Aug 13 – 19, 2023 :: Forecast :: Events

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8/13 :: Venus Rx (beauty & creativity) ~conjunct~ Sun (individuality & Light):
This activates your innate creativity and gets your wheels turning about what you want to express or bring to life in the world, what you want to invest in and be a part of. When Sun contacts Venus, the creativity is centered around you, the individual, however, here as Venus contacts the Sun, it is all about your creations! Use this Solar infusion to brighten and illuminate your self, your surroundings and/or your creative projects. This expands & brightens your magnetic field and opportunities that are just right for you are the result. There is a burst of new energy wanting to be expressed through you, and it’s based on your new values & priorities. It is also the beginning of a new creative cycle. Remember that love too is a creative force, so if your relationships are more center-stage than your creative projects, then this too lends new potency to anything you create with others. This is a powerful seed-time and good to allow support & guidance from men and/or the Sacred Masculine within and around you.
8/15 :: Sun (source & essential Self) ~square~ Uranus (awakening & radical shift):
As with any Uranus activation, this one disrupts the normal flow in order to facilitate a ‘break to realign’ moment. While sometimes disruptive & challenging, the ultimate result is usually refreshing in some way. Consider the energy that thickens, gathering for a severe thunderstorm, then releasing buckets of rain, for hours, you sleep deeply and awaken to a bright sunny morning with birds chirping unusually loud outside your window. Got the visual? ; -)) This activation is the necessary challenge that gets your attention that something better is available, if you’re willing to let go of the old, improvise and think on your feet. If you’ve been unusually restricted in some way, you may feel a little restless. Rather than being reactive to the unexpected shift (within or without), it’s best to take a pause for the cause, step back and try to gain some perspective. Remember to be present, too far in the past can be depressing and too far into the future, and you cause your Self unnecessary anxiety. Breathe, be under the sky, invite clarity about the next step and trust your gut. This energy, while sometimes uncomfortable and often sudden, is very necessary to disrupt any illusions or delusions you may be holding onto overlong. It’s time to express your Self in all new ways so the old ways naturally stop working in order to get your attention.
8/15 :: Juno Enters LEO (until Oct 17th):
Juno is known as the Divine Consort or Wife and she represents what we are deeply committed to and how we honor our own commitment needs, whether personal or professional. According to my asteroid bible, Asteroid Goddesses by Demetra George & Douglas Bloch, “Juno describes the ways in which we face the issues of compatibility, receptivity to others, mutual sharing, trust, jealousy, possessiveness and power struggles. Juno through the signs describes the twelve styles of relating and meeting our intimacy needs. If these needs are denied, then Juno signifies the subsequent neurotic interactions that we will experience. Juno through the Houses shows where we are most likely to experience the need to relate and in the area of life where these experiences teach us our most important relationship lessons.
Juno spends about 2-months in a Sign, and helps us recommit in that area of life. In Leo, you recommit to the Heart, to being your Authentic Self and radiating joy, beauty & power as you dedicate yourself only to those people or causes that are really important to your Heart. She can also help us all recommit to some kind of unique expression, art, music, sports – anything that you get to learn, play and SHINE! As you develop that deeper sense of Self that is emerging at this time, she will move into Virgo which will ask you to get organized, grounded and back to basics in some way. I tell you this only to suggest that over the next two months, you have an opportunity to remember what or who you really care about and clarify your heart’s desires so that when she Retrogrades through Virgo in 2024, you will be in a good position to reset all your systems for living in right relationship with others, intimately or otherwise. While she is in Leo, you are in-preparation-for healing & integrating a new, more healthy approach to your own relationships, partnerships & collaborations.
8/16 :: LEO New Moon:
As the Sun moves through Leo (7/22 – 8/23), it activates the Annual Check-In with your Heart & Authentic Self, and if/how you are being true to YOU and expressing your own unique Light & Brilliance ~ from the inside-out. Leo energy activates your Self-Love/Self-Worth issues. As you discover your unique strengths & gifts, it becomes your responsibility to share them with the Community to which you belong. There is an idea that is often true and it suggests that “whatever’s inside comes out” (especially under external pressures) … so if you are full of Love, Light & Truth, then a generosity of Spirit comes out … if you are full of Fear & Doubt, then obstacles and blockages come out. What’s inside you? in your true heart-of-hearts? Leo energy teaches us all how to BE it (your Authentic Self), not just “appear” to be it; it asks that you know who you are (and next month, Virgo will perfect it ;-)). What has changed on a fundamental level (Cancer/Capricorn ~ personal & professional or at home & work) for you, that has now made you aware of how vital it is to honor your own essential nature (Leo/Sun), so that you are able to contribute to the whole (Aquarius/Uranus) in a more useful and delicious way?
This is an opportunity to expand & illuminate the lesson of courage, authenticity and deep self-love. When you’re connected and truly love your Self, it is easy to give/receive and share/attract LOVE! When you operate from a confident, strong center, rather than insecure ego, you radiate LOVE and magnetize a similar (loving/confident) energy to you. Collectively, when you love and take care of your community, it can come together and create new, innovative structures & institutions which actually serve & support the needs of the people in the present moment. Your community can be free to grow, thrive & prosper, handling each blessing, as well as each challenge, that comes along. Cancer brought us out of the first quadrant of survival issues & basic needs to more of the individuation process (Leo) when we tend to focus more on asserting ourselves and integrating all that we learned in the last quarter. Leo is ruled by the Sun and the Sun represents your Source – your Inner Light – and all that you have come to create & contribute to the community (Aquarius). Leo energy helps you expand the concept of who you are and what you are capable of, not to mention the value of the energy & service that you provide to the community. It’s so beautiful when we can ALL be free, when we ALL do our own part. So use this Leo New Moon to call in your own Next Level Self and start creating space for that part of you to SHINE!
8/16 :: Mars (courage & passion) ~trine~ Uranus (freedom & individuality):
This is a powerful combo, however, it has to be integrated and consciously expressed to yield the best results, otherwise you may miss an opportunity for a major personal breakthrough. Mars gives you the courage and Uranus awakens new possibilities within. This is an easy alignment of your actions and your individual brilliance coming together in a new way. You may even discover some new gift or talent that has been dormant for a while, but is now beginning to come back to life. This energy pushes you to try something new that liberates you in some way that you may have previously felt daunted by in the past. Because of the easy angle too, this new evolution to the next level should not entail you having to annihilate any other aspect of your life, you will just intuitively know that it is time to change. It won’t matter what others think or say either, because the prompting for change comes from within, so take advantage of this time to experiment or try something new or in a new way and see what unlocks for you. You never know where it will lead.
AUG 2023 :: Money Pouring Ritual
with YeYe Luisah Teish
WED/Aug 16th
@7pm (eastern) / @4pm (pacific)
Join YeYe’s Patreon for $5+ HERE
Chiron in ARIES 2023
THUR/Aug 17th
8pm (eastern) / 5pm (pacific)
Register HERE :: Donate HERE (Sug. $22)
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an additional email with their Personal Activations.
80-min Audio HERE :: Video HERE
Venus Reading + Custom Guide
Flyer HERE :: Order HERE ($200)
NEXT Live Event:
DOLPHIN Medicine
WED/Aug 2nd
@8pm (eastern) / 5pm (pacific)
Register & Donate HERE ($25)
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