May 7 – 13, 2023 :: Forecast :: Events
Kelly’s Weekly Forecast
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Note from Kelly + Olokun Rising 2023:
As Mercury Retro would have it, I did not go to Oakland for this year’s Olokun Rising, I will be doing what I can from here as a Solo Mermaid! This is a whole week of Honoring the Waters of the World by doing ritual, ceremony and various educational events to bring awareness to the health & evolution of water on this planet. This year, it has been extended to 7-days: May 5-12, this week! If you are in the Oakland area and want to join us live, reach out directly, otherwise we are encouraging those of you who feel a deep kinship with water and have your own Circles or Communities to be what we are calling *Harbor Masters* and take your group to the natural waters that you have access to and do a ritual or ceremony of gratitude, as a group. Together, we are raising awareness and energy, worldwide – when two or more gather, that awareness & energy is amplified exponentially. If you want to do it alone, we’re calling you all the Mermaids & Mermen who will also be joining us from around the world to make their own offerings of reverence & gratitude to the Waters of the World. The following is our schedule, please feel free to join us *energetically* from wherever you are. These are global prayers and worldwide ceremonies which will be performed during this week. Each year, it spreads further around the globe and every year, we will get more organized for the live/in-person activities as well as the remote participation activities but KNOW that we are together IN-SPIRIT – with united hearts and intentions for respecting & honoring our life-sustaining Waters of the World. Asé OOO!
Fri/May 5th :: Ancestor Reverence
Sat/May 6th :: Sing, Dance & Dispel Evil (women only)
Sun/May 7th :: Journey to Salt or Sweet Water & Commune
Mon/May 8th :: Feed Egun Sticks
Tue/May 9th :: Offerings to Olokun
Wed/May 10th :: Fete for Damballah
Thur/May 11th :: FREE DAY
Fri/May 12th :: Offerings to Oshun + Aje
5/7 :: Venus Enters CANCER (until June 5th):
It’s also a chance to re-dream our lives on absolutely every single level. The Sacred Feminine is reminding us that we are Infinite Beings and can choose – in every moment – how to respond to what life is presenting. Part of being on Earth is being adaptable and dealing with the ecology within and around you. As Venus moves through Cancer, she is giving us a chance to soothe our nervous systems, reassure our Souls and replenish our energies after a life-changing ride. The “value & priority” pretty much all summer is self-care and personal tending to that which allows you to function as a human being in the most basic ways. I recommend that you use this Venus in Cancer to strengthen & fortify yourself internally & privately – especially during the summer months when we will have the Annual Retrogrades to support our inward focus even more. This energy can help you re-set your individual system so that you are better able to step up and into the New Story, secure in your own self-expression and strong from the self-care & replenishment.,/p>
NOTE :: This is the precursor to Venus lingering in LEO – June 5 – Oct 8, 2023. The last time she did this was in 2015 and before that 2007, so you/we are due for a major re-set and Initiation in your Leo Dept (Authentic Self-Expression), which is going to push your Aquarius Dept (Unique Contribution) to Integrate & Recalibrate how you move forward as an individual. This new energy is going to push your Taurus/Scorpio Depts (Basic Survival Needs & Essentials) to grow, develop & change in some fundamental way to accommodate the new growth & evolution taking place.
Use this time in Cancer to go inward and *FEEL* who you are becoming – feel into what your personal, individual basic needs are at this time in your life – at this age & stage. Cancer energy brings up development & maturity, it is the Area of Life where we feel safe & secure, where we can trust that all we need, desire & deserve will be provided somehow and anytime that Venus moves through there, you, the individual, and how you *feel* – becomes the priority. Once you are internally secure and your basic needs provided for, then you can go deeper by checking in with who you have been and how you’ve expressed your Self in the last 8-years and who you’d like to be or what you’d like to express over the next 8-years.
*OPEN House :: LIVE Event :: Scheduled for July 13th
5/9 :: Sun (essential self & core drives) ~conjunct~ Uranus (disruption & liberation):
This energy serves to provoke a radical shift within you, catalyzing the desire to breathe fresh, clean, new vital energy into the idea of who you are and what you came to contribute. It may not be comfortable, but it is necessary and even moreso for those of you who are rigid in your habits & thinking or those of you who depend on others to validate who you are and what you contribute. Sometimes a little disruption serves to get you focused on what is really important to you. And at this time, change is in the air. It is far better to use the intensity of collective change to shift on personal levels, rather than try to go it alone or worse, play the martyr or victim. It’s time for your most unique Self to contribute the piece that only you can. This activation may bring the suddenly clarity that you need and a refreshed attitude toward life, which can help tremendously as you fortify the connection to what makes you feel truly free, sovereign & independent. If you resist the shift, you will manifest other disruptions that are far less productive, much more frustrating and significantly more costly.
Join Nasa Bawa & Kelly M Beard
WED/May 10th
@7pm (eastern) / @4pm (pacific)
Click HERE to Join Us!
5/12 :: Mercury Rx (communication) ~sextile~ Saturn (responsibility):
(2 of 3: 4/5 :: 5/12 :: 5/19)
This energy is really good for being able to objectively see what needs to be changed, fixed or stabilized in your life or environment. One expression of this energy is a tendency toward depression or apathy, but a better expression would be facing what needs to be done and following through on anything that you have already begun. You may feel the need to organize things at home or work, or perhaps take a class or workshop of some sort that will help you attain your current goals. Either way, be focused but not too serious – balance in all things. It’s when you focus on the lack and limitation that you can feel overwhelmed and sometimes helpless. That’s not the point of this energy. It’s just time to take any ‘rose-colored glasses’ off, do some serious thinking, tend to the details, take stock, assess the value of your ideas and make changes accordingly.
5/12 :: Mercury Rx (thoughts) ~sextile~ Venus (art & beauty):
(1 of 2: 5/12 :: 6/17)
This is a great opportunity to beautify your ideas, improve or deepen them so they are expressing more of your unique authenticity. Communication in relationships usually goes well under this influence. This energy also turns your thoughts and ideas toward how you feel and what inspires you with love & beauty. This is a great time to be particularly creative, or do something that activates your own Inner Artist. It is best to keep it light and let go of your mundane burdens just for a time. Pleasure reading, a walk on the beach, a play or museum are all good things to do at some point this week, if possible.
5/13 :: Venus (values & priorities) ~trine~ Saturn (stability & endurance):
This is a smooth, easy energy that you can work with consciously and yield incredible, even tangible, results. It’s a good time to define your terms where relationships are concerned because you are really clear about your own values & priorities, at this time. Based on your past choices & efforts, positive benefits & earned rewards are forthcoming. If you’ve avoided responsibility in your own relationships (public or private), then this energy can help get you back on track, with less pain & suffering than usual (when Saturn’s involved). If you can be practical about your own limits and realistic about what others bring to the table, then this energy also supports discussing forward movement, development or spiraling to a new, higher level in some way, as a team. Strategizing about the future, clarifying the vision of what will support & protect all involved and honoring the essence of life that runs throughout is deeply supported by these two getting together in an easy angle. Venus is also the energy of love & money, so it’s a good time to be objective and somewhat conservative where both your relationships & finances are concerned. With this interaction with Saturn, I would suggest outlining a reasonable relationship or financial goal for the next 3 – 6 – 9 – or 12 months.
Soul Sisters Monthly Circle
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Mercury Retro :: Custom Tools :: $50
INCLUDES: Personal Activations + Mercury Retro Activations
Divinations + Meditations
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