos that we have experienced in between:
1958 = Rx-Gemini / Dir-Taurus
1975-76 = Rx-Cancer / Dir-Gemini
1990-91 = Rx-Gemini / Dir-Taurus
2007-08 = Rx-Cancer / Dir-Gemini
Also, we cannot underestimate the power of Venus shifting all the values & priorities in Leo and then Mars shifting your choices & actions to reflect more authenticity when it lingers in Leo as well. 2023-2024 encourages you to connect to your Inner Light & Individual Creativity in a way that we haven’t had access to in many years. The other thing to consider after Mars lingers in Gemini is when it hits Virgo/Sag/Pisces and comes back to Gemini. Those pivot points are going to help you *process* on multiple levels so that you can go forward anchored more deeply in your own sense of Self and your own sense of purpose.
Mars in Virgo :: July/Aug 2023
Mars in Sag :: Nov/Dec 2023
Mars in Pisces :: April 2024
Mars in Gemini :: July/Aug/Sept 2024
Next Retro :: Leo :: Nov 2024 – June 2025
Check Out 2023 Special Alignments for Important Mars Activations
2023 Jupiter in ARIES & TAURUS :: Jupiter has an erratic speed and takes longer through different signs, and on the Pisces/Aries cusp it starts shifting to changing Signs mid-year so we end up having our 1-year process across two calendar years. The first half of 2023 (Dec 20, 2022 – May 16, 2023), Jupiter will be in Aries kicking off a whole new 12-year Cycle for all of us. It will be particularly important for those of you with Jupiter in Aries/Libra or Cancer/Capricorn. Thereafter, Jupiter will spend a whole year in one Sign but the year will run May-to-May until it circles back to Aquarius when this process will start all over again.
Jupiter has a 12-year cycle that moves in 3-year increments. It represents teaching & learning through imagination, games and story-telling. What is your Story? What has it been for the last 12-years? What Story do you want to tell for the upcoming 12 years? Jupiter is the Researcher, the Truth Sayer & Truth Seeker, and is all about making meaning out of the available information & experiences. Wherever Jupiter is in your chart, tends to be the Area of Life that you also prefer to “keep your own counsel” – going within to connect with the deepest and most authentic Truth for you personally. Once you have connected to your own Truth, then sharing your Story is or can be your offering to the Universe. (Have you ever heard the saying, “your life is God’s gift to you – what you do with it is your gift to God”?) When Jupiter in the sky moves into a new zone, in this case Aries-to-Taurus, it is always an opportunity to release all that is no longer true for you and free your Self from beliefs which no longer serve your purpose in the here & now. This also helps you remember that Truth is fluid, it changes as your consciousness evolves and as you learn more about your Self and the world. Jupiter is also considered a great *benefactor* even when challenging, you can still receive blessings & rewards, especially if you keep a positive mindset and look for the opportunities in any blockages or delays. Where you have to “earn it” with Saturn, with Jupiter, there’s more benevolence or good karma involved.
As it shifts into Taurus (May 16, 2023 – May 25, 2024), the expansion will happen with our literal existence – our food, bodies, creature comforts & personal security. It is a huge upgrade to our values & priorities, especially after 2020-2022 and all the social/collective upheaval. We have all had to re-set our priorities and I would remind you here that, self-preservation is NOT selfish but essential to our survival and in Taurus, we will be looking to IMPROVE our physical existence in some significant way.
Jupiter Encourages You to:
Dream of the Future / Make Future Plans
Expand Your Field of Knowledge / Go Back to School
Improve Your Life on One or Many Levels
Seek Truth, Wisdom and Understanding
Take Risks which Build Your Character
Be More Optimistic and Enthusiastic
Connect to a Larger, More Philosophical Perspective
Activate Your Spiritual Quest
Access Your Own Truth & Purpose
Get your PhD in *YOU*
Things to beware of as Jupiter travels thru a House or Sign …
Blind Spot
Being Unrealistic
Making Things Bigger than They Are
Excesses of All Kinds
*Check Out Special Alignments for Important
2023 Jupiter Activations HERE
Saturn in PISCES :: 2023-2026
March 7, 2023 -thru- February 13, 2026
LIGHT Expression
Spiritual Self-Mastery – Creating New Practices
Manifest the Vision & Imagine a Better Reality
Intuition, Empathy & Psychic Ability Improved
Being of Service to Others, while Providing for & Protecting Self
Altruism, Community Outreach & Charity
Inner Strength & Resilience
New & Improved Boundaries & Protections
Intentional Solitude in Nature
New Rhythms & Better Routines
Art, Creativity, Photography & New Mediums of Expression
Sanctuary, Sanctification & Sacred Space
SHADOW Expression
Fears, Phobias & Projections
Victimization & Martyrdom
Giving Away Power & Authority
Depression, Apathy & Pessimism
Self-Sabotage, Doubt & Insecurity
Judgement, Shame, Blame & Guilt
Surrender, Completion & Endings
Seeing the Potential rather than the Reality
Denial, Spiritual Bypassing & Avoidance Behavior
Confusion & Overwhelm
Extreme Sensitivity & Lack of Adequate Boundaries
3/7 ~ Saturn Enters PISCES (until 2.13.2026): First things first, Saturn takes 28-30 years to travel through all 12 signs, spending 2-3 years in each sign. Saturn is also known as the Great Teacher, Father Time or Lord of Karma ~ its whole purpose is to teach important lessons, determine healthy limits and remind you that YOU are responsible for all of it ~ who you are as well as what you create in the world. As Saturn moves through the sky, and thus through each sign, it will activate Saturn Lessons for the collective. During the 20th Century, Saturn moved through PISCES: 1905-08 … 1935-38 … 1964-67 … 1993-96 and now, the 21st Century brings the first one in 2023-26. You can reflect on the history of those times to assess the collective lessons and repetitive patterns (there are many).
We are in an unprecedented Seed Time for our personal, social & collective lives. Think of Saturn as a Teacher/Guide. Think of Aries thru Pisces as the Lessons that we all have to learn and just like any other education, some things will be naturally easier & naturally harder, according to your individual blueprint & disposition. During PISCES, the Lessons have to do with surrender, integration & good boundaries. We are completing a 30-year cycle of Reality & Purpose. Personally, our Roles & Responsibilities have run a full cycle and should be considered for renewal at this time. Imagine, this is the time to *incubate* the New Vision that you will act on and activate in literal terms when Saturn hits Aries in 2026 so we want to prepare consciously.
On the positive side, we can harness our imaginations to think differently and dream bigger so that we are calling in a New Vision for Self & Humanity, as well as a deeper connection to and reverence for the mystery of life on Earth. We are being called to more awareness & care of our physical bodies, as well as improved spiritual practices and deepened dedication to honoring being a Spirit in Human Form. We will re-set our personal boundaries in social & collective settings and reclaim our power to control the input of information or images into our consciousness, being more discerning & creative, rather than being lazy & accepting things at face-value.
On the negative side, the Shadow expression of this energy leads to literal insanity, a disconnect from reality because it is too harsh, upsetting or counter to the vision in our minds. We can lose ourselves in the overwhelm of societal & collective crumbling and go down a dark tunnel of victimhood, martyrdom & judgement.
When Retrograde, we will get to re-dream our reality in some way. Tune-in to the Higher Self and ask for concrete directions on how to proceed. This means we may have to tweak our spiritual practices during this time to be more effective & meaningful. It’s definitely a time to heal & integrate anything blocking or delaying your results & rewards. Once it goes Direct, we will have an opportunity to move things around to accommodate the evolved vision for the year.
Saturn in PISCES :: 2023-26
THURS/March 9, 2023
@8pm (eastern) / 5pm (pacific)
Register on Community Event Page HERE
3/23 ~ Pluto Enters AQUARIUS (until June 10th):
Pluto in Aquarius 2023-2044 :: It is going to take a year or two to fully enter Aquarius so this is a process but here is what we have to look forward to. This is a Collective Planet that moves in an erratic orb, spending 10-35 years in a Sign. As of the 1980’s, when Pluto was in its home Sign of Scorpio, it was at the short-end, spending about 10-12 years there revealing the Underworld of sex, death, power, money & resources. Lots of “power behind the power” during that decade that got exposed. And there was *concentrated* evolution – permanent & utter change happened in under 13-years that only happens every 250-years – a deep reset! Now, as it stretches out going forward, that same utter transformation will take place over longer & longer periods of time. Then in the 1990’s, it moved through Sagittarius, revealing all the erosion & toxicity of the Vatican and organized religion went through a complete upheaval. And Pluto started extending its stay (in Sag for 13-years). Then extending it again by spending 16-years in Capricorn during 2008-2024, where we are right now, where we have witnessed the crumble of institutions, government, health care, education and most social systems that are now having to be re-imagined & reborn. In Capricorn, we see the price of giving away our power & inner authority to outer structures or systems. So now, moving into 20-years of Aquarius is shifting the purification & transformative process onto humanity, technology & the future.
This is a mixed blessing, as with all alignments, there is a Light & Shadow Expression. The blessing of Pluto moving through Aquarius is the mass-awakening of humanity on some level. The old ways no longer work and where we have been trapped in *survival mode*, we now have to consider the future of the next 7-generations. Our choices directly affect them and power is shifting from the old school, controlling patriarchy in Capricorn – the few who want to horde the resources & control the many to the new school, progressive, future-oriented Aquarius that wants more community, collaboration & equal distribution of resources to those who need it most. We get super-inventive & creative when shifting big cycles like this.
Can you feel it? Jupiter & Saturn kick off a new 20-year cycle in Aquarius and a 200-year cycle of the Air Element. Venus & Mars kicked off a new cycle of integration of our Sacred Feminine & Masculine that is more progressive & collaborative. Now, Pluto moves into Aquarius kicking off its own kind of 250-year cycle. This feels like on-the-ground entrance into the 2500-year Aquarian Age. At a minimum, Pluto’s ingress will seal the deal of utter transformation & rebirth in our own Aquarius Depts, as individuals. But remember, this is a low ‘n slow kind of cooking that Pluto will do over the next 20-years. As with any healing or transformation, we have to purify first, then we can heal, then we can restore – it is a PROCESS.
Another blessing of Pluto in Aquarius is that we may shift to a higher form of communal living where we share resources and are responsible for our own communities. This progressive energy sees the value & longevity that’s possible when we share the work as well as the rewards. There is value to offering your unique contribution and working together as a team for the greater good but for the powers that be, who want clones & drones instead of critical, creative thinking humans, this is threatening. And nothing worthwhile is ever easy or simple. This is a radical shift to a new way of working together, using technology to serve its true purpose (not run the world) but of freeing us up to be more creative individuals. This is when our innovation goes through the roof, partly by those breaking the rules and liberating old consciousness but also partly by that old saying “need is the mother of all invention”. We “need” a new way that is more life-affirming & sustainable. And in order to combat some of the consumption & waste, we are going to have to literally invent new things to help us move forward – and during this time – we will!
The Shadow side of Pluto in Aquarius is embodied by those who would enslave us with technology, blurring the lines between human nature and the nature of technology. One operates on organic, evolutionary responsiveness and the other is programmed & disconnected from the multi-dimensionality of Earthly existence. How do you “blend” that without annihilating one or the other or both? This is the cold, detached rulers overseeing the minions they feel entitled to control, exploit & manipulate for personal gain. Pluto in Aquarius over the years, coincides with huge battles over slavery & human trafficking and here we are with this “up” again. We must be vigilant about preventing another era of global slavery, oppression & manual labor that allows their technologies to continue expanding unabated until they take over. Then, we have altered the organic nature of Earth and Her creatures which naturally in habit this planet – humanity being one of those creatures.
We, like Mother Earth, are regenerative creatures, however, it takes some time to go from idea-into-form depending on what you are creating. So let’s use the purifying power of Pluto to distill our Aquarian Dreams back to their original essence – one that is inclusive, sustainable and good for Life on this planet. Let’s lead by example and work together to cultivate thriving communities that work well together and no longer require “overlords” “bosses” or “authority figures” to run our lives for us – we will become self-sustaining – with the help of some technology and whole lot of community!
One last note, this will be particularly intense for any Aquarius/Leo or Taurus/Scorpio energies in your chart so take it easy and pace yourself as transformation is a journey, not a destination.
2023 Special Jupiter Alignments POST HERE
2023 Special Mars Alignments POST HERE
2023 Special North Node Alignments POST HERE
Relevant Reflections:
HERE :: Pluto in Aquarius: 2023 – 2044 by Rose Marcus
HERE :: Pluto in Aquarius – Liberty, Equality, Fraternity by Michele Finey
HERE :: Pluto into Aquarius: A Changing World Order by Anne Whitaker
HERE :: Pluto in Aquarius 2023-2043 – Part 1 / by Lorna Bevan ($12/US)
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