Dec 18 – 24, 2022 Forecast + Events
Kelly’s Weekly Forecast
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12/18 ~ Ceres Enters LIBRA (until Sept 15th):
Ceres is going to Retrograde in Libra and go Direct in Virgo. Altogether, Ceres spends about 3-months in Virgo and 6-months in Libra so I have covered both below and you will be reminded along the way. So that is 9+ months of personal processing to know what feeds and nourishes you on the deeper levels, as well as recalibrating the partnerships that we’re keeping, while clearing away those which are no longer supportive & positive.
Ceres in VIRGO:
Ceres, the Great Mother, rules what & how you nurture and like to be nurtured, as well as how you contain, develop and protect yourself and your creative babies, among other things. Ceres in Virgo requires certain skills, discernment & self-discipline and a desire to help others be more efficient & effective. Acts of service are the way to nurture at this time or allow yourself to receive those acts of service. (Receiving nurturance can be very difficult for some.) Being useful & relevant to others is very important with this placement but up in the sky, for the rest of us, it is a time to do a cleanse or some self-care to re-set your individual systems. Nurture your physical body and individual systems for living. It’s time for an upgrade that is more appropriate to here & now. Self-worth is developed along with a new skill-set right now, so try to learn something that can make you more valuable to the team. You’re developing a rhythm that takes some practice to master but Ceres only comes around to Virgo every 4-5 years so this is a pretty big, important reset. (The last time it Retrograded over this Libra/Virgo cusp was 1977.)
According to Asteroid Goddesses by Demetra George & Douglas Bloch, “Ceres describes the ways in which we face the issues of self-worth & self-esteem, relationship to our parents & children, attachment, dependency, loss, separation, rejection, grief, sharing, work & productivity.” It’s how we nurture and like to be nurtured so you might imagine that Ceres in Libra, nurturing takes the form of beauty, harmony, balance, creativity & kinship. This is a chance to check-in with our primary relationships to initiate a new level of balance & reciprocity. It’s a good time to socialize or host a gathering where you bring all your favorite people together for an evening of lively conversation, good food/drink and kinship. If you’re working on your professional partnerships, then this is a good energy to help you move in a new direction there too – you can initiate a new 4-5 year cycle of collaborating with others in all new ways. Reflect on the last 4-5 years and consciously choose to improve going forward. You can also use this energy to infuse your creative babies with some beauty & essence that reflects your renewed sense of Self and self-worth.
Ceres in Virgo :: Sept 29 – Dec 18, 2022
Ceres in Libra :: Dec 18 – March 22, 2023
Ceres Rx – 6* Libra :: Feb 3, 2023
Ceres RE-Ent Virgo :: March 22, 2023
Ceres DIR 23* Virgo :: May 6, 2023
Ceres RE-Enters Libra :: June 21, 2023
Ceres Enters Scorpio :: Sept 15, 2023
12/20 ~ Jupiter Enters ARIES (until May 16th):
Jupiter in ARIES Initiates a brand NEW 12-year Cycle for all of us! It’s personal for those with Jupiter in Aries/Libra or Cancer/Capricorn. Every time Jupiter enters a new Sign, we get an opportunity to expand in that Area of Life (House) so over the last year, Jupiter has been moving back and forth over the Pisces/Aries cusp and is now finally entering Aries once and for all. So all the imagination and dreaming up of the New Truth, Story & Belief System is done. Now we activate that New Identity & Purpose and begin a new 12-year Journey. If 12-years is too much to wrap your brain around, I would encourage you to think in terms of 3-year increments. The Trinity energy is very powerful and when working with Jupiter, you are being exposed to an expanded awareness of a Larger Truth of which you are an integral part. It is vital to work with this entity when you are consciously co-creating and Authentic Truth & Story of your own.
When Jupiter is in ARIES, you get an opportunity to develop your Individuality and rebirth your Identity in some way. It’s a clean slate, new beginning with some brand new consciousness guiding you. You’ve learned a lot in the last 3-6-9-12 years and now it is time to step up and into new leadership roles. You are supported for self-education and being pro-active on your own behalf. It is a time when you are more optimistic about doing things your own way, with a strong faith in your Self to be fearless and “just do it” as they say. No talking, hemming/hawing – just action. The idea is to take smart, effective action based on this renewed consciousness and the New Story that you want to tell. It’s important to cultivate a healthy routine, with daily physical & spiritual practices. Healthy competition can be fun and just the thing to help you launch this New Story in more exciting way! So challenge your Self to push your edge this coming year and see what you are able to get off the ground. Do what you can to remain sovereign & independent, while holding your own structure and making responsible decisions and you will be rewarded beyond measure. Don’t let the Fire drive you too hard or you’ll just burn out. Remember, Jupiter makes everything “bigger” and Fire in a container creates warmth & nourishment but a Fire out of control is destructive & indiscriminate so do your grounding work, stay in a good rhythm and focus on self-preservation with an eye toward what’s best for all involved.
12/21 ~ Sun (core essential Self) ~square~ Jupiter (imagination & truth): This is a powerful energy and with that comes the necessity of discernment – it provokes you to get lots of things accomplished and that’s a good thing, however, beware of taking on more than you can actually handle or maintain on your own. Having said that now, if you need that little “push” to get some things done, then this is just the energy for you. It carries with it the optimism necessary to allow you to go beyond your norm and stretch in new ways. Sometimes there can be a tendency toward self-righteousness with this energy, but try to make it “self-directed” and you will benefit greatly. Walk your talk and fully embody your Truth. However, if you turn it on others, demanding they believe what you believe, you may have some difficulties. Be open & receptive, have a don’t-know mind because you never know what you may learn from another’s perspective along the way that could really help you, now or in the future.
WED/Dec 21st @12pm/eastern (noon)
Register & Donate $22 HERE
Join Fire Ceremony to Bless NEW Soul Sisters Circle
*NEW DATE* :: TUE/Dec 27th @6pm/eastern
Register HERE :: Invitation Video Below
12/22 ~ Venus (love, finances & relationships) ~trine~ Uranus (freedom & liberation): This energy is likely to bring a little excitement into your life, one way or another. It is a good time to do something different, try something new & consciously put your Self in situations where you have to improvise or think on your feet. We are in times of breaking old patterns and re-setting them in more positive, effective ways. You can still live your true values & priorities, but something has changed within. This blessing from the Cosmos allows you to align with more personal authenticity, which in turn is infused into all that you love & treasure. Relationships will have an unusual energy to them too. An established relationship may get shaken up or sparkle with some extra “spice” or a new relationship begun under this influence may be stimulating & unusual but probably short-lived too. This is not necessarily a bad thing! It’s actually perfect for improvising and experimenting with new ideas & expressions to see what you actually respond to, what your Heart aligns with and responds to. Use this energy to soak up some good energy & rare wisdom from those who are unique, those who do things differently and live life to the fullest!
12/23 ~ CAPRICORN Super/New Moon (1 of 3 Super New Moons @1*): We can use this Super/New Moon to seed our intentions and clarify our goals going into the new year. The Cardinal Energy of Cancer/Capricorn/Libra/Aries is all about our *Fundamentals* and making choices & decisions in those departments of life. The messages are subtle yet fierce, clearly pointing to the end of the old as we create space and activate the fertility (compost) of the NEW!! The Capricorn Super/New Moon gives us the opportunity to set a new structure & foundation in place to support our growth & evolution in the new year. It is time to recognize what you are and are not responsible for and clear space so that you can deepen your dedication to what you actually are responsible for and for all the new choices & creativity that you will activate in future. This is a time of renewal for what supports & protects you on a regular, daily basis. Consider that if there is a New Beginning in your Capricorn Dept, then there is some natural Integration that will have to happen in the Cancer Dept and to accommodate all this Initiation/Integration Energy, then the Aries/Libra Depts are going to have to adapt, adjust, change & grow out of comfort zone and into new territory. That means, you the Individual, are growing & changing because of the new energies being activated at home & work or in your private & public lives.
The Capricorn Lesson centers around Inner Authority and Personal Roles & Responsibilities. What are you known for in your personal life and what are you known for in your professional life? This is an opportunity to clarify what Sacred, Heart-Centered Work really is for you and release any blockages to you contributing your unique piece to society. This is an opportunity to release any weakness or fear and let go of the past once and for all. It is time to center and truly own who you are and what you want from this life and then you can use this energy to renew your commitment to living it through your own Truth & Purpose. You will be recognized and rewarded in equal measure to your commitment and dedication. It’s all up to you! You have a clean slate to begin with now and fulfill the potential of your own Being here, now and for the future.
12/23 ~ Chiron Direct in ARIES:
If you were born 1967-1977 then this is very personal and part of your Chiron Return, when we all do our greatest amount of healing possible for this lifetime. In general, this is an Initiation because Chiron has now spent the last 50-years moving through every healing process in Aries to/through Pisces and is starting over now. So even if you never knew about Chiron, now you know, and we can all consciously co-create with it as it journeys through the Signs, activating their lessons and healing processes. As it moved through Pisces 2010-2018, we learned about following our own intuition and managing our own individual boundaries better. Now, in Aries 2018-2027, we get to heal our identity & purpose and our essential right to be here at this miraculous time in history. Every year, Chiron Retrogrades which shifts its normal effects on our social/collective realm and turns its energy inward for the individual to do some processing, so it is not a bad idea to co-create with this one consciously and annually. Anything you are ready to heal, learn about or transform, Chiron can help you do it and in Aries – it’s ALL ABOUT YOU! your choices, your purpose, your healing process and what YOU learn along the way, through your own experience.
We can all consciously honor the healing, education & personal transformation that Chiron facilitates. During 2010-2018, Chiron in Pisces taught us about sensitivity & boundary issues, being a spirit in human form. Now, in Aries 2018-2027, we are opening up to the new directive of self-healing, self-assembling & self-mastery going forward. Chiron is best known as the Wounded Healer, the aspect of Self that came in with a wound to address this lifetime and in your chart, it represents your *Healing & Educational Path* – it is all that you learn on that journey toward wholeness & integration and the healing & education that results from that journey. As it goes Direct today, this 5-month period should have revealed where you’re at in your own process of evolution. This whole year has been deeply supported for a personal inventory or inner review. You have to be willing to face the fears & hurts, accept the losses & defeats, and then get up, dust yourself off & try again. Chiron can help guide this process. It’s time to be brave & pioneering (clearly, the old ways no longer work), it’s time to follow our instincts (although first we may have to connect to them properly), it’s time to face challenges head-on, and remember that though we have to do for Self (be self-sufficient & self-contained), we do not have to do it alone. So this time is really going to support the evolution of the individual within the context of the community or their relationships. It is all connected, if one evolves (Self), the other (Relationship) has to evolve too (or dissolve & go away). So as Chiron goes Direct, you may find yourself on more solid ground internally and as you get there, another layer of healing is usually revealed too.
12/24 ~ Mercury (expression) ~sextile~ Neptune (dreams): (1 of 3: 12/24 ~ 1/2 ~ 2/6) This is a great energy for imagination, consciousness and intuition, however, keeping a good filter to distinguish between your own perceptions and what you are picking up from those around you will be crucial to your success. Your mind may be tuned-in to a different channel than usual this week and you may have to rely on other senses, like your feelings or intuitive hunches. You may be very perceptive, picking up on the thoughts & feelings of others, which if/when you are clear (and your filters are working) can yield some surprising revelations about where their consciousness is, at this time (for better or worse) which usually reflect an aspect of your own consciousness that you may not have been aware of. Try to avoid work that requires any attention to detail. Allow your creativity to flow freely without censoring what comes through you at this time. You can organize it later. This is the energy to explore, create and free-flow!
Click HERE for Mercury Retro CAPRICORN Custom Tools
$50 :: Includes – Your Personal Activations,
Sky Council Activations, Meditation + Divinations
Click HERE for 65-min Replay
Submit Registration Form HERE to Request Tools
REVELATIONS: Your Secret Life Revealed Through
Daydreams, Nightmares & Visions of the Future
Taught by Yeye Luisah Teish and Kelly M Beard
Registration & Details HERE
As Winter approaches, the Earth’s energy recedes into the deep dark silence to regenerate. This is the perfect time to sleep and dream, to clarify our visions and prepare for the emergence of Spring.
This 8-week course discusses sleep-styles, recording in our dream journals, establishing our symbol systems and meeting our Dream Totems & Ancestral Guides as they speak to us in dreams. It will address the concerns of those who have difficulty dreaming, encourage those who want to enrich their relationship with their dreams and harvest the power of lucid dreamers.
We will examine our daydreams and the images visiting us during sleep. Our nightmares reveal hidden fears, and methods such as consulting oracles and sleep concentration exercises are provided to neutralize fear and transform it into courage.
Myths from African, Indigenous and Eco-Spiritual Traditions will inform our understanding of the dream’s Ancient meaning. The course includes stories, songs, exercises & rituals. There are Recommended Readings, Youtube videos and writing prompts. We will cultivate community by sharing our dream journals and works of art.
CLASSES :: Sundays :: Feb 5 -thru- March 26, 2023
@3:00-4:30pm (pacific)
PRICE :: $450 -or- Two Pymts of $225
YeYe’s Patron Member’s :: Tier Levels 4 + 5
Receive 20% Discount CODE
Register by/before Feb 18th
NEXT Session :: FEB/MARCH 2023
Details & Registration HERE
Register by/before Jan 15th
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