Sept 10 – 16, 2023 :: Forecast :: Events

Kelly’s Weekly Forecast
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Cracking the Ancestral Code Class
Level ONE :: Click HERE for Details + Registration
Level TWO :: Click HERE for Details & Registration
NEW Ancestral Reverence Ritual KIT
Curated by Nasa Bawa & Lana Moon of
Click HERE for Details ($65)
Elevate your spiritual journey with our exclusive Ancestor Connection Bundle, carefully curated to help you connect with your ancestral heritage and receive their guidance. This comprehensive bundle includes: Ancestor 7-Day Candle, Sage Bundle, Ancestor Money, Amethyst Crystal, Ancestor Herb Blend, Altar Oil, Cowrie Shell, Ancestors Speak Oracle Deck.
9/13 :: Pallas Enters LIBRA (until Nov 19th):
Pallas begins a 2-month journey through Libra activating an awareness of the wisdom of balance, integration and general cohesiveness that comes from reconciling opposites – within or around you. We have had our perception of relationships, family, friendships or community shifted and thus, we have access to other perspectives now that broaden our definition of community and our sense of kinship with others. We have made some life-changing adjustments in the relationship department – or will be soon. You may notice that we are also dealing with the Venus Retrograde in Leo during this time and so having Pallas move through the Libra department, helping us upgrade our partnerships & collaborations and clear any imbalanced, toxic relationships or partnerships is happening in conjunction with the values & priorities upgrade happening in other departments. We’ve also healed some relationships that will now be stronger than ever, which will allow us to get more accomplished when we are in-alignment with our support team. Pallas activates the wisdom of balance within & reciprocity with others.
9/13 :: Vesta Enters CANCER (until Dec 20th):
Vesta has begun a 1-year process June 2023 – June 2024 of recalibrating in your Gemini/Cancer Departments. She only comes around to these Signs every 4-years and I did some digging. She last Retrograded in ALL Gemini in 2012-13; the last Retro in ALL Cancer was 2005-06 and the last time she did the Combo of 2023 was in 1994-95. I could write a dissertation about those very years and the evolution of my Sacred Self.
Vesta represents you, the individual – in its purest, most Sacred form. It’s the part of you that can focus deeply or dedicate completely to a person or project, sometimes to the exclusion of other aspects of life. It’s where we can be a little extreme at times. But up in the sky, she is activating all of us to initiate a new cycle of making GEMINI Curiosity, Learning & Communication not just important, but SACRED. This is a great time to lighten up, personally. It’s also an excellent time to check-in with your language. Remember: there is power in the word – thought, spoken or written. It’s very powerful and if your Mind & Heart are not communicating well, then a lot can get lost in translation. This is a chance to re-set your personal Story for the next 4+ years, integrating a new narrative, that includes more friends and strong personal & professional networks of people who believe in you and support your personal goals and sacred work.
As she moves through CANCER, Safety & Emotional Security become just important, but SACRED. This is a great time to re-set your personal self-care practices. This energy will illuminate if/how you haven’t been taking the best care of yourself, neglecting self so that you can be there for others but that’s not a good way to direct this delicious energy that can get you back in touch with your own body, sensual nature and your natural, individual rhythms. It is a time when you can start a new cycle of cultivating healthy self-care practices, developing your creative babies, nurturing your personal goals and creating space as if you’ve already accomplished them.
Vesta is going to linger in this area and will directly affect both Cardinal & Mutable Babies – that is: Aries/Libra and Cancer/Capricorn, as well as Gemini/Sag and Virgo/Pisces so that is two thirds of our chart potentially activated over the course of this one year process and those with Gemini/Cancer energy, you all are truly initiating a new and potent connection to your Sacred Self that doesn’t come around often. Who were you and what did you consider “sacred” back in 1994-95 – which by the way, is not the only thing up in the sky activating the early 1990’s so just be aware of themes circling-back. I have listed the timeline below and will remind you along the way. Good luck!
Vesta in GEMINI :: June 22 – Sept 13, 2023
Vesta in CANCER :: Sept 13 – Dec 20, 2023
Vesta Rx 7* CANCER :: Nov 2, 2023
Vesta Rx RE-Enters GEMINI :: Dec 20, 2023
Vesta DIR 21* GEMINI :: Feb 8, 2024
Vesta RE-Enters CANCER :: March 30, 2024
Vesta Enters LEO :: June 19, 2024
SEPT 2023 :: Money Pouring Ritual
with YeYe Luisah Teish
WED/Sept 13th
@7pm (eastern) / @4pm (pacific)
Join YeYe’s Patreon for $5+ HERE
Click HERE for Ritual Instructions
Click HERE for Prosperity Ritual KIT ($55)
(Includes Bonus Digital Download of Live Workshop)
9.14.2023 :: VIRGO New Moon:
The Virgo New Moon comes every year and presents us with an opportunity to reboot the System – your individual system, which often entails creating a whole new personal routine as well. Theoretically, during the last Lunation (Leo/Aquarius), we decided what we were going to express with more integrity & authenticity and what we were going to invest in Self & Community (with more energy & resources) because there are new values & new priorities at this time. Virgo Time supports integrating all that you have learned about your core essential nature (Leo) recently, into a new routine and creating a completely new System for Living, that will support you better in the here & now. It’s time to digest, assimilate & integrate the last 9-months specifically. Also deeply supported this month is acknowledging (and releasing) any regrets, mourning any true losses or deaths and deepening your dedication to that which is vital, strong, healthy & evolving (within & around you).
Pre-Harvest Assessments (Aug/Sept) always reveal what does or does not support your Physical & Spiritual Selves, that Spirit in human form. Twice a year (Feb/Mar & Aug/Sept), we have to take time out to check-in on the Physical Body (Virgo) & Spiritual Being (Pisces). If you’re healthy, great! But if you have pushed yourself to the limits, it’s time to pull-back and recalibrate. We also have to check-in with our Spiritual Being. If your practice is strong and supporting you, great! But if you have neglected your yoga or meditation, silence or sleep, then this is the best time to reboot the system and dedicate to a new routine.
As we approach the Harvest for the year 2023, keep in mind that everything is a response to the last thing, and preparation for the next thing. So as you connect to what you love and your Authentic Self in Leo, you shift to how to anchor that new Emergent Self in your day-to-day life in Virgo so that you are individually secure as you move toward Libra. That is time to cultivate relationship and/or engage with others on some level. It is also a great time of year to address any imbalances in your life as we approach our one-of-two opportunities each year to tune into physical, literal balance at the Equinoxes.
ASTEROIDS :: Sacred Feminine 2023-24
THUR/Sept 14th
8pm (eastern) / 5pm (pacific)
Register HERE :: Donate HERE (Sug. $22)
All who Register or Donate will Receive the Replay, Tools + Resources.
All who Submit Birth Date/Time/Place will Receive
an additional email with their Personal Activations.
9/15 :: Ceres Enters SCORPIO (until Nov 25th):
Here’s another one this week! Ceres just completed a 1-year process through VIRGO/LIBRA. It went Retro in LIBRA and Direct in VIRGO. Altogether, Ceres spent about 3-months in VIRGO and 6-months in LIBRA so that is 9+ months of personal processing to know what feeds and nourishes you on the deeper levels, as well as recalibrating the partnerships that we’re keeping, while clearing away those which are no longer supportive & positive.
Ceres in VIRGO requires certain skills, discernment & self-discipline and a desire to help others be more efficient & effective. Acts of service are the way to nurture at this time or allow yourself to receive those acts of service. (Receiving nurturance can be very difficult for some.) Being useful & relevant to others is very important with this placement but up in the sky, for the rest of us, it is a time to do a cleanse or some self-care to re-set your individual systems. Nurture your physical body and individual systems for living. It’s time for an upgrade that is more appropriate to here & now. Self-worth is developed along with a new skill-set right now, so try to learn something that can make you more valuable to the team. You’re developing a rhythm that takes some practice to master but Ceres only comes around to VIRGO every 4-5 years so this is a pretty big, important reset.
According to Asteroid Goddesses by Demetra George & Douglas Bloch, “Ceres describes the ways in which we face the issues of self-worth & self-esteem, relationship to our parents & children, attachment, dependency, loss, separation, rejection, grief, sharing, work & productivity.” It’s how we nurture and like to be nurtured so you might imagine that Ceres in LIBRA, nurturing takes the form of beauty, harmony, balance, creativity & kinship. This is a chance to check-in with our primary relationships to initiate a new level of balance & reciprocity. It’s a good time to socialize or host a gathering where you bring all your favorite people together for an evening of lively conversation, good food/drink and kinship. If you’re working on your professional partnerships, then this is a good energy to help you move in a new direction there too – you can initiate a new 4-5 year cycle of collaborating with others in all new ways. Reflect on the last 4-5 years and consciously choose to improve going forward. You can also use this energy to infuse your creative babies with some beauty & essence that reflects your renewed sense of Self and self-worth. (The last time it Retrograded over this VIRGO/LIBRA cusp was 1977.)
Now, after all that recalibration, Ceres moves in to SCORPIO and the focus shifts from LIBRA, wanting to purify and nurture your relationships and environment surface issues … to Scorpio, below the surface issues. What seeds are germinating in YOUR darkness? Think Garden: What needs a pruning/clearing so it can thrive and grow better? SCORPIO is the lesson of karma and the most potent, creative energy that we have access to and that is the ability to create LIFE! Ruled by Pluto, it is your connection to and experience of power and all the issues that go with having any amount of power, let alone the enormous amount afforded the average human. Be mindful that anytime ANY planet is in SCORPIO, molecules are moving and forming with lightning speed ~ anything you *think* can (and often will) manifest sooner than later. Stay in the Light as much as possible, composting any negative energy so it can be fuel & motivation, as well as purification rather than poison.
Ceres in Virgo :: Sept 29 – Dec 18, 2022
Ceres in Libra :: Dec 18 – March 22, 2023
Ceres Rx – 6* Libra :: Feb 3, 2023
Ceres RE-Enters Virgo :: March 22, 2023
Ceres DIR 23* Virgo :: May 6, 2023
Ceres RE-Enters Libra :: June 21, 2023
Ceres Enters Scorpio :: Sept 15, 2023
9/15 :: Mercury Direct in VIRGO (until Oct 4th):
It is time to make sense of the mental & emotional changes we’ve been through before it is time to move into the new consciousness and start expressing in all new ways. So let’s use that time to truly process & integrate whatever came into your conscious awareness over the last 3-6-9 weeks. It’s time for discernment & discrimination – you will have to choose or decide which ideas are worth investing more energy, time & resources going forward. It is time to get organized and create space to anchor these new ideas and integrate them into the new rhythm that is emerging. This is also an opportunity to do some personal healing of the Mental Body and your individual consciousness around health & fitness.
We have had an opportunity to restore our mental health & balance and in doing so, we can go forward to have more successful & fulfilling interactions with others. This extended stay in Virgo is going to affect your Virgo/Pisces & Gemini/Sagittarius Departments by default. As you shift your consciousness, change your thinking and cultivate healthier routines, then new dreams are possible.
This completes a full year of recalibrating the Mental & Physical within. 2022 was an Earth/Air combo, awakening the possibilities as well as the possible limitations. 2023 was ALL Earth, allowing us to get real, get practical & manifest our thoughts instantly. Said another way, we activated all new thinking & ideas in 2021, began to think about how to manifest them in 2022, created containers and made certain commitments in 2023 so when we move into 2024 and Mercury Retrogrades through Earth/Fire energies, we are going to get super-creative, we will be inspired & free to create … if we’ve done the requisite clearing first.
9/15 :: Sun (core identity) ~trine~ Uranus (individuality):
This energy is wonderful for a little self-examination and taking action on your own behalf. Look at your habits, home situation, work or anything else that is important to you and look at how you’ve gotten to where you are. What kind of choices led here? This is a good time to look around and see how you can conserve what is useful and release that which is no longer relevant for you going forward. It’s also a good energy for organizing & clearing the decks, so to speak, of things that have piled up but still need to be dealt with (or released altogether). You may be feeling very practical, possibly selfish, but it’s actually self-preservation.
Venus Monthly Circle
LEO :: INNER Initiation
Earth Star Chakra :: Release
Replay Available NOW!
Drop-IN HERE :: Subscribe HERE ($25)
Soul Sisters :: Monthly Circle
REPLAY Available
Register & Donate HERE ($25)
Includes: Replay, Custom Tools + Resources
FALL Equinox 2023 :: FIRE Ceremony
FRI/Sept 22nd
@8pm (eastern) / 5pm (pacific)
Register HERE :: Donate HERE (Sug. $22+)
Click HERE for Details
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