April 23 – 29, 2023 :: Forecast :: Events
Kelly’s Weekly Forecast
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NOTE from Kelly:
I highly recommend reviewing the Mercury Retro in EARTH Signs 2023 – it is a 65-min Audio HERE (video below). It has some powerful & timely reminders for right NOW! Also, I need at least 3+ people who are interested in getting the Customized Tools for $50, which includes your own Personal Activations, Meditation + Divinations for all three segments of the current Mercury Retro in TAURUS (Pre-Shadow, Retro, Post-Shadow Guidance). If 10+ sign up, then I will do a special call just for this particular retrograde so we can go a little deeper. This is especially important if your own Mercury is in Taurus/Scorpio or Leo/Aquarius. Please let me know by signing up HERE and I will upload all the goodies. If only one or two of you sign up, then I will make sure that you get a Personal Mercury Mini-Reading along with your Activations 😉
4/23 ~ Mercury Rx (expression) ~sextile~ Mars (passion):
(2 of 3: 4/8 :: 4/23 :: 6/21)
This is a healthy selfish energy (aka self-preservation). Do not hold back this week. If you have a big dream or serious goal that you have been working toward, then this is the time that may attract the assistance you need from the Universe. This is definitely a “work” type of energy, however, it brings with it the caveat that it is best if you work alone on something important to you. No one else is (or ever will be) as dedicated to your goals as YOU will be, nor should you expect them to be. You are now connected to the extra energy it takes to push your goals to the next level, bringing you a sense of accomplishment while outlining the next tasks to be done. Opportunities present themselves all the time, all you have to do is be ready!! If you are given the opportunity to make a presentation, then go for it! Your clarity, energy & enthusiasm will be unmatched and that’s what people respond to. Don’t choose this time to be “shy” or doubt that you’re ready – you are definitely ready … otherwise you wouldn’t be here!! One of my favorite sayings is: “At the moment of commitment, the Universe conspires to assist you!” It’s time to decide if you are committed and how truly committed you are, to your own success.
4/25 ~ Sun (source & essential Self) ~sextile~ Saturn (organization & structure):
This energy is good for getting serious and organized because the Sun also brings some much-needed clarity. With Saturn involved, practical actions based on responsible assessments will be rewarded, whereas, blowing things off or leaving loose ends will cost you (usually fairly immediately, the instant karma way). Even if this should happen to you, it is not personal, but Saturn’s way of showing you (immediately) where your current limitations are. That’s good information to have when making choices & decisions. This activation gives you access to self-discipline and the ability to consider all your options before deciding on anything. This is a good time to focus on your professional goals if possible, and start making a solid, feasible plan for the future. If you need to, seek the advice of a trusted wise elder (anyone with more knowledge/experience than you ; -)) And if you can’t actually DO something in the direction of your goals today, take the time to meditate and connect to your plan mentally.
WED/April 26th
@7pm (eastern) / @4pm (pacific)
Click HERE to Join Us
(Streaming on IG/FB/Youtube)
4/29 ~ Mars (action) ~sextile~ Uranus (breakthrough):
This energy gives you the inspiration & original ideas that will fuel new action steps in your personal life. Patience & discipline are not the theme when these two get together, so beware of any urge to change just for the sake of change. But if you’re ready for a radical shift within or around you, then this activation could give you the clarity to breakthrough any long-standing blockages. This energy, when consciously directed, can actually break you out of any ‘ruts’ that you’ve been in, inspire and motivate you to authentic change. You have energy and the illuminating ‘a-ha’ moments which will propel you to a new, enlivened state of being, although it may upset folks around you who would rather you keep things status quo. Think outside the box, improvise often, try something new (or in a new way), engage in activities that you’ve never tried and try to connect with a new & different circle of people.
Audio Replay HERE :: Request Activations HERE :: Donate HERE
All who Register or Donate will Receive the Replay, Tools + Resources.
All who Submit Birth Date/Time/Place will Receive
an additional email with their Personal Activations.
APRIL 2023 :: EAGLE Medicine :: The Pioneer Archetype
Click HERE to Register + Donate $25
Includes Replay, Tools + Resources
* www.KarmicTools.com * Copyright © 2000-2023 * Kelly M Beard *
All Rights Reserved * Permission granted to copy/redistribute
Kelly’s Forecasts & Updates on the condition that
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