Aug 6 – 12, 2023 :: Forecast :: Events

Kelly’s Weekly Forecast
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8/6 :: Sun (core essential Self) ~square~ Jupiter (imagination & truth):
This is a powerful energy and with that comes the necessity of discernment – it can provoke you to get lots of things accomplished and that’s a good thing, however, beware of taking on more than you can actually handle or maintain on your own. Having said that now, if you need that little “push” to get some things done, this is just the energy for you. It carries with it the optimism necessary to allow you to go beyond your norm and stretch in new ways. Sometimes there can be a tendency toward self-righteousness with this energy too, but try to make it “self-directed” and you will benefit greatly. Walk your talk and fully embody your Truth. However, if you turn it on others, demanding they believe what you believe, you may have some difficulties. Be open & receptive, have a “Don’t-Know Mind” because you never know what you may learn from another’s perspective along the way that could really help you, now or in the future.
Giving Gratitude for Abundance
Making Offerings to Ensure Flow (Life)
Releasing Regrets & Facilitating Closure
Pre-Harvest: Assessments & Preparations
Creating Containers for Your Creative Ideas
Activating Fiery Creativity ~ (Re) New Projects
Deepening Dedication to What Is Working (Alive)
Assessing the Worth of Preserving & Cultivating New Life
This period is all about Assessments & Preserving what is growing strong, solid, useful & nourishing, while also releasing density, weight & excess to be composted into something more useful in the season to come. It’s a time of gratitude & celebration, in anticipation of the Fall Equinox Season of Harvest. Some call this the Pre-Harvest. You can get a jump-start on assessing the year if you’ve completed your “clearing & releasing” process. If not, this is the final *purge* in preparation for the Harvest Season.
The Leo/Virgo combination perfectly represents this Cross Quarter/Gate of Power and Portal that takes you back to your Heart (Leo) and through a purification & integration (Virgo). It’s time to position your Self for an expanded perspective at this time. Explore your options with fresh eyes! Allow your instincts to guide you on your Path and Trust the Sacred Feminine within & around you to *contain, nurture and protect* all life, now and always. You are reminded to honor that which sustains you and to always aim your magical arrow at only the most precious dreams, your deepest heart’s desire.
AUG/LEO Gate of Power
MidPoint between Summer & Fall
FIRE Ceremony
MON/Aug 7th
@9pm (eastern) / 6pm (pacific)
Register HERE :: Donate HERE (Sug. $22+)
8/9 :: Venus Rx (love, finances & relationships) ~square~ Uranus (sudden change):
(2 of 3: 7/2 :: 8/9 :: 9/29)
This is a test to grow that you cannot plan for. Venus rules your values & priorities and an activation with Uranus signifies something sudden and seemingly out-of-the-blue. Of course, this isn’t true, but it can feel that way. The truth is, it is time to do something “different” where your love, finances or relationships are concerned. Making a conscious effort to do things in a completely new way will be rewarded with a lesson & a blessing that you would’ve never considered before now. Due to new revelations happening within you, the immediate response will come from those closest to you. If you’re in relationships (personal or professional) that have reached a point where they have to change or end, this is a good time to try to discuss it openly and with as much detachment & objectivity as possible. This energy can provoke the need for excitement or stimulation in your relationships, giving you the urge to shake things up. Be aware & mindful of others’ feelings too because they may not be in the mood for such sudden change. Another expression of this energy is to get things on the table; it’s a great time to really discuss things & come to an agreement or compromise. Ultimately, this is a test of your flexibility in relationships. The more inflexible or attached to status quo that you are, the more disruptive this energy can be.
8/9 :: Mercury (learning & mind) ~trine~ Jupiter (education & consciousness):
(1 of 3: 8/9 :: 9/4 :: 9/25)
This energy is great for expanding your mind, learning something new or taking a class. It’s time to plan for the future and start getting organized. However, you may feel less disciplined and more creative, which is fine in the beginning, but eventually focus & discipline will have to be engaged to ground your new ideas, thoughts or concepts. You have to ask your Self, ‘How bad do you want it?’ If you are self-aware, awake & alert, you will be able to see (and seize) the opportunities as they present themselves. It may ‘appear’ to be luck, but it’s really more that you were in alignment with the Cosmos, present & positive, and ultimately, able to trust & follow your own instincts. Practice, there is no perfection. Being optimistic & looking for opportunity in every experience will magnetize the positive and naturally repel the negative, leading right where you want to be! Take advantage of this good energy to connect to whatever it is you are trying to create in your life at this time.
Join Nasa Bawa & Kelly M Beard
Rhythms & Verses:
Planetary Rhythms and Ancestral Wisdom
WED/Aug 9th
@7pm (eastern) / @4pm (pacific)
Click HERE to Join Us!
LEO :: OUTER Initiation
THUR/Aug 10th
@8pm (eastern) / 5pm (pacific)
Drop-IN HERE :: Subscribe HERE ($25)
80-min Audio HERE :: Video HERE
Venus Reading + Custom Guide
Flyer HERE :: Order HERE ($200)
NEXT Live Event:
DOLPHIN Medicine
WED/Aug 2nd
@8pm (eastern) / 5pm (pacific)
Register & Donate HERE ($25)
AUG 2023 :: Money Pouring Ritual
with YeYe Luisah Teish
WED/Aug 16th
@7pm (eastern) / @4pm (pacific)
Join YeYe’s Patreon for $5+ HERE
Chiron in ARIES 2023
THUR/Aug 17th
8pm (eastern) / 5pm (pacific)
Register HERE :: Donate HERE (Sug. $22)
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All who Submit Birth Date/Time/Place will Receive
an additional email with their Personal Activations.
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All Rights Reserved * Permission granted to copy/redistribute
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