July 2 – 8, 2023 :: Forecast :: Events

Kelly’s Weekly Forecast
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7/2 :: Venus (love, finances & relationships) ~square~ Uranus (sudden change):
(1 of 3: 7/2 :: 8/9 :: 9/29)
This is a test to grow that you cannot plan for. Venus rules your values & priorities and an activation with Uranus signifies something sudden and seemingly out-of-the-blue. Of course, this isn’t true, but it can feel that way. The truth is, it is time to do something “different” where your love, finances or relationships are concerned. Making a conscious effort to do things in a completely new way will be rewarded with a lesson & a blessing that you would’ve never considered before now. Due to new revelations happening within you, the immediate responses will come from those closest to you. If you’re in relationships (personal or professional) that have reached a point where they have to change or end, this is a good time to try to discuss it openly and with as much detachment & objectivity as possible. This energy can provoke the need for excitement or stimulation in your relationships, giving you the urge to shake things up. Be aware & mindful of others’ feelings too because they may not be in the mood for such sudden change. Another expression of this energy is to get things on the table; it’s a great time to really discuss things & come to an agreement or compromise. Ultimately, this is a test of your flexibility in relationships. The more inflexible or attached to status quo that you are, the more disruptive this energy can be.
7/3 :: CAPRICORN Full Moon:
This is your Annual opportunity to release that which you no longer want to be part of your reality or your responsibility. Look to what you *Initiated* at Winter Solstice and how far you’ve progressed since then. What’s working? What’s not? What needs to be released? What needs to be strengthened structurally or otherwise? What foundation-work needs to be done to support you better going forward? The Full Moon is shining a light in a corner for first time in 6-months to a year (the Capricorn House of your chart) revealing any weaknesses or cracks in the foundation of your current focus. Whatever you *Seeded* with the Capricorn Super/New Moon (12.23.2022) 6-months ago, has run its course and now this Full Moon shows you what is solid and can be expanded on – as well as what is weak and must be fixed, replaced or released altogether. This is the time every year when you determine what is truly feeding, nourishing, supporting & protecting you ~ on ALL levels ~ mental, physical, emotional & spiritual. Here, we are reminded that, often, internal shifts precede the external shifts.
I would like to remind you to take some time during July/Aug this year to assess & integrate your own personal growth, development & direction for the year. Use this time to release ideas, people or situations which drain your lifeforce energy and/or dim your light. In Cancer, you are reminded to check-in with your own natural rhythm and assess where you may have gotten off that rhythm and must re-set yourself this summer so that you can handle the upcoming Fall Harvest that you have cultivated throughout the year. How can you renew your dedication to a routine that nourishes, inspires & energizes you? How can you put your ideas & skills to good use in the world? Where are your gifts & talents needed, valued & honored? What nourishes your body, awakens your mind and feeds your soul? Check-in with your SoulSelf this summer – much of these very fundamental, basic things in our lives have changed over the last 6-months to a year … and so have we!
NEXT Live Event:
BEAR Medicine
WED/July 5th
@8pm (eastern) / 5pm (pacific)
Register & Donate HERE ($25)
7/6 :: Mercury (acumen) ~sextile~ Uranus (the Awakener):
This energy says, it’s time to go with the flow – “new and different” being the flow. It wants to shake it up a bit – in a good way. However, if you feel like new and different is more like chaos and disruption, then you need to reflect and see if you aren’t being too rigid. Unwillingness to go with the (new) flow will make this energy harder to handle. This is also a good time to try to resolve any old issues or challenges – they are not going away without resolution and conscious release. Perhaps you’ve been trying the same thing over and over and it’s time to try something NEW – now is the time new ideas can & will come to you. Pay attention! Try to be open and receptive to unusual things, events or ideas and allow room for spontaneity, improvising & thinking on your feet. You may think that you are doing one thing and look up and being doing something completely different – be open to exploring a new path!
Click HERE for Details + Registration
NEXT Session: Tuesdays in AUG/SEPT 2023
Venus Reading + Custom Guide
Flyer HERE :: Order HERE ($200)
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