July 30 – Aug 5, 2023 :: Forecast :: Events

Kelly’s Weekly Forecast
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8/1 :: AQUARIUS Super/Full Moon:
This Full Moon asks: What have you become “too” attached to? And/or what have you become “too” detached from (and need to reconnect)? We have spent recent months navigating the Mutable energy of thought & ideas (Gemini), along with the Cardinal energy of action & choices (Cancer), whose theme continues now but the energy has become decidedly Fixed and it is time to release or anchor something … in your Heart (Leo). What ideas have you gotten going that need some tending to make stronger & more viable? And how have you shifted internally and want to express differently going forward?
This Lunation may illuminate or activate revelations of when, where and with whom (mostly Self) that you have not been completely (if at all) authentic. Start with the *motivations* ~ if/when they are pure, clean & neutral, then being authentic becomes way less challenging. Now more than ever, we must be congruent with our Inner & Outer Natures in order to thrive, prosper & evolve. So if/when you are not authentic, things then become much more challenging. If we are “serving two masters” (or incongruent on one or many levels) ~ meaning: having the private side of your nature be too drastically different from that which you present to the world ~ then that creates more challenges, blockages and delays until you get into more personal alignment.
This Full Moon helps you see where you have become rigid, unyielding and attached to “your way” or the “old way” – neither of which will work going forward. Status quo is not the way to go, any Aquarius Moon wants you to tap into your own unique genius and offer your contribution in a new or different way. If you are following trends or other people, you will be misled. It is time to evaluate your own social circles – both virtual and in reality. What kind of people do you call “friend”? Do you have more acquaintances than true friends? Is that the way you like it? We are in a time when we are upgrading our individual self-expression on deep levels and anything that feels *inauthentic* is getting released with this Full Moon. We grow & evolve and the things & people that we are attracted to or repelled by changes over time too. Let’s not be stagnant but use every Full Moon to do some personal clearing so that we can lighten up & shine! Use this Full Moon to release any inauthenticity, lack of self-love or rigid attachment of any kind. It’s also good to tap into your body’s wisdom when things are decidedly “mental” around you. This is the lunation to align your Head & Heart so if you’ve felt disconnected lately, take a time-out to re-connect!
Final note is that this is one of 3-Super Full Moons in Capricorn/Aquarius/Pisces – releasing and clearing Old Roles & Responsibilities, Old Self-Expression & Unique Contribution and Old Unhealthy Rhythms & Delusions just so that when we get to the 3-Super New Moons in Aquarius/Pisces/Aries – initiating a New Authentic Self and reclaiming the connection to your Instincts, Intuition & Renewed Passion & Purpose. We are clearing the old to make space for the new and we are going within to dream up what that might entail or require. There are a number of energies & cycles supporting a time of Intentional Solitude for review, reflection & renewal this Summer – take full advantage by scheduling your Self some down-time to process & integrate your life as it is unfolding in the present moment.
Click HERE for Kelly’s Lunar Tools, Support & Guidance (11-pg/pdf)
8/1 :: Mars (energy & desires) ~trine~ Jupiter (expansion & education):
This energy is generally positive as you are combining your energy & desires with an expansion of consciousness. It’s especially good for anything physical and bodes well for outcomes to any competition. You will be channeling more energy than usual so be sure to check-in with your body and stay grounded. Jupiter often brings blessings that others may perceive as ‘luck’ but it is more of an alignment between inner & outer selves. Even if things are hazy or crazy, do your best to visualize success and put your Self in the picture ; -) You will have a great overall perspective of the “big picture” and can plan accordingly. The only caveat with this energy is to avoid being OVERLY confident where you feel invincible. Be confident, but not cocky. This energy is very good for knowing what you need and being capable of making succinct decisions about the course which will get you there. Calculated risks are the name of the game!
8/1 :: Mercury (ideas, thoughts & concepts) ~oppose~ Saturn (reality & physical limitations):
Here the opposition is between your thoughts and your reality or current responsibilities. It’s also about your mental and physical getting integrated on some level. Are you working too hard, causing mental or physical exhaustion? Are you too stuck in idea-mode, delaying actions and actual commitments? It’s time to take a realistic look at your life to see where you could change your mind and your reality would follow. You may find yourself asking what your truth and purpose really are or you may be concerned about how to provide for your very basic, essential needs and why you have been constantly limited in that way. Everything can seem bleak and depressing but really it is just the Universe’s way of getting your attention and helping you to focus on what really matters. You’re being pushed to think of new ways to function on a practical level. You may feel like leaving a mate or partner at this time, but it’s not really the best time to actually act on this impulse. Wait until this energy passes and give your Self some time to clear that negative thinking which is actually coloring your judgment at this time. If you feel this way in another week or two then you can begin to plan releasing this person or situation in the healthiest, most compassionate possible way so as not to create more karma that YOU will just have to deal with later. What this energy is good for is giving you the ability to see what is wrong and connect to a positive, realistic way of creating change for the better. If you are still unsure about what direction to take, this energy supports consulting a person you respect, usually someone older and/or more experienced, for guidance and support.
NEXT Live Event:
DOLPHIN Medicine
WED/Aug 2nd
@8pm (eastern) / 5pm (pacific)
Register & Donate HERE ($25)
80-min Audio HERE :: Video HERE
Venus Reading + Custom Guide
Flyer HERE :: Order HERE ($200)
AUG/LEO Gate of Power
MidPoint between Summer & Fall
FIRE Ceremony
MON/Aug 7th
@9pm (eastern) / 6pm (pacific)
Register HERE :: Donate HERE (Sug. $22+)
Join Nasa Bawa & Kelly M Beard
Rhythms & Verses:
Planetary Rhythms and Ancestral Wisdom
WED/Aug 9th
@7pm (eastern) / @4pm (pacific)
Click HERE to Join Us!
LEO :: OUTER Initiation
THUR/Aug 10th
@8pm (eastern) / 5pm (pacific)
Drop-IN HERE :: Subscribe HERE ($25)
AUG 2023 :: Money Pouring Ritual
with YeYe Luisah Teish
WED/Aug 16th
@7pm (eastern) / @4pm (pacific)
Join YeYe’s Patreon for $5+ HERE
Chiron in ARIES 2023
THUR/Aug 17th
8pm (eastern) / 5pm (pacific)
Register HERE :: Donate HERE (Sug. $22)
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All who Submit Birth Date/Time/Place will Receive
an additional email with their Personal Activations.
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