2023 :: Special Alignments :: JUPITER

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This update covers the Special Alignments happening in 2023. Each and every year has its own flavor and specific activations to deal with or navigate. This year, Jupiter will move from Aries-to-Taurus & North Node will move from Taurus-to-Aries so both of these Energies & Lessons are up for us socially & collectively, throughout the year of 2023. Their lessons always have to do with you, the individual, and your personal values & priorities and how all that guides your choices & actions along the way.
Jupiter has a 12-year cycle that moves in 3-year increments, moving our education & consciousness along. While the North Node is a 20-year cycle that moves in 5-year increments, moving our life path & direction along. Being at the beginning of the zodiac also indicates a huge re-set for the social/collective levels (and of course, anyone with these Signs activated). This also indicates that the next 3-5 years are anchoring the bigger cycles of 12-20 year – all tied to how we navigate the social realms in particular, what we believe to be true or possible for ourselves and which choices take us in the direction of our chosen goals. Mars moves the fastest and will have the most contacts with other planets in a way that will shape & direct your personal year.
Finally, I cover the general vibe on the 2023 Energetic Overview HERE, so here, I only cover how they interact with others during 2023. For our purposes, I will go over them in the order they happen and I will synthesize them along the way.
JUPITER Activations:
5/17 :: Jupiter (your truth & story) ~square~ Pluto (death, rebirth & transformation): This is a social and a collective planet squaring off, facilitating change on every level and no one is exempt. In this case, Jupiter, which rules your consciousness, education & belief system – what you believe to be true or possible is challenging Pluto, which rules purification & transformation so if we are believing things that are toxic for our system or humanity itself, then Pluto will assist with cleaning, clearing & cleansing on the deepest soul level.
These two energies are potent by themselves, but when challenging each other like this, permanent change is underway. Squares push you “out of comfort zone and into new territory”, that essentially, you could not get to on your own as you need the friction or the push. Keep your own motivations pure to avoid getting hurt by the karmic debris swirling nearby, know your own Truth & Story and allow what’s no longer true to fade, while embracing a renewed sense of purpose and dedication to something larger than you. Pluto is the Purifier and Jupiter represents justice and laws and is a social planet, so look for changes in government and revelations of the movements and machinations that are covert or hidden from the public view. There is a cleansing happening as we speak. It is time to question everything ~ especially your own belief systems. Reflect to see if what you hold as Truth is still adequate or even accurate. This energy is best for working toward positive change and restoring clean power structures within and out in the world, and helping the individual transform their personal story considerably.
The Signs tell us the Lessons: Taurus & Aquarius. Jupiter in Taurus can reconnect you with your true values and have you investing in that which is sustainable for you. Pluto in Aquarius is going to reveal the toxicity of humanity & technology and that particular relationship has to change or it will kill us and the planet too. Taurus is the lesson of proper moral, spiritual & financial values. Aquarius is the lesson of detachment and seeing the bigger picture. We cannot continue to be a consumerist culture at the expense of Mother Earth, our only true source for survival. We cannot get lazy about our own inner authority or the powers that be will find new & more covert ways to enslave us as a population. On the other hand, we can double-down on investing in circular economies and a green infrastructure so that we can remain sovereign & independent. We can find ways to balance our physical needs with our unique genius that wants to advance humanity with the help of technology. Right now, the square indicates hard choices and big changes that have to take place before we can find that balance.
One final note, they are squaring off at Zero Degrees, and they will have several more chances to adjust & adapt so that we come out of this on the other side with our priorities reset and a deeper dedication to sovereignty & freedom for the people. We have to note that while Pluto spends 20-years in Aquarius, it will alternate squaring off with Jupiter in Taurus & Scorpio every 6-years, giving them four chances to work this out.
2023 :: Taurus/Aquarius
2029 :: Scorpio/Aquarius
2035-36 :: Taurus/Aquarius
2042 :: Scorpio/Aquarius
For another frame of reference for these two coming together in a Square also happened while Pluto was in Capricorn 2008-2024 – 2010-11 Aries/Capricorn and 2016-17 Libra/Capricorn. So no matter what the Signs are, these two come together in a challenging way every 6-years that we can start to co-create with more consciously.
5/31 :: Jupiter (your truth & story) ~conjunct~ North Node (your life path & direction): I don’t usually write about the North Node but I may have to start since I love the cycles so much and this one is pretty important. Jupiter is only in Taurus every 12-years and North Node is only there every 20-years so they end up Initiating like this every 7-years. The last time they connected in Virgo/2016 but the last time they met up in Taurus was in 1929. So in one sense, every 7-years, we need to be expanding the vision and initiating a new direction of some sort. But if we go all the way back and compare 1929 to 2023, we are right back in a battle for reality. The 1% in control of everything while the 99% fight over the scraps of whatever’s left. I think it is time to collectively tell a NEW STORY! Let us break the cycle this time, of having such divergent values. A society cannot work if its members do not share the same values. Also, this is a precious reminder about our resources and how they are acquired, managed & distributed. Let’s use this Initiation to set some goals for the next 3-5 years, knowing that whatever we can anchor in place, that can serve & support the next 7-generations, will take 12-20 years to fully stabilize. Taurus Energy reminds us to cultivate the Beauty Way, do all things with Mother Earth in mind, be more feminine & receptive rather than masculine & forceful. It is time to upgrade our “container” – individually, socially & collectively.
6/19 :: Jupiter (Your Truth & Story) ~sextile~ Saturn (Your Reality & Personal Foundation): These two haven’t danced like this in 7-years and won’t again for 14-years. It’s an excellent activation to come on the heals of eclipse season too! So much has changed since 2017. What did you get going at that time? What were your measurable successes? How did your personal Story evolve because things in your Reality shifted during that time? Remember to take the names/faces off – it’s ALL energy! Be neutral and tune back into the here & now. All cycles repeat, but the energy surrounding them and YOU constantly evolve. Plus, we’ve actually been swimming in this energy field for a while now so you ought to know how it feels (check your Taurus & Pisces Houses/Areas of Life). Today just brings the peak & point of contact, which is a unique opportunity to do some personal prayer-work or intention-setting for these areas of your own life. This activation helps you gain real traction in your life if you are conscious and practical.
Jupiter & Saturn act very much like peristalsis in the body, which naturally expands and constricts the intestine to move our digestive process along, they expand & constrict, moving our Story & Timeline along. Jupiter moves your Truth & Story along, while Saturn is your Timeline and moves your Physical Reality along. Even though they are considered Social Planets, we can work with them as individuals and make considerable gains in short periods of time when we do. This activation in particular is super-useful because we have the optimism, faith & vision of Jupiter expanding our world, while being grounded in the step-by-step process it takes to make this a Reality. You are so supported to finally be congruent, Soul & Personality, in alignment, congruent on the inside and the outside. This allows you to step up and into this evolved Reality that you’ve created with your own consciousness. And if you’re not congruent but divided within and you’re not living the Reality you have always envisioned for your Self, then this activation helps too because it supports you tapping into your Higher Self to guide you or grant you access to a new vision, not to mention Saturn will help with the first practical steps toward creating this new stability within.
Last – 2017 in Libra/Sag
Now – 2023 in Taurus/Pisces
Next – 2037 in Gemini/Leo
2023 Energetic Overview POST HERE
2023 Special Jupiter Alignments POST HERE
2023 Special Mars Alignments POST HERE
2023 Special North Node Alignments POST HERE
Relevant Reflections:
HERE :: Pluto in Aquarius: 2023 – 2044 by Rose Marcus
HERE :: Pluto in Aquarius – Liberty, Equality, Fraternity by Michele Finey
HERE :: Pluto into Aquarius: A Changing World Order by Anne Whitaker
HERE :: Pluto in Aquarius 2023-2043 – Part 1 / by Lorna Bevan ($12/US)
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