April 30 – May 6, 2023 :: Forecast :: Events
Kelly’s Weekly Forecast
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5/1 :: Pluto Retro in AQUARIUS (until Oct 10th):
Pluto in Aquarius 2023-2044 :: It is going to take a year or two to fully enter Aquarius so this is a process but here is what we have to look forward to. This is a Collective Planet that moves in an erratic orb, spending 10-35 years in a Sign. As of the 1980’s, when Pluto was in its home Sign of Scorpio, it was at the short-end, spending about 10-12 years there revealing the Underworld of sex, death, power, money & resources. Lots of “power behind the power” during that decade that got exposed. Then in the 1990’s, it moved through Sagittarius, revealing all the erosion & toxicity of the Vatican and organized religion went through a complete upheaval. Then Pluto started extending its stay (in Sag for 13-years). Then extending it again by spending 16-years in Capricorn during 2008-2024, where we are right now, where we have witnessed the crumble of institutions, government, health care, education and most social systems that are now having to be re-imagined & reborn. In Capricorn, we see the price of giving away our power & inner authority to outer structures or systems. So now, moving into 20-years of Aquarius is shifting the purification & transformative process onto humanity, technology & the future.
This is a mixed blessing, as with all alignments, there is a Light & Shadow Expression. The blessing of Pluto moving through Aquarius is the mass-awakening of humanity on some level. The old ways no longer work and where we have been trapped in *survival mode*, we now have to consider the future of the next 7-generations. Our choices directly affect them and power is shifting from the old school, controlling patriarchy – the few who want to horde the resources & control the many to the new school, progressive, future-oriented Aquarius that wants more community, collaboration & equal distribution of resources to those who need it most. We get super-inventive & creative when shifting big cycles like this.
Can you feel it? In 2020, Jupiter & Saturn kicked off a new 20-year cycle in Aquarius and a 200-year cycle of the Air Element. In 2022, Venus & Mars kicked off a new 2-year cycle in Aquarius of integration of our Sacred Feminine & Masculine that is more progressive & collaborative. Now, Pluto moves into Aquarius kicking off its own kind of 250-year cycle. This feels like on-the-ground entrance into the 2500-year Aquarian Age. At a minimum, Pluto’s ingress will seal the deal of utter transformation & rebirth in our own Aquarius Depts, as individuals. But remember, this is a low ‘n slow kind of cookin’ that Pluto will do over the next 20-years. As with any healing or transformation, we have to purify first, then we can heal, then we can restore, then we can fortify – it is a PROCESS.
Another blessing of Pluto in Aquarius is that we may shift to a higher form of communal living where we share resources and are responsible for our own communities. This progressive energy sees the value & longevity possible when we share the work as well as the rewards. There is value to offering your unique contribution and working together as a team for the greater good but for the powers that be, who want clones & drones instead of critical, creative thinking human beings, this is threatening. And nothing worthwhile is ever easy or simple. This is a radical shift to a new way of working together, using technology to serve its true purpose (not run the world) but of freeing us up to be more creative individuals. This is when our innovation goes through the roof, partly by those breaking the rules and liberating old consciousness but also partly by that old saying “need is the mother of all invention”. We “need” a new way that is more life-affirming & sustainable. And in order to combat some of the consumption & waste, we are going to have to literally invent new things to help us move forward.
The Shadow side of Pluto in Aquarius is embodied by those who would enslave us with technology, blurring the lines between human nature and the nature of technology. One operates on organic, evolutionary responsiveness and the other is programmed & disconnected from the multi-dimensionality of Earthly existence. How do you “blend” that without annihilating one or the other or both? This is the cold, detached rulers overseeing the minions they feel entitled to control, exploit & manipulate for personal gain. Pluto in Aquarius over the years, coincides with huge battles over slavery & human trafficking and here we are with this all “up” again. We must be vigilant about preventing another era of global slavery, oppression & manual labor that allows their technologies to continue sucking Mother Earth of Her resources and expanding unabated until they take over. Then, we have altered the organic nature of Earth and Her creatures which naturally inhabit this planet – humanity being one of those creatures.
We, like Mother Earth, are regenerative creatures, however, it takes us some time to go from idea-into-form depending on what you are creating. So let’s use the purifying power of Pluto to distill our Aquarian Dreams back to their original essence – one that is inclusive, sustainable and good for ALL Life on this planet. Let’s lead by example and work together to cultivate thriving communities that work well together and no longer require “overlords” “bosses” or “authority figures” to run our lives for us – we will become self-sustaining – with the help of some technology and whole lot of community!
One last note, this will be particularly intense for any Aquarius/Leo or Taurus/Scorpio energies in your chart so take it easy and pace yourself as transformation is a journey, not a destination. And it is only the beginning of a 20-year journey at that. On June 10th – Pluto will still be Retrograde and it will Re-Enter Capricorn to facilitate the closure that is going to happen during the course of 2023-2024, when it will go back and forth over this cusp. So use this Retrograde time to set intentions for purification in the sense that you are supported to strip away the non-essential especially in your Capricorn Dept, which is usually focused on choices & responsibilities, as well as the structure of your life that supports & protects you and the overall stability of whatever Area of Life/House it Rules. This is where you should channel your energies and focus to improve at this time.
5/1 :: Juno Enters GEMINI (until June 22nd):
Juno, the Divine Consort, rules your most important relationships and what you are deeply committed to. As she moves through Gemini, we find out that we can be committed to more than one person or project. Here, we are curious about partnership and anyone we engage with will have to be willing to have open, honest communication. It’s time to talk it out or check-in with your partnerships to makes sure everyone is still on the same page. This energy also allows you to check-in with your own creative ideas, thoughts & concepts – what are you deeply committed to expressing over the next 4-5 years? Who do you want to learn & explore life with? Which of your creative babies would thrive if you gave it some energy & expression? It’s also a good exercise to see your mate as your mirror, what are the people that you’re currently “committed” to reflecting for you?
5/1 :: Mercury Rx (communication & self-expression) ~conjunct~ Sun (core essential Self & Source energy): This is a special time in the Mercury Cycle when we do a personal re-set behind the scenes before initiating a whole new quarter. Review the last 3-months of your life, including your creative ideas, how you think in general and how you are changing so your self-expression has to evolve too. You want to be as conscious about that as possible. Research & Develop your creative babies. Re-think your ideas and reevaluate how you’re expressing these days and if it is an authentic expression of your Truth & Purpose. This is a good time to travel if possible. However, if not physically, then mentally (through visualization) or within your own area (locally), because if you explore a new direction, you are more likely to discover something new. This energy opens you up to a download of more information than usual so pay attention! If you are solid and organized, you may even gain some much-deserved recognition (once Mercury goes Direct) from others that you have earned through your individual efforts.
MAY/TAURUS Gate of Power Fire Ceremony
MON/May 1st
@9pm (eastern) / @6pm (pacific)
Click HERE to Register or HERE to Donate
(Suggested Donation :: $22)
5/2 :: Pallas Enters LEO (until July 10th):
Pallas represents your unique genius & healing capacity, and in Leo, that means that the healing, wisdom & evolution will happen through your heart & being your Authentic Self. As you develop courage, self-love & creativity, your own unique genius & healing capacity is revealed naturally (no matter what other energies you have activated in your chart). It’s time to use theatre, storytelling, games, dancing & fun to heal & integrate whatever challenges you may be facing at this time. This energy helps you re-connect with your Heart Center for strength, courage & perseverance on the Path you have chosen. Doing something creative or experimenting with different mediums of expression is deeply supported & encouraged. When you let go of expectation or attachment to outcome, nearly anything can be considered artistic & beautiful. Let’s use this energy to tap into our innate leadership skills and trust that our unique contribution is welcome & needed.
Soul Sisters Monthly Circle
WED/May 3rd
@8pm (eastern) / @5pm (pacific)
Click HERE to Register ($25)
Includes: Replay, Custom Tools + Resources
5/4 :: Venus (love, finances & relationships) ~square~ Neptune (illusions & delusions):
This energy is great for creative flow. If you are artistically inclined in any way, you will have access to an energy that may allow you to create something amazing. Dig deep and allow your Self to free-flow! This energy can also challenge relationships (personal or professional) to ‘keep it real’ in some way and ones which are not on a true, solid foundation are likely to dissolve under this influence. When Neptune is involved, we see life through a completely different kind of lens, often seeing the potential rather than the reality of the situation. Detach & Trust. If your relationship happens to end under this influence, it’s not necessarily a bad thing because it suggests that it was never on solid ground to begin with. Be thankful and move on. This activation is just helping you align your true values & priorities with the vision in your mind & heart, but you will have to expand your consciousness in some way, follow your own inner compass and take practical steps going forward.
5/4 :: Venus (relationships) ~sextile~ Jupiter (optimism):
This energy expands your relationships, personal or professional, allowing you to gain traction in expressing the Highest vibration that’s possible for that particular connection. In personal relationships, things are sociable, light & fun. In professional or public relationships, things can go more smoothly as folks are more relaxed & easy-going, upbeat & open to exchanging ideas & concepts. This energy activates our innate optimism and natural positive thinking, so it is a good time to look into expanding your knowledge base in some kind of way that makes you more valuable to the team. You’ll have that connection to your instincts and confidence with others that is a winning combination!
5/5 :: SCORPIO Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse (#6 of 7):
The Scorpio Full Moon always shines a bright light on that which we may have overlooked, suppressed or postponed that will no longer remain hidden. Scorpio Moon can also be a very emotionally intense Moon to experience and navigate, so rather than let it plunge you to the depths of the Underworld, try to consciously choose an aspect of your Being or your life that you are ready, willing and finally, able to truly *release* and ask that the Universe support this process with ease & grace. Look at this as bigger than the usual Annual Release, now we’re talking 10 & 20-year cycles. The resonant years are: 2012-14 and 2002-05. Humans are creatures of habit and generally, resist letting go but honestly, that will only intensify & prolong any pain you may already be experiencing. Take your power back by choosing to allow whatever it is to go from your life so that it can either come back in a higher, purified form or something even better can grow up in its place that would better suit your needs at this time anyway. Remember, Scorpio is RAW Truth, don’t try to make sense of it until next month (the Sag Full Moon brings in the Higher Truth), right now, just work on surrender & acceptance as well as reclaiming your own power to direct your life. This is a potent time for consciously co-creating with the Life/Death/Life Cycle. What in/around you needs to “die” so that something new can be seeded to come into existence? This Full Moon asks you to define your deepest, core values (Taurus) and then asks: What are you willing to sacrifice (Scorpio/Power) for something of greater value to you (Taurus/Garden)? This Scorpio Full Moon will reveal many things and connect you to your own Soul’s desires, as well as fears, catalyzing the deepest of all surrenders. Some aspect of life has truly died, but only in the way that it creates space & nutrient for new life to take root. Scorpio Full Moon gives you a chance to release or compost whatever has outgrown its natural lifespan. Take some time to *cleanse & purify* your system of all that has grown toxic or run its natural course. Use this energy to release waste, debris & the nonessential and use the light of the Full Moon to bathe yourself with new life, vitality & power when it returns from its Total Lunar Eclipse – re-set for another 10 & 20-year cycle of Life, Death & Rebirth.
Sacred Union
Gifts & Abundance
Celebration of Sexuality & Sensuality
Freedom & Responsibility
New Bonds & Attachments
Ripening, Blossoming & Fruition
Beltane :: Cross Quarter :: Taurus Gate of Power :: This is an Infinitely potent time – it is an “in-between” place, also referred to as the *Sweet Spot* in agriculture, which is that very thin membrane between Seed & New Life … between Spring Equinox (seed) & Summer Solstice (new life). It reminds us of the beauty & sustenance Mother Earth has always provided, not just for humans, but for all life on this planet. It is time to tune-in, harmonize & synchronize your rhythm with Nature’s rhythm. Just like we invite the Invisible Assistance & Ancestors during Samhain, the Nov/Scorpio Cross Quarter/Gate of Power, which honors Death (in the Life/Death/Life Cycle), we can now invite the Elementals, Nature Spirits, Devas and the Plant Kingdom into conscious collaboration, honoring their teachings and sacrifices made to assist, feed and support life on this Planet in ways humans may not always be capable of. Beltane marks the beginning of Summer, life is bursting forth, initial work is done and this is a time to celebrate fertility, abundance and our relationship to Mother. It is a time to celebrate all that you have created and contributed to, while mindfully preserving *Life* along the way. Ritual, dance, drumming, toning and/or chanting are always used in celebrations of Earth and Her bounty, as is wearing or surrounding your Self with Green: the color of Life ~ Love ~ and the Heart Chakra.
5/6 :: Ceres Direct in VIRGO (until June 21st):
Ceres went Retrograde in Libra and now goes Direct in Virgo. Altogether, this ends up being a full 1-year process from Sept 2022 – Sept 2023 that is extremely rare. The last time we got this good or deep of a recalibration in the Virgo/Libra realm was in 2000. We are definitely due for this upgrade. This particular one has Ceres spending about 3-months in Virgo and 6-months in Libra so I have covered both below and you have been reminded along the way. We are going through this personal processing to know what feeds and nourishes us on the deeper levels, as well as recalibrating the partnerships that we’re keeping, while clearing away those which are no longer effective, supportive & positive.
Ceres in VIRGO:
Ceres, the Great Mother, rules what & how you nurture and like to be nurtured, as well as how you contain, develop and protect yourself and your creative babies, among other things. Ceres in Virgo requires certain skills, discernment & self-discipline and a desire to help others be more efficient & effective. Acts of service are the way to nurture at this time or allow yourself to receive those acts of service. (Receiving nurturance can be very difficult for some.) Being useful & relevant to others is very important with this placement but up in the sky, for the rest of us, it is a time to do a cleanse or some self-care to re-set your individual systems. Nurture your physical body and individual systems for living. It’s time for an upgrade that is more appropriate to here & now. Self-worth is developed along with a new skill-set right now, so try to learn something that can make you more valuable to the team. You’re developing a rhythm that takes some practice to master but Ceres only comes around to Virgo every 4-5 years so this is a pretty big, important reset. (The last time it Retrograded over this Virgo/Libra cusp was 1977.)
Ceres in LIBRA:
According to Asteroid Goddesses by Demetra George & Douglas Bloch, “Ceres describes the ways in which we face the issues of self-worth & self-esteem, relationship to our parents & children, attachment, dependency, loss, separation, rejection, grief, sharing, work & productivity.” It’s how we nurture and like to be nurtured so you might imagine that Ceres in Libra, nurturing takes the form of beauty, harmony, balance, creativity & kinship. This is a chance to check-in with our primary relationships to initiate a new level of balance & reciprocity. It’s a good time to socialize or host a gathering where you bring all your favorite people together for an evening of lively conversation, good food/drink and kinship. If you’re working on your professional partnerships, then this is a good energy to help you move in a new direction there too – you can initiate a new 4-5 year cycle of collaborating with others in all new ways. Reflect on the last 4-5 years and consciously choose to improve going forward. You can also use this energy to infuse your creative babies with some beauty & essence that reflects your renewed sense of Self and self-worth.
Ceres in Virgo :: Sept 29 – Dec 18, 2022
Ceres in Libra :: Dec 18 – March 22, 2023
Ceres Rx – 6* Libra :: Feb 3, 2023
Ceres RE-Ent Virgo :: March 22, 2023
Ceres DIR 23* Virgo :: May 6, 2023
Ceres RE-Enters Libra :: June 21, 2023
Ceres Enters Scorpio :: Sept 15, 2023
Note from Kelly + Olokun Rising 2023:
I am posting 3-weeks of Weekly Forecasts all together because I am heading off to Oakland to help YeYe with this year’s Olokun Rising – which is a whole week of Honoring the Waters of the World by doing ritual, ceremony and various educational events to bring awareness to the health & evolution of water on this planet. Last year, we did 3-days and realized that was not enough to do everything we wanted to do so this year it is extended to 7-days: May 5-12. If you are in the Oakland area and want to join us live, reach out directly, otherwise we are encouraging those of you who feel a deep kinship with water and have your own Circles or Communities to be what we are calling *Harbor Masters* and take your group to the natural waters that you have access to and do a ritual or ceremony of gratitude, as a group. Together, we are raising awareness and energy, worldwide – when two or more gather, that awareness & energy is amplified exponentially. If you want to do it alone, we’re calling you all the Mermaids & Mermen who will also be joining us from around the world to make their own offerings of reverence & gratitude to the Waters of the World.
Click HERE for Commitment PDF
Click HERE for Post :: Energy of the Month
Click HERE for Post :: Body + Soul
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