July 16 – 22, 2023 :: Forecast :: Events

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7/17 :: Mercury (expression) ~square~ Jupiter (truth):
This energy challenges you to integrate your smaller, individual point of view with the larger vision for your life. On one hand, you can see the big picture in new ways, but on the other hand, you may not be very interested in the details that bring it about. This is another good one for expanding your consciousness and thinking outside the box, but as the insights come into your conscious awareness, be mindful of the steps it will take to make your ideas a reality. This activation is also great for course-corrections where your ideas are concerned and will open you up to learning something new or bring in a crucial piece of information, just keep in mind that you will have to stabilize anything that you start and probably have to review some details down the road because of something you overlooked in your enthusiasm for the new Truth revealed from within.
7/17 :: CANCER New Moon:
This is a powerful opportunity to start anew in your Cancer Area of Life (House). We are getting a dose of New Beginning energy that is so needed & necessary, considering the large-scale “endings” that we are also dealing with. This month gets personal, thanks to Cancer energy and the New Moon – they are helping us all seed a new consciousness, a new story and new ways of interacting with others. It is time to initiate something that you are willing to be responsible for nurturing to its full development and releasing to the Universe. Something born from YOU! Cancer is the BEST time to practice deep self-care so that you are a more reliable vehicle for bringing your creations to life! Where is the *Fertile Ground* in your life, environment or world, at this time? What personal tending is ‘up’ for you at this time? What basic fundamentals do you need to feel loved, supported, well-fed and cared for? Cancer/Capricorn are both about the “basics” in life, emotional and physical security, food and shelter, home and work. It’s about feeling what needs to be done and then doing it, so don’t give-in to emotional overwhelm. Instead, as you develop a whole new way of containing, nurturing and protecting your own life-force energy (fuel/what you eat or feed others), you are subsequently, honoring your own feelings and personal Nature. Remember, Cancer is how we feel on the inside, about the Capricorn reality that we’re living on the outside so if there is a discrepancy, the New Moon is the time to seed a new vision.
7/17 :: North Node in ARIES (until 1.11.2025):
This is a fairly big deal that is going to affect those with strong Aries/Libra or Cancer/Capricorn activated and for the rest of us, there will be a renewed focus & dedication in those Areas of Life (Houses). The last time the North Node was in Aries was 2005-06 and before that 1986-87. Perhaps you can find a common thread amongst those years and what you are feeling this year. We have just spent the last 18-months recalibrating our personal values and individual priorities due to upheaval in the social/collective realms. Now, the energies are shifting and we are going to be called to activate a new identity & purpose individually and new relationships, partnerships and collaborations, going forward. Self versus Other is going to be the theme going forward. Ostensibly, if we upgraded our personal values & priorities over the last 2-years, then the next 2-years will activate new choices around your self and the people you choose to interact with. Upgrades all around! When you change, everyone around you has to change or go away and it is ALL good!! We haven’t had access to this energy in 20-years. So what cycle in your life started in 2005-06 and has completely & clearly, run its course? How could you use an upgrade in your personal life or relationships? It is time to try something new for your Self and try different tactics with other people in your life, personally or professionally. The next 18-months will put a tremendous focus on who you are, what you want, who you want to experience this life with and how valuable having friends, community and a true purpose is to this existence. The last thing I think is worth mentioning is that the Initiation is happening in your Aries Dept, asking you to balance & integrate something in your Libra Dept, while both Cancer & Capricorn Depts are going to get pushed to grow, out of comfort zone and into new territory.
If you happen to have your own North Node in these Signs, then this 2-year period is going to be intense & personal for you as it is a *Pivot Point* on your own Life Path & Direction. For the rest of us, it will be a common theme that comes up repetitively to help you with the reset of your individual needs & desires versus what relationships & collaborations you want to contribute to and develop going forward.
HERE :: Check Out North Node in ARIES Article by Steven Forrest
JULY 2023 :: Money Pouring Ritual
with YeYe Luisah Teish
FRI/June 16th
@7pm (eastern) / @4pm (pacific)
Join YeYe’s Patreon for $5+ HERE
7/20 :: Sun (authentic Self) ~trine~ Neptune (intuition):
This energy triggers your idealistic, altruistic inclinations, but remember that help has to be invited. But if you have the energy to share & to spare, then dedicate your Self to something greater than you. Choose a cause to support or help those less fortunate for the sheer pleasure of giving. If your energy is low at this time, it is better directed inward. If you can, take some extra time in Intentional Solitude, praying, meditating and connecting to Spirit this week, you will be rewarded with deep revelations & mystical discoveries within you. It’s a great time to do divinations, ritual or ceremony if you’re into that. Your intuition is heightened also, so pay attention to any ‘messages’ that come through or to you. Try to use this energy to reflect on where you are and dream a little about where you want to be, mentally, spiritually and physically in 6-months to a year from now.
7/20 :: Mars (passion) -oppose- Saturn (dedication):
This energy is a mixed blessing so watch any extreme swings one way or another. Mars is all about energy, passion & movement and Saturn is all about stability, structure & foundation. When they are opposite each other, there can be a beautiful blend of energy & passion behind solid, productive work that yields long-term benefits. However, if you swing to petulant Mars, “I want my way!” or “I want it now!”, then Saturn’s response is, “It will be done the RIGHT way or not at all!” This energy brings lessons either way, usually around anger issues or long-standing upsets. You may feel “held back” by the elbows although nothing could be further from the truth. The reality is that you have to do certain ‘first things first’ and if/when you do them “in order”, success usually follows. If/when you rush and do things without thinking or planning, then mistakes inevitably follow and you have to do things over again, which costs additional time, energy & resources. This is also the half-way mark of a 2-year cycle that gives you the opportunity to check-in and see how things are progressing and make any necessary adjustments so that you are successful at the culmination of the current cycle. (VIRGO/PISCES – Signs give add’l insights.)
7/21 :: Sun (source & essential Self) ~oppose~ Pluto (purification & transformation):
This energy can/will create very intense encounters with others, possibly revealing things about you which you may not have been aware of, misunderstood or have chosen to ignore thus far. This energy provokes power struggles and/or challenges with authority figures where you may have to stand up for yourself. It can also may make you more aggressive, intense or over-bearing than usual, creating or attracting these kinds of situations. If there are any problems within a relationship (personal or professional), this energy will force things out into the open. It will be much easier on you, if you can open a dialogue with the express purpose of clearing the air and proceeding to a new level in your own relationships, by choice. Any aspect of your life that you have been “just getting by” with will now DEMAND attention; you won’t be able to do anything less than a complete overhaul or replacement (this can be ANY area of your life but the Cancer/Capricorn Houses in particular during years 2008-2024 due to Pluto’s extended stay). Let’s put it this way, any time Pluto is involved, there is usually complete destruction of the current (x-y-z) to make room for the new and improved. This will be by the Universe’s definition, but you do get a vote, you can consciously choose too. Ultimately, this is a good, growth & development type of energy/activation, pushing you to the next level … ready or not, here you come so use the energies available to strengthen, fortify & prepare for your own personal transformation. Also consider your drives & direction about 6-months ago, and where you want to end up 6-months from now. This is an integration, that means a time when the depths of your Soul Self can commune & bond with your surface, personality, conscious Self. Like the conjunction (1.18.2023) about 6-months ago, this is about how you direct your personal power on your own behalf, and often, breakdowns precede the breakthroughs.
7/22 :: Venus Retrogrades in LEO (until Sept 3rd):
New Upgrades Available: Consider this 4-month period (June – October 2023) a literal & figurative upgrade to how you create & express your Self. It is also an upgrade to your social circle, friends & community. It is time to re-connect with your own heart and all that you truly care about, not just “keeping up with the joneses”. Essentially, it is time to improve your own quality of life, do more of what you really care about and be around people you really love and/or have the most fun with. The Venus Retrograde brings the necessary review of values and priorities where your individual self-worth and ability to be your Authentic Self are all concerned. What is most important to you around being your true Self & your creativity, here & now today? How you expressed your Self and your creativity has likely shifted dramatically since 2015, and will shift again by 2032 so this is a good time to check-in, review and renew this Area of Life (House) ruled by LEO.
Process, Integrate & Prepare: LEO is all about what you love & care about and that has evolved over the last 8-years and adjustments to your personal creativity, self-expression & what inspires you from within should reflect the upgrade. Taking a time-out to review your own ways of being your Self, expressing your Self and sharing your Self – that is what this Retro will likely bring to the foreground. LEO energy always reveals where you are or are not shining or sharing your Light with the world. This energy teaches you to stay true to your own heart and to stand in the truth of your own journey. Periodically, we need to rededicate energy & resources to some self-care & refreshing the Inner Light. LEO also gets us present to the kind of friends & communities that we choose and they too should reflect a major upgrade this year.
Check Out the Full Venus Article HERE
80-min Audio HERE :: Video HERE
Venus Reading + Custom Guide
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