Dec 4 – 10, 2022 ~ Forecast + Event
Kelly’s Weekly Forecast
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12/4 ~ Venus (love, finances & relationships) ~square~ Neptune (illusions & delusions): This energy is great for creative flow. If you are artistically inclined in any way, you will have access to an energy that may allow you to create something amazing. Dig deep and allow your Self to free-flow! This energy can also challenge relationships (personal or professional) to ‘keep it real’ in some way and ones which are not on a true, solid foundation are likely to dissolve under this influence. When Neptune is involved, we see life through a completely different kind of lens, often seeing the potential rather than the reality of a situation. Detach & Trust. If your relationship happens to end under this influence, it’s not necessarily a bad thing because it suggests that it was never on solid ground to begin with. Be thankful and move on. This activation is just helping you align your true values & priorities with the vision in your mind & heart, but you will have to expand your consciousness in some way, learn to follow your inner compass and take practical steps going forward.
12/6 ~ Mercury (expression) ~square~ Jupiter (truth):
This energy challenges you to integrate your smaller, individual point of view with the larger vision for your life. On one hand, you can see the big picture in new ways, but on the other hand, you may not be very interested in the details that bring it about. This is another good one for expanding your consciousness and thinking outside the box, but as the insights come into your conscious awareness, be mindful of the steps it will take to make your ideas a reality. This activation is also great for course-corrections where your ideas are concerned and will open you up to learning something new or bring in a crucial piece of information, just keep in mind that you will have to stabilize anything you start and probably have to review some details down the road because of something you overlooked in your enthusiasm for the new Truth revealed from within.
12/6 ~ Mercury Enters CAPRICORN (until Feb 11th):
Now that we have expanded & explored the possibilities (in Sag) and which of them have any chi/lifeforce energy in them, we can choose which ones to embody, express and create containers for going forward. This is the time of year when we review all that we’ve accomplished with an eye toward what we can build-on in the upcoming new year. We get a little more serious & focused on our goals & how we will accomplish them. We look at our exchanges to see which ones are solid and which ones are not and we start to look at new commitments going forward. Mercury in Capricorn is going to ask us to get practical about the fundamentals: home & work and self & other. And then it is going to Retrograde (12/29), asking us to review & revise our thinking where our creative containers and personal processes are concerned. How much has changed in the last 3-months? In the last year? The Retrograde affords us extra time to get organized. Then, when it goes forward in Capricorn (1/18), we will be called to commit in some way, whether that is to commit to creating containers for our ideas or to new ways of expressing ourselves. Either way, we will be in this zone (along with anyone else there) re-wiring our ideas, thoughts & concepts of those Depts of Life (Houses) and won’t move on until Feb 11th, when it moves into Aquarius.
12/7 ~ GEMINI Full Moon:
Sag-time always launches the research & development process of the year, during November & December. This is when you reflect on the last year of your life and determine what it all really “means”.
Sag energy (New Moon=11/23) helped you intuit deeper meaning and develop a Story & Belief System that you, personally, can live with integrity. This is when we plant seeds of living a more authentic, vital & honest life. It is also the time when I give everyone permission to dream BIG – stretch beyond your normal limitations and expand the vision for your life.
Pisces energy (First Qtr Moon=11/30) helped you process what’s going on in your life through the filter of the emotions & intuitions that you are feeling at this time. You may ask questions to help you discern what’s really happening versus what you see through any kind of rose-colored glasses. First Qtr brings the first step on our New Moon intentions so in this case, you should follow your intuition because Spirit’s communication is always more subtle than literal. So I also recommend prayer, Reverence in Nature and/or Intentional Solitude to hear the Angels & Ancestors wanting to speak to and through you at this time.
Gemini energy (Full Moon=12/7) helps you process the facts & information revealed. This is good for reviewing options, opportunities & other ways to decide on the best “way” for you personally. The Full Moon always illuminates an area in need of attention. Sometimes with Gemini it is simply making up our mind and making a decision or getting congruent instead of being pulled in too many directions and getting nothing done.
Virgo energy (Last Qtr Moon=12/16) helps you sort, sift, release & integrate what is REAL for you personally and what is real for your body & daily reality that you have to navigate on a regular basis, in real time. You’re still processing, but not the “idea” of what’s happening in your life at this time, but more like how much your physical body and nervous system etc can actually handle and process in a 24-hour period.
This Gemini Full Moon (12/7) supports a major data-dump! We are releasing more than just one year of old thinking, old ideas, old paradigms, old thought patterns and most of all, old ways of *communicating* ~ on multiple levels. It is a delicious opportunity to change your thinking in a fundamental way, which will shift the Path that you are on. As we release debilitating mental patterns with this Full Moon, we move to the Virgo Last Qtr Moon (12/16), and we get to work on the acceptance of whatever is not working. Let go and trust! that you are creating a cleaner space for a more efficient aspect of your Being to emerge. If it doesn’t serve some kind of actual function, then it has to go, which clears space for something more useful & relevant to support you in real time.
We have crossed a bridge that has disintegrated behind us ~ we didn’t burn it, there is nothing ‘bad’ back there, there is actually nothing back there at all. So this is the time to focus forward and really decide what the Story of your life is saying to your friends, family, community and the Universe. There are so many planetary alignments & global cycles during this time, anything you can do on your personal/individual level is, without a doubt, contributing to the larger story of Mother Earth but even more importantly, Her evolution is contributing to how your life story unfolds too. This lunation supports changing our individual *Conceptions & Perceptions* in radical ways. What are you Conceiving & Perceiving? It is an incredible time to be awake, alive & participating!
12/8 ~ Sun (core essential Self) ~oppose~ Mars Rx (purpose & desire): This energy is a push-pull between what you think and what you say you want and how your choices reveal who you really are, between your ego and your will. For some, it can feel like a very confrontational energy that often manifests by awakening you to some deeper truth about your own true nature (confronting a new aspect of Self in a whole new way). Of course, confrontations can also manifest with others who have opposing views of you or your situation. This is a personal awakening and a potent midpoint, the most powerful course-correcting time in any cycle, this one being an annual rhythm where we get to Initiate & Integrate our desire nature, who we are and what want at a whole new level. Think about the new sense of identity & purpose that is emerging with this New Mars Cycle that we are Initiating in 2023-2025. Here, at the midpoint, how is it going? How does your life & choices reflect your true purpose & deepest desire for your life? It is a powerful time, and you will find out what you are made of and if your choices were made from your Higher Self or lower will. You may feel uncomfortable with what is revealed at this time, but you are deeply supported as you recognize your own unconscious extremes and find your new conscious middle ground. If you find yourself dealing with inner or outer struggles, try to pause and determine the depth of your desire to continue in that direction. Often we act out of habit and it is time to be truly present. The best way to use this energy is to own any ego issues, put them in perspective and decide to be more congruent with your thoughts, words and deeds going forward.
THUR/Dec 8th @8pm (eastern)
Register & Donate $22 HERE
12/9 ~ Venus (love, finances & relationships) ~square~ Jupiter (expansion & consciousness): This energy is a happy-go-lucky kind of energy that doesn’t really want to be bothered with the mundane details of life, however, you must not allow that passing energy to get you so off track that it costs you more than it is worth. If you don’t have any pressing obligations, then this will be a fun, relaxing time, possibly socializing with friends. However, if you have work to do, make sure that it gets done first so you can truly enjoy yourself without the worry of the pile being bigger when you return. Watch the excesses as well, food, drink and/or spending. On a deeper level, you may have to make some adjustments in your relationships or finances. Jupiter always reveals how we make things ‘bigger’ (consciously or not) and this activation usually helps us be more realistic, so that we can align our true priorities with the grand vision of our future.
12/9 ~ Venus Enters CAPRICORN (until Jan 2nd):
This is very special because this is the first time she’s been back here since she Retrograded Nov 2021 – March 2022. This is a graduation of sorts – what have you cultivated over the last year? How have your values & priorities shifted in dramatic ways, especially around home & work and you, the individual, within the context of your relationships? A LOT has changed within and around us! Venus rules everything we care about, love & value. Capricorn energy is all about that which supports & protects what we love & value. It also rules how you make decisions and structure the foundation of your own life, what holds it all together and it often represents the individual ‘container’ for your personal life. It’s the lesson of being responsible for your thoughts, feelings, words & deeds and understanding how they are all connected to the physical reality of your life and the reputation you are cultivating with your choices & decisions. Your outer reality reflects your inner reality. It’s about building inner strength & fortitude that automatically creates outer order & stability. Capricorn is Ruled by Saturn, which is the last visible planet and speaks to our definition of reality, as well as our physical limits. Saturn is about dedication to the step-by-step process that accomplishes the long-term/big goal that will ultimately support more than just you and yours. If you are consciously participating in life, then this is a potent time for you to see the fruits of your labors and receive some earned rewards or benefits. However, if you are overwhelmed by decisions that you’ve already postponed overlong or the instability of fundamental aspects of your life (home, work, food, shelter), then it’s time to meet your Inner Architect who can help you survey, clear, dedicate, design and ultimately, build the NEW clean foundation to support yourself.
This Venus work is going to be very personal for those with Cancer/Capricorn and Aries/Libra activated in their charts. In this case, Capricorn means the structure of your life and the reality you’re currently living has evolved and adjustments to your responsibilities, commitments and decision-making skills should reflect the *upgrade*. Taking a time-out to review your own reality, how it works, what it grounds or anchors in physical form and how it serves you (or not) is a powerful exercise. Capricorn energy always reveals where you are rigid, dry or unstable. It’s about carrying your own weight, not the weight of the world and Capricorn is very present to the here & now fundamentals (home, work, food, shelter). It’s time to dedicate your efforts toward productive ends that both support you and serve others.
REVELATIONS: Your Secret Life Revealed Through
Daydreams, Nightmares & Visions of the Future
Taught by Yeye Luisah Teish and Kelly M Beard
Registration & Details HERE
As Winter approaches, the Earth’s energy recedes into the deep dark silence to regenerate. This is the perfect time to sleep and dream, to clarify our visions and prepare for the emergence of Spring.
This 8-week course discusses sleep-styles, recording in our dream journals, establishing our symbol systems and meeting our Dream Totems & Ancestral Guides as they speak to us in dreams. It will address the concerns of those who have difficulty dreaming, encourage those who want to enrich their relationship with their dreams and harvest the power of lucid dreamers.
We will examine our daydreams and the images visiting us during sleep. Our nightmares reveal hidden fears, and methods such as consulting oracles and sleep concentration exercises are provided to neutralize fear and transform it into courage.
Myths from African, Indigenous and Eco-Spiritual Traditions will inform our understanding of the dream’s Ancient meaning. The course includes stories, songs, exercises & rituals. There are Recommended Readings, Youtube videos and writing prompts. We will cultivate community by sharing our dream journals and works of art.
CLASSES :: Sundays :: Feb 5 -thru- March 26, 2023
@3:00-4:30pm (pacific)
PRICE :: $450 -or- Two Pymts of $225
YeYe’s Patron Member’s :: Tier Levels 4 + 5
Receive 20% Discount CODE
Register by/before Feb 18th
NEXT Session :: FEB/MARCH 2023
Details & Registration HERE
Register by/before Jan 15th
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