Feb 19 – 25, 2023 :: Forecast :: Events
Kelly’s Weekly Forecast
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REVELATIONS: Your Secret Life Revealed Through
Daydreams, Nightmares & Visions of the Future
Taught by Yeye Luisah Teish and Kelly M Beard
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FREE Reading from Kelly ($150 value)
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This 8-week course discusses sleep-styles, recording in our dream journals, establishing our symbol systems and meeting our Dream Totems & Ancestral Guides as they speak to us in dreams. It will address the concerns of those who have difficulty dreaming, encourage those who want to enrich their relationship with their dreams and harvest the power of lucid dreamers.
Soul Contracts Mastercourse
Clear Ancestral Heartbreak and
Make Room for Reciprocal Relationships!
4-wk Course :: Starts March 5th
Click HERE for Details
2/19 :: Venus (relationships) ~sextile~ Pluto (transformation):
This energy deepens all emotions and strengthens bonds & attachments. Friendships & love relationships become much deeper and, sometimes more intense, not to mention any physical, sexual experiences. Being fake or superficial is never possible when Pluto is involved, and because Venus is involved, we’re talking relationships or how you relate in general, so if you are needing to dig a little deeper with someone, you are supported. This energy can facilitate positive transformation in your relationships, partnerships or collaborations. It will give you added power to help you change what needs changing or at least get it on the table for a deeper discussion or a clearing conversation. Your emotional intensity may be at an unusually high level, so be sure to surround yourself with people who love you unconditionally or try to be alone and just reflect on what you’re feeling.
2/19 :: PISCES Super/New Moon:
This is an annual crossroads that we come to every year around this time. It is the completion of 12-new moons since the last Pisces New Moon 3.2.2022. How’s it going a year later? No one is exempt. We all have a House in our charts ruled by Pisces. It is here that you should seed your intentions and precious vision for the next year (minimum), with consideration of where you’d like to be at the 6-month MidPoint, the Pisces Super/Full Moon 8.30.2023, when these very seeds will show their true promise. Consider that this crossroads is simultaneously an ending and the womb holding what will be birthed next. Virgo/Pisces realms teach us about being a Spirit in Human form. How’s that going for you at this time? It reminds us of the physical & emotional processing & integration that is necessary on a regular basis. Can you see any patterns in your health or consciousness, your physicality or spirituality and how all these dynamics are part of who & what you are? This is our *Processing Time* prior to the choices & decisions that will have to be made at Spring Equinox. This month you get to dream – to dream the New Vision that you’d like to experience in the next 6-12 months at a minimum.
We are also blessed with the additional RARE energies of Venus, Saturn & Neptune together in Pisces helping us go even deeper to discover a new, expanded dream of individual sovereignty & purpose as well as stronger, more reciprocal relationships going forward. We are not going to find solutions in the old or linear way, we need to activate our Imaginations and connect with the Soul to find our way through the chaos of a Collective Rebirth. Sometimes you have to put the Monkey Mind in a Time Out and let your Imagination lead the way. Give your Self ample time & space to do this over the course of this month and next because you are clarifying what you would like to initiate come the Aries Time a month from now, which brings with it a New Lunar Rhythm, a New Life Path & Direction (Nodes) and New Aries/Libra Eclipses to deal with. The visioning and incubation of that vision in Pisces will lead directly to what we activate, animate & express in Aries this year!
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2/20 :: Venus Enters ARIES (March 16th):
We want to consider this an introduction to your newly Initiated Self! Venus has just made a full journey through the Signs, activating your inner Sacred Feminine. So the last time she was in Aries was May 2022 – how have you grown & evolved? How have your values & priorities shifted regarding your personal independence, individual power, deepest passion & true purpose? What is complete and what is initiating where your relationships, finances & magnetics are concerned? What is all that ‘worth’ to you? What is the difference in how you expressed your Self pre-2020/covid, and how you want to express in new ways NOW post-2020/covid? What have you learned about your Self? What have you learned about your immediate friends, family, community, and your place (and preferences) within each connection? Are your relationships a vibrational match? Do they embody conscious equal partnership and the reciprocity that feels delicious, sincere, joyful & balanced?
It’s also a good time to look at the Houses & Planets with Aries energy activated to know what specifics are coming up for you personally. Venus is all about your innate magnetics ~ what you naturally magnetize & naturally repel ~ and Aries is all about being brave, walking by faith and getting things started. When we have a deep passion and true purpose, we lead by example and that is the energy within you being renewed at this time. As you are able to anchor this renewed sense of Self, Identity & Purpose, that you’ve developed over the last year or so, there will be new opportunities for new relationships & collaborations but – you may have to lead! Remember, when you know who you are and what you want, and you are willing to be individually responsible, you inspire others to carry their own weight and be responsible for their own energy & vibration. “It’s always you!” is an old adage of mine that means, whatever we are magnetizing into our life is but a reflection of what is within. You can take your power back by being responsible for what is within & around you and that automatically shifts your outer world in brilliant, beautiful & completely unexpected ways. More than ever, we have to operate from Heart-Center, you have to actually care to get engaged and so often, you must clear away all that you do not care about, so that what you do care about has more room to grow, evolve & expand. This Venus work is going to be very personal for those with Aries/Libra and Cancer/Capricorn activated in their charts.
2/21 :: Mercury (lower mind & ideas) ~square~ Uranus (Higher Mind & awakening):
This energy challenges you to expand your mind or consciousness in a way, pushing you to think differently and respond to information in new ways. Uranus brings sudden ah-ha moments, personal awareness and radical new ideas, which is great for you adventurous souls who thrive on change and innovation. However, if you are personally attached to your routine and things ‘going as planned’, then this energy can cause aggravation and tax your nervous system because things will seem sudden (even though it is more likely that they have already been brewing under the surface for some time now). You will have to adjust and be more open & mentally flexible than usual. You may not be able to control the excessive mental activity or information-overload coming in, but hopefully you can direct it a bit. It’s good to activate or clean your personal filters by taking some time in Nature to process things at your own pace and generally clear your head. This can be a very inspiring & creative time, so try to tune into that, while keeping in mind that anything you begin or get into, may require a review later so that you can check over the details of your revelations (or creations). You’re just cracking the surface, this is all about the revelation or awakening of now, you will eventually have to figure out the logistics or effective actions necessary to bring your ideas into form later, but for now open up to the new possibilities.
2/22 :: Mercury (your voice) ~trine~ Mars (your actions):
This is a great alignment of your Thoughts & Actions. Clarity is effortless and you can follow your instincts. Be mindful of the Element too ~ in this case (Aquarius/Gemini), AIR ~ this is your thoughts, ideas & concepts but it is also the element related with the Heart Chakra, deep breaths will assist with navigating this energy. Air moves energy and awakens things, clears & cleanses in its own way and gives us a way to ‘lighten up’ when it is needed most. This is a great energy which gives you the courage to think things through and it activates your ability for strategic problem-solving if/when necessary. You will have direct access your authentic, inner voice so if you need/want an expressive outlet, you are likely to find one. It’s also a great energy for small gatherings for spiritual, creative and/or intellectual exchange. Enjoy it! Just keep in mind your own Elemental Balance as well and how you naturally work with the AIR Element in your own life.
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FEB :: HORSE :: The Visionary
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